Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.....have a great day. Eims x
My surgeon says path report showed small % of my 4.5 tumor was sarcomitoid. He referred me to oncologist who says, like surgeon, that he thinks they "got it all" but has ordered Pet/CT scan for Wednesday 6/19. Oncologist says the sarcomitoid aspemothered my tumor makes him "nervous" and that is why he ordered PET. Anyone…
Anti-angiogenesis / Regenerative Medicine (Print a Kidney)
Some of you may have already seen these videos but if you not I invite you to watch them, they are very informative. The first one from Dr William Li has convinced me it’s time to have no junk food in my diet and start eating my berries and fruit. (I really did eat very healthy before I got cancer - hell my wife is a…
Great news
Wow, I got fabulous news. For six months I have been told I probably have kidney cancer, 95% certainty. Underwent a partial right nephrectomy six weeks ago and a very tough recuperation. Yesterday was my six week check up and the path report. I felt sick. After waiting forty five minutes, he finally called me in, I sat…
My first 6 month checkup...tomorrow!
Well, it has been just a touch over 6 months since they took my right kidney. Recovery went very well and I have been running 5x a week for a few weeks now. I am thinking about it a bit (the checkup that is) but I am not really nervous or scared. I need to ask my doc a few questions about lifestyle. I just want to get it…
tomorrow - 1 year anniversary....
Tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary [ 06/12/2012 ] where I received the call from my Internist's office that she needed to speak with me that afternoon [ I had a CT scan - long story as to why ]. I remember her telling me, "these things are sometimes benign'. She even called a local surgeon and asked of he could do a…
Not ready to check out yet
My ENT doctor ordered a CT of the chest because of some upper resperitory issues I was having. A few days later I get one of those familiar calls from the nurse that the doctor wants to go over my CT results with me. Asking questions of the nurse was hopeless. Anyway I got a copy of the report and it seemed normal to me .…
I appreciate that this site is related to cancer, but after having watched the news coverage of the tragic events that are unfolding in Oklahoma, following the tornado. I just wanted to express my thoughts and sympathies to all those effected. Djinnie
Slimming World!!
Ok guys, I joined last week...needed to shift a few pounds and all I can say is that I love it!!! Is anyone else here doing it? It's not really a diet its just healthy eating but the joy of it I am never hungry woo hoo which is a bonus!! I even went out and bought a bike too......I am losing the run of myself but I want…
One week post op
One week has passed (eight days to be exact) since my surgery, laparoscopic right nephrectomy. I am happy to report that aside from struggling a bit to get up from laying flat on the couch I am doing better than I ever imagined to be at this point. This was my first experience personally with surgery of any kind and as you…
4 days post op
I'm 4 days post op, having had a radical nephrectomy of right kidney. Though I have had a fair amount of discomfort in my belly, it cannot compare to the lower back pain I'm having. I just wonder if this is normal. I'm getting around pretty good, making sure I don't sit too long or lay too long in one position and I'm…
Any news on Inlyta?
I have been reading your post for the last few months and they give me a lot of encourgagement. This is the first time I have posted myself. I had my left kidney out in September 2011. 8 cm and had spread to 2 lymph nodes. reports came back papillary cancer. Not long after mets in the lungs. I have been on Avastin, Sutent,…
new to kidney cancer (caregiver)
I am a caregiver to my mom (bestfriend) recently diagnosed with stage 4 renal cell cancer that has gone to the bone. She started on Votrient 2 weeks ago and her side affects are horrible vomiting, diarrhea, unbearable nausea,very weak and her blood pressure is going up mouth sores are just starting...she wants to stop the…
Working/Job Search while dealing with smRCC
Medically, I have no evidence of cancer at the moment. However, I have pain from both my Naphrectomy and the wedge resection and am receiving care for the pain. (it is pretty severe at times). Professionally, my buisiness area is severely impacted by cuts in the federal budget. My company is contracting, eople around me…
Questions about staging
Hi again everyone. I went to the dr on Monday and he said 80% chance it is cancer. I go tomorrow for a bone scan and chest x-ray for staging. Is it common to stage before surgery and the tumor has been diagnosed? What other staging tests should I have if it is cancer? Of course, surgery will be scheduled soon for a partial…
Husky Throat??
Hi all I was just wondering if any of you had a very husky voice after the op?? I keep thinking that can happen after such a long anesthetic?? Anyone else had this? Eims x
Nivolumab-Sutent Scan results
Great news today from the world of Nivolumab/Sutent. scan summaries for my remaining left adrenal gland tumor: 6 weeks scan-up 10% 12 week scan- down 30% 18 week scan today -down 50% Doctor feels like the delayed response is more consistent with an immunity response vs. the Sutent. i just found he site last week and…
Anything new?
I've been off on my motorcycle for the better part of a week. Did I miss anything? Welcome new members. Great friends and info here. I see that there has been much interaction. Also glad to see this post is self perpetuating. Let's hear it for nivolumab trials. I hope everyone can benefit from the current research. Love…
All shot up
An indoor shooting range near where I live made an offer to anyone who has or had cancer to bring their diagnosis to their range to shoot it. I went yesterday and brought my pre surgery report for my kidney cancer. My actual diagnosis is on a CD since it was a CT Scan. I used my Glock 23 40 caliber and put holes in it. I…
Oncology Questions
Below is a copy of what I posted in another thread. Just got to thinking about oncology. Do I need to see an oncologist before surgery? How do I go about finding an oncologist that specializes in RCC? As the uro surgeon I will be seeing also does clinical trials, should I still get a second opinion? I've noticed some of…
chat room
hi all i was wondering if anyone else had a problem accessing the chat rooms? i can never get in eims x
Single kidney now has cancer - anyone?
morning, I'm new to the Kidney board - been on Esophageal (grandfather, father, and 2 uncles) and testicular(husband) for a couple years. My husband was born with a single kidney, had testicular cancer 9 years ago and kidney cancer was gound on recent CT scan. The tumor is in a precarious position between the renal artery,…
Question about Size
Hello Everyone. 38 yo Male and a member of the club with a question about size. Seems my tumor was small 2.5 (Ct scan said 3.9). The pathology also said Stage 3a with renal sinus invasion and grade 3 (with the majority being grade 2.) My doctors seem to be giving me conflicting information. One is telling me that due to…
Another success story !
I am now a survivor from this terrible cancer. Thank you all for all the support and prayers, They were heard & answered. I had a 3.4 cm. cancerous tumor on my lower left back side of my kidney, They went through my back. I had four holes, I had the di vinchi robotic operation done at the VA hospital in long beach CA on…
Looking for input from both patients and caregivers - please!
Hi, I need answers! My husband diagnosed with RCC Feb., 2013. Tumor was large. They removed 2 ribs and he had 53 staples from from near belly button around to near his spine. Mets to both lungs, some ribs and femur. Developed a hernia along incision that cannot be repaired, but poses no danger (although is uncomfortable.)…
All shot up
An indoor shooting range near where I live made an offer to anyone who has or had cancer to bring their diagnosis to their range to shoot it. I went yesterday and brought my pre surgery report for my kidney cancer. My actual diagnosis is on a CD since it was a CT Scan. I used my Glock 23 40 caliber and put holes in it. I…
CT results back. Please give me your opinion...
As Ive explained in the past, the ultra sound said i had a 4cm x 2.5 x 2.5 renal lesion in left upper kidney. I just picked up the CT Scan and it gives a long list of what isn't there, like lung base lesion, anatomic cardiac lesion etc etc. But here's the kidney part: Conclusion: (Mind you-their report screws up by saying…
I might quite possibly be joining this group on life's journey with kidney cancer.
Hi. My name is Carolyn and the last 5 days have made me search for info on kidney cancer. I went to the doctor last Thursday for left sided pain that wouldn't go away. I didn't know if it was colon pain or kidney pain. I have had left kidney stones and UTI's in the past. The doctor sent me for an ultrasound the next day.…
I lurk no more
First I want to say thanks to everyone here who have posted. As a fairly new kidney cancer owner, I had lots of questions, doubts, fears that I found answered, and assuaged by your posts. My tumour was found accidentally by CT for a suspected kidney stone on Christmas Eve. It turned out the flank pain was shingles but in…
How Long Does it Take?
Just wondering how long it takes till you start to feel normal after a partial robotic nephrectomy? I had my surgery on April 11th and had some setbacks with bleeding and had to have 13 coils put in around my kidney to stop bleeding. This was about 3 weeks after surgery. I still feel as if someone has taken all my insides…