MDX 1106/Votrient Trial
John will be at Hopkins tomorrow being screened for admission to the MDX 1106/votrient trial. Oncologist's office told him to be prepared to be there all day with tests - blood, ekg, stress, etc. He's concerned about stress as he's been miserable with sholder pain for a month now. (Doctor prescribed oxycodene a couple of…
Just here to say hi
I have been thinking of you all. I have not had much time lately to get on here with work, etc. I have been extremely tired of late. I know its because of the surgery, now 6 weeks later, but it is all I can do some days to get to work, get through the day and get back home to get my chores done for the day. I hope all is…
Interlukin-2 treatment
53 yr old male with some blood in urin. Scans revealed 10cm tumor on left kidney. Had radical nephrectomy with 11 lymphnodes on 13 Sep 09. Follow-up scans revealed stage IV metastasis. Eurologyst suggested Interlukin-2 Biological treatment. IL-2 is only known cure but low response <20%. This is high risk treatment but am…
Good morning
Good morning everyone. I hope you all are doing fine. I have been having up days and down days. I go to see my oncologist tomorrow and I am sure she is going to bring up the Everolimus trial to me again. At the risk of repeating myself (guessing I just need a little more reassurance) My dx was stage 2 grade 1 clear cell…
Nicholas Crace
A story which is justifiably hitting the media in the UK this morning should be an inspiration for all of us. The above gentleman (and he is every inch the gentleman) has just donated one of his kidneys to a recipient on the UK register of people awaiting transplants. He will not be permitted to know the identity of the…
Giving support online
A recent article from the Sarcoma Alliance contains a number of interesting ideas about the 'do's and 'dont's of offering support online to cancer patients. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/11/prweb8993556.htm Maybe unavoidably, it contains some foolish statements such as: “Research shows that a positive attitude doesn’t…
The circle of life...
Hi everyone, I’d like to tell you about my weekend, but for you to fully appreciate it I need to retell my story with a bit more detail. I apologize for the length, but it is a good story and I swear every word is true. About 27 years ago my neighbors, Bruce and Kim, were signing their sons up for wrestling and since my…
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's day - and many, many more to come!
N, M, Furhman Grading
Hi Everyone, I am new to this discussion board and wanted to introduce myself to the team. I was diagnosed with renal cancer in December 2011 and underwent an open partial nephrectomy on 1/24/12. Up until now I was so focused on getting through surgery and recovery that I did not join this site (I guess I was probably a…
Treatment: How long?
On May 1, through a CT Scan to rule out intestinal problems, they saw a 6 cm mass on my Kidney. I went to my Dr that day, and he referred me to a urologist. The urologist looked at the situation, said it was Renal Cell Carcinoma, and would come out soon, not emergency. He wanted to review the scan with the Radiologist:…
Path report in. Mixed tumor..Mixed feelings..
I just got my path report Friday and my kidney tumor is a classified as a cystic nephroma/mixed epithelial stromal tumor..with the larger cystic areas representing the cystic nephromal, and a renal epithelial strumal tumor..The parenchyal margin is focally positive. Althought these tumors behave in a benign fashion, they…
2nd post-op CT
Had my second post-op CT scan today. Will find out the results Tuesday........
Renal Cell Cancer
I just had my left kidney along with a mass they are calling cancer removed April 4th. I am home now and feeling very sore, swollen and scared. They told me they believe it was all contained to my kidney and that they re pretty sure they got it all. My anxiety level is though the roof. this came out of left field while…
My Wife has just drawn my attention to this fascinating item in the NY Times: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/04/11/how-exercise-can-prime-the-brain-for-addiction/ Any number of interesting lines of enquiry are prompted, many reflected in the responses quoted after it from readers, some of whom are appropriately…
Kidney Cancer
My friend has only one kidney and he is 81 years old. He has two Tumors and two cysts. One tumor measures about 3.1 centimeters and the other is about 2.5. Since he only has one kidney, will the surgeon suggest surgery? I do not know anything about this so I am hoping for some positive answers. He has had his MRI which…
i had surgery about 2 1/2 weeks ago and now am experiencing a tingling sensation in my right thigh, sometimes it can actually become painful. any ideas?
My 3rd met to lung
4 years ago, I had Stage IV RCC with one nodule met to lung. And, then had to surgical remove 2nd lung met (one nodule) 2 years later in 2010. I had my 3rd lung operation on April 2nd, this time it really took a toll on me, they have to remove the whole lower left lobe because the new nodule was lodged in the center and…
Home from the Hospital
Just a little note to let everyone know I am home from the hospital..Today was my first day waking us in my own bed. What a treat. As for the surgery the surgery took longer than the suspected. We knew before I went in it was not going to be a easy one. I spend 4 1/2 hours in surgery instead of the usual 3. The was all…
Are there any Kidney Cancer Patients that are in a clinical trial with the drug Everolimus?
Hi Is there anyone out there that has been in a clinical trial using the drug Everolimus? Onemore
loosing mother to kidney cancer
Hi, I just joined tonight since I haven't tried this type of network before. My mom was diagnosed with kidney cancer september 2011 at stage 4 cancer. She had a knee replacement surgery done early that summer, so I don't know how, with all the tests they did, they missed this before the surgery. Since there are tumors in…
RCC - The sneaky disease
It's no wonder that the problems in dealing with RCC seem so intractable, when you read information like that in the article I've copied below. However, it serves to show the immense effort being made world-wide and the rapid and solid progress now being made. (Another example is the sterling efforts at developing a…
What we're buying time for
Thanks to John on KIDNEY-ONC for flagging up two recent developments that hold out great hope for truly radical new approaches to tackling cancer (and maybe also heart attacks and stroke). The two links he has given are good summaries - see below. (The Nature article is behind a pay-wall but most of us would find it, like…
Drug Trial Question
Do all drug trials include a placebo? I was asked to participate in an Everolimus trial for stage 1 kidney cancer patients. The goal was to see if this drug which is designed for stage 3/4 patients would stop recurrence if used by stage 1 patients. This trial does use a placebo and since I've never been involved in…
Pre opt today
Well I am still working on getting ready for surgery..Today is pre opt all day. Than on to surgery on April 30 930 am is my check in time..Feeling pretty tired about now..Will be glad when this surgery is behind me.. LD
Back from the Dungeon
I really hope this is it for awhile,the procedure took only a short time but i have to admit that was a little bit of an oweee!!!,stayed overnight in the hospital and am now in my comforting home.Will see the doctor in one month,in the meantime i am just going to put the thought of cancer in the back of my mind,well i hope…
A Miracle!
A Miracle has happened. I received the pathology report today. It is not cancer. It was a tumor that causes loss of kidney function; but, I can live with that. The doctor and PA called within a few minutes of each other. They were both very excited. They rarely get to deliver good news. My husband and I were both on the…
Adios everybody
I’m a writer. Not a good one, but a writer who has been fortunate enough to have had two books published over the last 10 years. I finished those books while working at a full-time job. It was a tough thing to do but, unlike other things I have tried in my life, I stuck with it. I retired in 2009 with the intention of…
Question about fatigue
I was just wondering if any of you have suggestions for fatigue. I am still working full time but it is a definite struggle to get through the day. I have called oncologist for any suggestions too but thought maybe someone here would have some ideas. I have been on votrient 400mg a day and appetite has decreased so decided…
People say the darndest things
Hi every one ,while waiting for my CT scan this morning I found myself reflecting back to when first dx back in October 2011.What I was thinking was some of the comments I have had to endure over that period,keep in mind I received a lot of positive comments,but also ones that for awhile would cut me but now over time my…
Post op stuff
Well I no longer have a right kidney,I you remember I held off the surgery to finish some commitments to my students. They tried robotic method and found that under the tumor was a funnel cyst. I do not know what that is, but apparently when they tried to remove it I started bleeding heavily despite my kidney being…