Cancer therapy that boosts immune system ready for wider testing
Just saw this news Cancer therapy that boosts immune system ready for wider testing http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-06/jhmi-ctt053012.php
How long before return to work?
Can anyone share with us how long after an open partial nephrectomy surgery you were able to return to work. Either part time or full time, desk type work. My husband has limited leave and we are trying to make plans. Surgery is June 11th. Thank you for your help! Lee Ann
Scans every 3 mos-ugh
Those of you who have to have scans every few months---how do you handle it emotionally? I’m having my first scans since surgery on Monday and it’s SO scary. History: had stage II breast cancer, surgery, chemo 3 yrs ago; Feb had spinal MRI due to leg/back pain; discovered back problems and accidentally discovered 8.5 tumor…
Bucket List Update - Hunting
I had partial nephrectomy December and its still not healed, due to leaking kidney and hospital aquired MRSA. Long story, but second opinion at Mass Gen. says **** happens but my case is extreme. Yadda, Yadda ....tumor had doubled in size in a couple months, Yadda... Spared kidney anyways. Thus I have been wearing a wound…
New to all this!
Hello, I hope im in the right place. I just had a upper pole partical nephrectomy on my left kidney on May 10,2012. I dont know the size or stage but the surgan said it was the size of a golf ball. I also have a cyst on he same kidney and one on the right also, they say they look like just fluid filled and common. Im in…
Charitable Compensation - American Cancer Society Exec???
Just read a piece from Chris Battle (http://kidneycancerchronicles.com/american-cancer-society-salaries/) about what the head of American Cancer Society rakes in. WOW! Given that I and John's family and friends just signed up for a walk (Walking for John) on May 6 in support of National Kidney Foundation…
Just wanted to say hi....
Hey Everyone, I thought I'd stop by to say hello. Thankfully I was able to post! I hope everyone here is doing well. I think of you all often. A couple of months ago, I started having a lot of trouble getting into this site. It would take me 15 minutes or more to get the site to load and just that much longer to try and…
Been 4 months and I don't think I will ever be the same
January 19th I had a right partial nepherotomy, and they took out half my kidney with cancer grade one and two. Like a lot of people on here they said I was cured. That is hard to get past. I think not thinking of it is helping. I was a complete train wreck for three months after. (being 28 pretty much nobody knows what I…
Brain mets found - what do I do now?
I just joined in late Feb or March when my mom was diagnosed with RCC Stage IV at that time she had a softball size tumor in her kidney which they removed that kidney and adrenal gland in mid March and they knew she had multiple tiny lung mets and mets in her left femur and a couple places in her spine. They treated her…
Palliative care vs Treatment
Hello - I'm daughter to a strong and loving father faced with the unimaginable situation of having to decide what treatment path to undergo. I myself go back and forth on what I'd like to see him do, and it breaks my heart to think of the thoughts that might be racing through his mind ... This past February 2012 he went to…
Lists of hospitals espcialzed with interleukin 2 in California
I would like to know what hospital espcialzed in giving interleukin 2 in California? We live in San Jose California and our doctor suggested kaiser riverside. I have 3 kids and my wife can't take off from work - I'm thinking if there's closer to San Jose California . My doctor said kaiser riverside specialized and only do…
14mm lymph node enlargement after open Partial nephroctomy
I am a 42 years old lady and had my open partial nephroctomy surgery on dec 2011, a tumor was enclosed within the end of left kidney was removed with a part of my kidney. Since then i had lots of pain, fluid in the surgery part due to inflimmation. I had ct scans done and MRI done too which shows a 14mm enlarged lymph node…
Castle Surgical Website
I just searched google looking for other people in the same trial as John and realized our postings are carried on the Castle Surgical website too. I coincidentally found my own post. Just an fyi. http://www.castlesurgical.com/cancer-survivors-network.html
GFR And Creatine
Just a quick question,my GFR IS 54 and my Creatine is 1.4 ,what i am curious about is if this is my new normal or is it possible these numbers might improve over time. Thanks and have a Nice Day
IL15 (Interlukin 15) - Kidney Cancer Chronicles
http://kidneycancerchronicles.com/of-porn-and-natural-killer-cells-the-mean-streets-of-the-national-institutes-of-health/ I just received an update on Chris Battle who has undergone many different treatments in his war with kidney cancer. He is currently at the National Institute of Health in an IL15 trial. The link above…
Guess its true.. bad things happen in threes
Just when I was finally getting rid of some of my anxiety, bam, its hitting me again. Not so much for my RCC dx but now my job.. Little history on the "3 bads in a row". Besides getting the dx of RCC at the end of March, I also lost everything to a flood in Sept of this year. I had to gut my whole downstairs and redo all…
Just watched the video about angiogenesis by Dr. William Li. Very informative. See this link http://www.ted.com/talks/william_li.html I have stage one rcc, and want to do more proactive things other than 6mon scan. Does anyone on this forum know any anti-angiogenesis products (not prescription medicine)?
I found out last July that I had a mass on my left kidney. I went to MD Anderson in Houston which I live very close to. They performed a partial nephrectomy (sp?) on 15 September 2011. After 5 days in the hospital I went home for my 6 weeks of recovery. I have since been back to work but it took me a while to really feel…
Prognostic significance of preoperative kidney volume for predicting renal function in renal cell ca
Prognostic significance of preoperative kidney volume for predicting renal function in renal cell carcinoma patients receiving a radical or partial nephrectomy…
Current status of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy
Current status of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.11151.x/abstract?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+will+be+disrupted+on+26+May+from+10:00-12:00+BST+(05:00-07:00+EDT)+for+essential+maintenance
Metastatic potential of a renal mass according to original tumour size at presentation
Metastatic potential of a renal mass according to original tumour size at presentation http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10184.x/abstract?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+will+be+disrupted+on+26+May+from+10:00-12:00+BST+(05:00-07:00+EDT)+for+essential+maintenance
Persistent Overuse of Radical Nephrectomy in the Elderly
Persistent Overuse of Radical Nephrectomy in the Elderly http://www.goldjournal.net/article/PIIS0090429511003682/abstract?rss=yes
Kidney Cancer Active Surveillance of Small Renal Masses: Progression Patterns of Early Stage Kidney
Some good information http://www.europeanurology.com/article/S0302-2838(11)00283-1/abstract
MDX-1106 part 2
cWelcome to part 2. It should be faster to share info here. The last thread got too long. Texas Wedge asked me to review the criteria for getting into the MDX trial. First of all it is for metastatic clear cell carcinoma only. It requires a biopsy for confirmation. I have become aware that only 80 subjects are expected to…
Refractory Period
I've read several discussions about the emotions of a cancer diagnosis and the roller coaster tide of emotions that accompany fighting it and even beating it. I saw the below article talking about the SHIFT of emotional changes and how it changes you physically and emotionally perhaps FOREVER, quite possibly making you a…
3 months post-op questions
Hi everyone, Due to a hectic work schedule I unfortunately haven't been able be here much lately. Three months ago I had Da Vinci robotic surgery to remove a 1.9 cm tumour from the top of my left kidney (Stage 1, Grade 2). The surgery went very well with no complications. About one month ago I started back to the gym. I…
latest dilemma
So...I've kept this to myself believing it would go away by now, and hopefully it's nothing. On Wednesday morning while in the shower I found a pea sized lump in my armpit. It's hard, not really painful unless I push on it, and even then its pretty insignificant pain. I hope it's nothing but I can't stop wondering if it…
new diagnosis
A few weeks ago my father went into the hospital because he was having stroke like symptoms,only to find out that he has stage 4 renal cell carcinoma that has spread through his lymph nodes to his lungs and his brain. The reason he was having the stroke like symptoms was realated to the multiple small tumors in his brain…
more birthdays to us all
Six years ago today, I had already been told I had a mass in my kidney and one, possibly two in the left lobe of my liver, and they couldn't tell what else. On 5/10, the oncologist gave me the news that the odds for Stage IV were a 5-7 month survival without treatment. He recommended surgery. More tests-CT, Bone Scan,…
How lucky we can be
Wow, reading garym story and others makes me realize that through it all, we are pretty darn lucky. I had a kidney stone, which normally ain't considered a lot of fun. I was in another town working and went to the ER. They did a scan, said yep, it's a kidney stone, here is a Rx for pain. Go home and go see your urologist…