When do you start feeling better
I'm 52 year old male, 15 months post op for stage 3 tumor. Had 6cm tumor removed( laparoscopic partial ) in April 2012. Major urinoma problems from September 2012 through January 2013.multiple nephrostomy tubes. Ablation surgeries weekly for 3+ months.. still feeling terrible, severe hot flashes, sweats, lethargic. Doctors…
Open Surgery planned
I have a small 1.5 cm in the upper left pole of the kidney, the urologist said that he is more than 85% positive that it is RCC. YES, I know it is fully treatable with surgery. I am not ready to jump off a brige or have a breakdown. I do have a normal amount of anxiety related to the C word and major surgery. I know so…
Positive margin = cancer spread?
I had laparascopic surgery on 3/2/06. I'd decided to go for a total nephrectomy but my surgeon convinced me to let him try for a partial. Bad decision!!! I lost my entire kidney anyway because he got a positive margin. Now, I'm scared to death that letting him cut into the kidney rather than remove entire kidney from the…
In need of Sutent
My mom was diagnosed with collect duct carcinoma of kidney (IV stage) and Sutent might be her only hope. However, she is living in China and the drug is so expensive considering her poor retirement compensation there. I am wondering if any one would spare some unused Sutent so that I can mail to her and save her life...
newly diagnosed
my 50 year old husband was recently diagnosed with right kidney cancer 2 weeks ago its stage 4 with multiple mets to pelvis, spine and lungs. biopsy has been done but while he is waiting for the results they have started him on sutent 25mg daily, steroids, just completed 5 rounds of radiation on his spine can anyone tell…
PET/CT scan!
My Rad Onc today took pity on me with all I'm going through and finally agreed to a Pet scan, with Thryogen stimulation to look for any metabolic activity pertaining to my thyroid cancer, and look closer at my kidney tumor. I started to cry with relief when she mentioned it. It's been a struggle to get them to do the…
Angiogenesis inhibitor foods
Hi everyone, just happened to find this Ted talk and thought I'd share it here in case anyone is interested in watching it: http://www.ted.com/talks/william_li.html interesting, it's a talk by the president of the angiogenesis foundation, about how we can also help starve our cancers in what we eat.
Block center for integrative cancer treatment in skokie, Illinois
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone here has been to the block center in Illinois? My mom is 50, with stage iv cc rcc, mets to liver and lungs. Our oncologist is dr.robert motzer at mskcc, who had done lots and lots for rcc. We are very confident being in his care, but we are looking for something a bit more…
I am checking to see if anyone who has used Votrient can give me information on it? We were told today my husband needs to start that in a few weeks to hopefully maintain the size of the nodules in his lungs that were metastacized from his kidney. Any and all side effects that any of you would like to share will be greatly…
Hi All..!! I decided to start a new post... Today was one heck of a day... nice sunshine and all that... as perfect as perfect can be... So we finally got our first practice lap in... but I will digress with a bit of a tease. I have a new look... and I got a LOT of attention all day... many people took my picture but as of…
wilms - 4yr old just finished treatment
I have a 4yr old daughter who was diagnosed last June with Wilms stage iv - spread to lungs - had 6wkes chemo prior to surgery, surgery went well, then 6mths chemo and 14 treatments of radiation to tummy area and lymph nodes just above tummy which I am told will make her 1-2cm shorter - is there any surviors out there that…
Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma
I had a radical Nephrecomy on my right kidney on Aug. 2. I had a 9.8cm tumor and was diagnoised as Clear Cell renal Carcinoma Grade IV. The have found no other cancer but the Lymphovascular was suspicious for invasion. Becaue of this I have to have CT Scans every three months. We were told that Clear Cell is least likely…
Nivolumab-Sutent trial scan results BMS-936558
Hello all!! I am happy to report that my scan results on week 24 of the trial show no measurable disease! I started with a 3.4 cm tumor in my adrenal gland and two small lung nodules. The nodules are gone and my adrenal gland shows no measurable cancer yet is still slightly enlarged. I am actually happy to continue wih two…
Yup, it's CCRCC
I was called into my GP's office today for the biopsy results. Apparently the results were back Tues night, but she was unable to reach the Urologist who ordered it, and he's "out of the office" until at least Monday. So my poor GP had to do the dirty deed :( . Anyway, yes, I officially have RCC. That makes 2 confirmed…
All the best with your scan Eims:)
Hey My Friend, I wanted to wish you all the best with your 1st set of scans on Thursday. I know you've not been feeling too good lately, but once this is behind you I am sure those problems will calm down. You will be in my thoughts until I hear back from you. I will be taking my daughter to Paris Airport on Thursday, but…
Confirmation Call
Well, my doctor did confirm what she already told me.....my MRI was posiitve and the tumor is a little bigger than the CT scan showed. It didn't stage the tumor (or at least she didn't tell me) like she had originally told me it would.
how long to return to work
Hi: I am 5 weeks post robotic laparascopic partial nephrectomy for 1.5 cm tumor. The surgeon never gave me an exact recovery time and I was laid off from my job a few weeks prior to surgery so I have to look for a job. I have no more surgerical pain, I do have exhaustion, GI problems. can't concentrate for long periods. I…
sorry so long since I posted..update on Chuck the Nivolumab+IPI trial
Sorry its been so long..daughter was home for the summer and we actually got to keep the grandbabies for longer than a few days for the first time in a year..then we took an actual vacation for the first time in 15 years :D was a busy summer.. Okay here goes I am almost afraid to say it...It looks like at least for now as…
New Member Struggling a bit....
Hello. I am from Portland Dorset UK. My name is Michelle. I am 52. I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with a 6cm tumor on my left kidney, found by accident during a routine test for something else. I had the kidney removed 2 weeks ago. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I had good care and came home after 5 days. My pathology…
Wilms tumor & my child
Hello my 4 almost 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Wilms tumor o. July 8th 2013. She went through 6 weeks if chemo and is scheduled for surgery next week. She was diagnosed with a bilateral Wilms tumor. Since chemo her very large kidney tumor has reduced in size by over 50% but the very small one in her right kidney…
I noticed in the past day or two that their was some discussion with Advil on an unrelated forum topic. For what it is worth I will give my experiences. It seems that almost all of the doctors will not allow thier patients with Kidney issues to take Advil or other related drugs. And we all know that sometimes Advil works…
15 Month Update - Scan Results - Sutent Patients Take Note
Hi, All. I always feel the need for apologizing when I post to the board. I should be on here more, I can add more value. I will try to do better at that, but I do make sure that at significant moments that I update you all. I promise to do that at minimum, and welcome any one of you to contact me via email. I believe you…
Hey Gary, I am soooooo glad you are back...we missed you
I have had some good news today!
I posted recently about my going in for an op to remove my lower bowel and repair my bladder. A little while ago it was discovered that I had a bowel infection, it had caused a perforation via a fistula into the bladder. I had been placed on antibiotics to clear the infection prior to surgery, but they caused issues, so I…
checking in to say hi
Hello all. Just dropping by to say hello and let you know I have been checking to see how all of you are doing. It's been 2 1/2 months since my surgery (laparoscopic right) and things are progressing great. Went through as tough stretch that required pills from the doctor. (anxiety and depression) But again, right now…
Renal Cell Carcinoma Confirmed
The biopsy confirmed RCC today for my wife Holly. Kidney is coming out on August 23rd. Thanks for all of your continued thoughts and prayers. God is good. Tom and Holly
Thanks for your time...
A young man learns what's most important in life from the guy next door. Over the phone, his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday." Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. "Jack, did you hear me?" "Oh, sorry, Mom . Yes, I…
OK, I'm going in!
Being admitted today for the Il-2. Maybe I can post during the week. (if I can get on). I'll let you know how I'm doing when I can. I'm in a kick **** mood.
Taller women may face higher cancer odds after menopause
As a six foot tall woman with a sick sense of humor, I almost put this in FunnyBonz. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=172014#.UfZ4JyfrZyQ.email
HDIL2 Round 2 Delayed
To all, I apologise for not posting in a while but I had to take a break from all things cancer related. It was refreshing and sure makes you appreciate all of the survivors and caregivers that do not take a break and are on the site to help all of the newbies with their obvious concerns, you have a place in heaven. My…