Uh-Ohh, I Became a Test Mule Today
Hello again everybody. It certainly seems like I've become a lurker here again, but truth be known, I'm being held captive by the medical community, here in Los Angeles. (See my thread under New Kid on the Block). In a nutshell, (for the uninformed), I had left side radical Nephrectomy in July 2012, IL-2 last November, and…
Stargate Time..??
OK, so I am boldly going where no one has gone...(or at least I think so..). SEX..? No.. sadly there is no lady in my life right now.. (THe last one split when she heard the word Cancer).. But, I am curious.. (say Currrrious).. I have a hynch some of you want to know as well.. Being on all the drugs some of us are on...…
As Promised!!!
see i told ya it was only a little tattoo!! eims x
Muscle Density Linked to Survival in Metastatic RCC
It is the density NOT the volume that counts. http://www.cancernetwork.com/display/article/10165/2149734
Back to Unclassified status
Got a copy of my pathology report Size: 9cm x 8cm x 4cm Stage: pT2a Grade: IV Type: Renal cell carcinoma, unclassified. ("does not have the typical histopathologic features either of a clear cell, papillary or chromophobe subtype, nor are there sarcomatoid areas".) Necrosis over 30 - 40% of tumor. Possibly invades the…
Ok so here I am at Stanford. Waiting for my oncologist with the news. This is my first scan results on the Votrient. Thinking about the Tom Petty song.. The waiting is the hardest part..
new discussion board
A new discussion board is available to report and discuss technical problems. Please give it a try. It is the last discussion board listed on the page with all the boards, please bookmark it for future use. The URL is http://csn.cancer.org/forum/200. Best, Greta aka Your CSN staff
Scanxiety Summer 2013, or I know something is wrong!
I know something is wrong. I am not sure what it is, but I know it. I am having pain in the chest, at times pretty severe. It has been going on for about 3 weeks. It is usually at the same time of the day, which is pretty weird. It is scaring me. And my ribs hurt. I know the scans will show something. And then I am…
Here You Are Eims!
In keeping with Eims' request, this picture is my one and only tattoo! I got it four weeks to the day that I got my diagnosis. I was/am 66! We now need to ratchet up the pressure for Eims to show us apicture of HER tattoo, cermoniously located, she claims, on her upper left buttock! Do I hear a poll in the offing? Michael
newbe - do I want to wait or . . .
Hi all, yeah, yet another clueless nube here. I'm going to see the surgeon (urologist) on Monday and am trying to figure a few things out before I get there. Brief history of this mess: I thought I might have a kidney stone or bladder infection or something last December and since I was about to take a 12 hour drive I…
update Chucks 12 week scans ( Nivolumab+Ipi phase 1 trial)
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th! Chuck had his 12 week scan Friday..small recap...Chuck was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer last July and restaged to stage 4 in November.. when lession was found on his liver and biopsied.. in Jan and Feb he underwent HDIL2 ..which at the end ended up being no sustained response..Chuck has…
Update @ 6 weeks
Hello all. I have been away from this forum for a week or so only because I have been unable to log in or when I can get in I couldn't post. June 17 is 6 weeks post surgery for me. I am in the middle of my second week back to work. The first few days were kind of tough because of the drowsiness at the end of the shift but…
Thyroid out, pathology in
Had thyroidectomy on 4 July - total necessary. Phone call today from surgeon who confirmed RCC. Saw oncologist today as well, doesn't want to start pazopanib until full surgical recovery. Also need a further MRI of L1 vertabrae required by radiation oncologist who is not yet convinced laminectomy necessary - surgeon is…
Hello again, and thanks.
I'm having some issues figuring out how to use this message board. Thank you all for your warm welcome to this group--though the initiaion felt something like hazing. :(
Surgical follow-up/Creatinine Levels
I had a follow-up appointment with my oncologist/urologist/surgeon (5 weeks post-surgery). He said that everything looks good, I'm healing well, I look healthy, blood work looks fine. He did, however, seem to be concerned that my creatinine level was at 1.4, when it had been at 1.1 immediately post-surgery. What are the…
Day 14 and still in alot of pain...not near the sites tho. the pain is in my left hip and little down my leg. Stinging/burning pain. Again its not near the incision sites. My incisions feel and look good. Thoughts?
I guess I'm in the club now.. the initiiaton was a bit tricky...
I've been reading posts and gaining confidence from all of you since I was diagnosed March 10th with a 2.5 cm tumor on my right kidney lower pole. After 2 opinions and waiting to get in to see the surgeon in Cleveland Clinic Florida.. my surgery was scheduled for July 5th. I had a lot of medical clearances to get and had…
Book that details how to cook to deal with side affects and loss of taste
There's also a cook book for people in treatment, with great recipes which address specific side effects and gives options for how to flavor the food to appeal to the altered taste. It's called "Cancer Fighting Kitchen Cookbook."
Follow up testing intervals - how long is ok?
I'm approaching my 1 year anniversary for my surgery [ 07/17/12 ] and have had two (2) follow up CT Scand with & w/o contrast [ November was my first, and my 2nd was March - so it's been slightly over the 3/ year mark, but close. My routine has included Xrays, bloodwork, ultrasounds and to-date have been scheduled for…
Time to decide
First of all I would like to thank all of the regular participants of this site for their time and efforts in educating us newbies to the trials and tribulations of your battles. Your posts have been inpirational, educational, sincere and humourous at times. My small town (very thourough and well versed in the world of…
Cancer spead
What are the chances that cancer cells from a 2.5 centimeter mass has spread. Saw orthopedic doctor today due to pain in my left shoulder. A bone scan years ago when I had prostate cancer showed that both shoulders were deteriorating due to arthritis. The shoulder was X-rayed today, and doctor saw something he didn't like…
I'm Still Here!
I'm trying to post this before things get dicey again. LOL For the last two weeks I have logged in, been able to, eventually, post about one response, then I have had all the rest of my responses to threads blocked by the security system. I don't know what is going on. I am reading, I care, but I am having problems…
First Post OP scan today...results at the Lung Doc tomorrow
I am going for my first post op scans today. Needless to say I am extremely nervous. What I want to hear is "no new spots have been found and the "speck" of dust on the outside of your right lung has not grown or shrunk". What kind of coping mechanisms did you all use to keep calm? Also, does the nervousness get better as…
Are we crazy?
Hi Guys! We're not frequent posters on CSN but I do "lurk" and love the commaradie here! We have a delima and I am hoping you guys can help. If you've followed us on ACOR/Smart Patients, you know my DH is a 3-year mRcc survivor and was on the Nivolumab + Votrient trial last year. He had record results with the trial…
What gets you through?
I was recently chatting with someone and the topic of my new favorite song came up - Thistle and Weeds by Mumford & Sons. It became my favorite during my whole ‘You have cancer’ ‘No you don’t’ roller coaster. The last part of the song’s chorus repeats “I will hold on”. If you don’t know the song you should look it up –…
Anyone else having trouble
Anyone else having trouble getting signed into this site lately? I finally got on tonight after trying off and on for about 3 hrs. I couldn't get on at all last night. Just wondering if others are experiencing the same issue.
Question about CT scan report
My husband had what we thought were benign tumors in his right kidney for which he would get a CT scan each year to see if they grew. They were first noticed about 2 1/2 years ago during doctoring for a kidney stone that had to be surgically removed. Well, this year they grew. His CT scan was 6/28 and he got a call from…
A new cancer-detection scanning modality
Yesterday my Daughter drew my attention to some new work in the UK that promises great savings in the field of cancer detection. Instead of using radioactive sugar in PET scanning, non-radioactive sugar can be used, far less expensively, in conjunction with MRI scans. This could have a big impact on the numbers. the speed,…
Security Issues?
In the past week I have been utterly unable to post or comment here. I keep getting messages that for some reason I have been blocked and referred to customer relations. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm writing this in hopes of it getting published but I simply have to try and hope. Michael
Fellow patient shared a weight gaining shake from Nutrionist!
I am copying the email here with the instructions in case anyone wants to know how to make it. <<The smoothies will help with weight. For smoothies, the best coconut milk is Natural Value Organic because it has no additives. Unfortunately, the only place I know of to buy it is Amazon, and they are out of stock right now.…