Planned CSN outage
CSN will be down for a couple of hours this morning beginning at 3:00 AM Eastern Time for planned maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. Best to all, greta aka Your CSN staff
All you veterans!
My first follow up is tomorrow at 10:00. We will be discussing pathology and follow up cycles, etc. To refresh your memories, my path was as follows: T1b Nx Mx, Lower pole, right 4.5 cm, CCRCC, Fuhrman grade G-3. Proposed follow up is every 6 months with a CT on the 1 year anniversary, and each anniversary thereafter. My…
Dealing with Pain with reduced kidney function
Ok, I am 1 year post nephrectomy, and 4 months post lung wedge resection. I have quite a bit of pain still -- from the lung resection, I have neropathy on the left side...On the right side, I have residual pain from the nephrectomy (something has not healed right). The problem is my kidney function has not returned to…
Am I Getting the Right Treatment?
Really glad to find this forum. In brief, I was diagnosed in October 2008 and underwent a partial nephrectomy. After two years and some severe backaches, my annual CT Scan in 2011 showed that the RCC had spread to my adrenal gland and to my spine (golf ball sized tumor on my sacrum or tail bone). Two spinal surgeons…
New to this board
I have been reading some of the blogs here and have found them very encouraging. I would like to thank everyone for sharing their stories. I am a 57 year old and was diagnosed the end of March with stage 4 RCC. After complaining to my GP about not feeling well, I went in for a chest x-ray where they found a node on my…
CT Scan every single year for rest of life
Is a CT Scan neccessary every single year? A cancerous tumor was removed from my kidney in a partial nephractomy. My doctor says I need a CT Scan every year to see if it has returned. I have had a CT scan now every year for 7 years with no sign of recurrence of the cancer. I'm getting concerned that the radiation from the…
I think I have kidney cancer and I'm desperate
Hello, My name is Fabrizio. I had an ultrasound last week and they found insidentally a 2cm mass they thought it was an angiomiolipoma and ordered a CT scan to confirm it. Instead the CT scan revealed a solid mass of 2.4 cm and they ssid they cannot explain its "origins"... I'm not sure what this means, from what I read…
Post surgery stuff
Just had the partial robotic done to a 2 cm on the lower left kidney. Still have the 5 holes healing but wondering if the internal pain between the lower rib and I guess where the kidney sits is normal. At night you have to keep turning as its good for like a half hr before you need to turn over. Its been over a week now.…
Newbie update
So as I explained over the weekend, I found out my results by going and picking them up since my doctors office wanted to call at 3:30 on a Friday of a long holiday weekend. So I was able to talk to the girl who left that message and she was like "yeah, I left you the one message telling you your films were fine, but then…
I'm the a kid on the block. I was told by my urologist, after a CT scan. that I probably have kidney cancer. I had been urinating blood for a few months. Sunday the blood stopped. Today it's back. Is this normal? Because of other health issues, any surgery can not be done. So, the urologist can not tell me the type or size…
Surgery got canceled
My doctor just called and said that the" ultrasound probe" arm for the di vinchi machine, was sent out last week for repair and was supposed to be back and is not. Said it should be there tomorrow. So he said he will try and bump his friday patient and give me that day , but will have to check scheduling first and call me…
Another question (sorry!) lol
Does anyone know....when you have a 4cm lesion or larger in the upper kidney...do they ever just leave it in there? Mine is: Indeterminate 4 cm left renal lesion not simple by sonographic criteria. Left upper Kidney. With the run around sugar-coating crap I'm getting thus far from the doctors assistants...I'm wondering if…
IL-2 or no IL-2....that is the question I need some advice on
Here is a quick recap on my past before I get to the IL-2 question: 3/20/13 - diagnosed with met RCC 4/5/13 - Left kidney removed - Left soft tissue abdominal wall mass removed 4/30/13 - 2 nodules on left lung removed - 2 spots on the inside chest wall removed (where the kidney was) Remaining - 1 "speck of dust" on the…
Stage 4 Kidney Cancer- Cured by Surgery Alone?
Hi everyone, My 48 year old husband was recently diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. He is atypical stage 4; his primary tumor was small (4 cm), grade 3, but it spread to his gallbladder (8mm) and eye (less than 2 cm). He had surgery to remove the tumor on his kidney and got clean margins. They also removed his…
Happy Weekend All
hey everyboby just wanted to wish you all a happy weekend...hope the sun shines where ever you all are and i hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy it. love to all eims x
Continued headache and muscle pain?
In spite of taking Hydrocodone for pain, I have been experiencing a mild headache and muscle aches since the day of the surgery. One day, I can deal with, three days gets real tedious, I'm now five days and it is really ticking me off! I am open to suggestions. I have tried contacting my Doctor, but being the weekend I…
Received Partial Open Nephrectomy 5/23/13 - Recovery Questions
I am writing to tap into the collective wisdom of fellow survivors and ask for some advice regarding recovery from surgery. I received an open partial nephrectomy on my right side, as well as an appendectomy on 5/23/13. I was discharged from the hospital after about 3-4 days. I am currently experiencing a lot of swelling…
My Dad and GFR readings
Hi there - I was looking for some advice about my Dad. Just over two years ago Dad had major surgery for cancer of the kidney which had spread to his ureter and bladder. He had his bladder completley removed and now wears a stoma bag; he also had his left kidney, ureter, and prostrate removed. He went into the hospital on…
Kidney cancer should i seek cancer doctor at this time
hello just had right kidney removed because of RCC. Should i have consulation with an oncologist ? following is information from my pathology report :::: Fuhrman grade G3: Nuclei verty irregular, approximatley 20 um: nucleoli large and prominet (does this mean) tumor limit to kidney. Pathologic Staging (pTNM) Primary Tumor…
Scans / MRI
Hi All.. figured I would start a new topic on scans, and of course welcome comments. For those of us with high Createnine levels, scans with contrast is not a good thing... And there are difference in opinion on how high is too high a Createnne level. But I have heard of several folks here make different comments, etc.. I…
So tired...
I am a stage III breast cancer survivor (2008) I spent 14 months in treatment for that. So, I am not completely unfamiliar with the toll that cancer and treatment takes on our bodies. A tumor was found on my right kidney in March, and 12 days ago, I had a laparoscopic nephrectomy. It was RCC. The doctors are confident that…
Kidney Cancer Support Group - Los Angeles
Kidney Cancer Support Group - Los Angeles Monday, June 10, 2013 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Robert Figlin, MD "2013 Updates in Kidney Cancer" Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Samuel Oschin Cancer Center, Room AC 1100 8700 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 RSVP: (310) 423-0638 Please arrive by 5:00 pm to sign in. Light refreshments…
I have a couple of questions.
After doing research, I reason the "average" kidney weight around a half pound. The surgeon told me mine went a good three pounds! She said it was the largest she ever excised. They were quite shcoked as they tried to get it out and that may explain the extensive bruising around the removal site. She did say it was…
Keithhubbert surgery 29th
Hi Keith, I am not sure if you are going in tomorrow or on the day of surgery. I just wanted to wish you all the very best, we know you will do fine!!... We will all be routing for you, and will have the 'Been There Done That' teeshirt ready and waiting. Come back and let us know how it went:) All the best, Djinnie
So scared!
Not sure that I can really post here, as I haven't really been diagnosed with cancer, however, I'm so scared. I've been having back pain since beginning of November, went to the doctor in November when they diagnosed me with a UTI. Treated it, and the pain went away...then it came back, took more antibiotics, but pain is…
Update Kidney Cancer Treatments
I had my PET/CT Scan with contrast done last Friday. It was a really bad day, whatever could have gone wrong went wrong. We arrived at Georgetown Hospital at 9:20 am and left there at 4:40 pm. The best part of the day was that all the test were finally able to be done. My last scan was in March with no defintative cancer…
Going to surgeon to discuss having 9.0 cm mass and kidney removed
Hi I'm BobA, I am going to the surgeon today for my right kidney to be removed. I reall don't know what to ask I was told about a week ago it has to come out over the phone and still stunned at whats going on right now. My family is more concerned than I am . So any imput would be helpful. Thank you all for your help. My…
Anyone with Celebrex experience?
Hi, I had posted on this forum about my husband couple of months back. I will give short description here again. My husband , 33 now, was diagnosed with Stage IV kidney cancer in March 2012 with mets to lungs and brain April 2012- Nephrectomy done, May 2012- Cyber knife for three brain lesions July 2012, October 2012 - two…
Multiple partial nephrectomies
anybody out there undergo multiple robotic partial nephrectomies? I just had my third last week, and am looking to compare notes...
All new to this...got results on Friday 5/24/13...4 cm lesion within my Left Kidney....looking for i
Hi, I've been doing some research and reading your posts - what a great community here!! So here's my story. Had a routine mammogram on 4/11, had a follow up mammo on 4/18. There is a new lump in each breast. One they are not concerned with, the other they are. So they send report to my doctor (a sports medicine doctor)…