New member just diagnose need help to understand this desease
hi everyone. I was diagnose with rcc last week it was found accidentally. am young strong never been admitted in hospital. Am a husband and father to a 7 month old son. am having laproscopy surgery to remove it in 2 weeks time. This is my ct scan report ct scan confirm large mass 9.3cm in the left lower kidney. displays…
Kidney friendly pain med?
I have been trying very hard to be friendly to my kidneys since my partial nephrectomy...drinking lots of water,eating healthier, walking more....my question is what is the most kidney friendly pain medicine for an everyday type headache or other common aches and pains? I read that ibuprofen is not good for kidneys but…
New plan
BLKJAK and I have talked and come up with a new plan for this "educated guess" of collecting duct carcinoma. Tomorrow I will be calling the oncologist and the case manager from our insurance company and requesting to have Mayo Clinic covered as "in plan." Then I will be contacting them and asking that they either take…
Surgical report
I just obtained my records from my surgeon as I am not happy with his follow up. Never orders anything but 3 month blood test after radical nephrectomy with encapsulated malignant tumor. But now, after reading report am worried about something else that he described about the surgery....found a "severely redundant and…
Just a few days shy of on month
Today I had my Dr appointment to discuss my CT scan results. The good news is.... that the Torisel has gotten rid of the small tumors in my lung. The bad news is.... that the Torisel has not worked on the tumor in my liver. In fact, the tumor has grown. The pain I've been feeling is not because I'm a drama queen, although…
Newly diagnosed, surgery date already
Hi, I'm new here and awaiting a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy on my left kidney for a 3.6 tumour. The tumour was found accidentally like so many others on this site but its all been so sudden and I'm just about getting my head around it. I've been told its contained which is good news but am still nervous and anxious…
Pain after 6 months
I had a robotic partial nephrectomy on Aptril 11th and am now scheduled for blood work, chest x-ray and CT Scan on October 21st, After the nephrectomy I had a lot of problems with bleeding and was taken in to the hospital 4 times and finally underwent surgery again and they put 13 coils around the kidney to stop the…
Quietly Freaking Out - Lung surgery
Saw the Urologist today. It was the one month post op check. I had my left kidney out on Sept. 6. I had a pet scan 2 weeks ago. I have a 1-1/2 cm nodule in one of my lungs. The doc says that the scan shows no cancer activity but, he says, the nodule should come out. I guess this is being discussed by a tumor board (of…
standard of care
Just curious to see what the post-op standard of care (in regards to scans) is with those in similar circumstances as mine. I will be flying to Oklahoma City in November to have my first set of scans since having a radical nephrectomy on May 29th, and by scans, I mean a chest x-ray. I am also scheduled to have a CBC…
12hr to surgery
sugery in 12hr or so. Am very nervous I've never had sugery before or admitted in hospital. But I need to get this done. thank you all for ur advise i Regained my sanity when I found this group. Dr Google drove me into despair
Pathology report
we just got the results and tumor was 10 cm, no cancer in adrenal or surrounding fat and the Furhman grade is 2. the surgeon had guessed it to be a grade 3 prior to surgery because it was in spine so all in all, the pathology was a decent one. didn't realize how stressed I had been until I spoke to surgeon since I was not…
New and really scared, please help if you can
I don't even know where to start. I am 44, and I have never smoked or drank alcohol, I am not overweight, and I am fairly active. I have a fantastic wife...we have been married 15 years....and we have the most amazing 5 year old son. My wife and my son are my whole world. I had to go to the emergency room about a week ago…
Upcoming Surgery
Hi everyone, this is my first posting and seeing that people are very supportive here, looking for some encouragement. I am having a left radical nephrectomy on the 14 Oct. and I am a wee bit worried. I have underlying health issues, Bronchiectasis, Diabetes, Hypertension, AF and have had a pleural empyema on my left lung,…
Although I write little, I read you all always from Italy I want to say to all you who you are an incredible resource of solidarity. God bless you all
CT scan this morning. (10/4)
Well, today is the day. My first scan since surgery (radical left nephrectomy) two months ago. Although optimistic, I find myself somewhat nervous this morning. Meet with the urologist a week from now. Nothing most of you haven't already been through. Just membership dues to the club. Fingers crossed. praying. Izzy
Do Suntent side effects come on gradually??
My husband has recurrent kidney cancer (Stage 4). It came back in his small intestines which is really, really rare. At any rate, he has just started taking Sutent. He is three pills into his treatment and has no side effects at all thus far. I am thrilled for him as we were both so nervous about him starting. Is this…
12 hours and I'll be under the knife!
Today we had the funeral service for my Grammy, which kept me busy all day until around 7 pm. It was a beautiful service, and I will miss her dearly. Since she lived with us, there are so many things that remind me of her in our home. Now that things are settling down, I realized that in 12 hours I will be in the OR. I…
Update on BLKJAK
Yesterday was an emotionally exhausting day. We saw the doctor at UW hospital. Normally we feel more hopeful after these appointments, but that was not the case yesterday. Brad did not respond to the medication the way we had hoped he would. Because of this, they went back to look at the pathology again. Brad's pathology…
Beta-Carotene/superfoods after nephrectomy and splenectomy?
New here, hello! So my mother was recently diagnosed (very late on) with kidney cancer. Basically one of her kidneys had turned into one big cancerous tumor so they removed the kidney (and her spleen, so her immune system is now forever compromised too). I have since been reading about the amazing properties of certain…
Hi Guys ( and gals ;) ), Well now I'm not sure when my hubby will have his MRI, chest CT or appointment with specialist. It seems that with the government shut down, most TDY military pay is limited. So, one thing is for sure, they will make him take a shuttle instead of his own car because they don't want to pay for his…
My introduction
Hello everyone. New poster who hopefully will enter the ranks of being a kidney cancer survivor. I had a CT scan of the chest last week, ordered because of a small pleural effusion showing up on a chest x-ray (ordered because of a wicked cough though to be due to my new ACE blood pressure med). Unexpected finding was a 7.5…
CT Scan is actually this morning
I was not sure whether I should post this as a new thread or as a reply to my other thread. I have been having so much anxiety, I asked to have the CT scan with contrast moved up...and it is now schedule for about 2 hours from now; at 11:30 today. Please please pray for me. I am amazed at the courage of the good people on…
Our dear, lovely ALICE
Alice, I can't settle, for worry. Where are you, how are you and John? Do you have straight CLL with no treatment indicated and a long life ahead of you? Please give some pointers to focus my research directions. I have a pretty good idea of what particulars I'm seeking out but you can speed it all up with a bit more…
Really Upset!
Had my stress test Sept. 4 and Cardio Doctor said everything looks good! Got a call this morning to please come in to office to discuss blockage! Really, 11 days before my 8 month scan! I was already anxiety stressed to the max, and now this! I am just hoping and praying that it is nothing. I have a call into my ONC Dr. to…
Kidney Cancer - husband had it - now me
My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer that spread to his liver. He was a heavy smoker. Well, I started having blood in my urine last month and had a full nephrectomy (left kidney) - the doctors say it's possible from second hand smoke. I'm still in shock. Has anyone heard of this? My husband died six years ago. I had…
Forum question --- looking up previous posts
On several occasions, I have wanted to go back to read posts by certain posters to learn of their background story. How do I do that? Clicking on the author's name doesn't bring up an option to view previous posts. Tried searching by the person's name and nothing comes up. Is there a way to look at a person's previous…
Weight gain
Hey! It’s been a long time since my last post, but I have been lurking off and on J My radical nephrectomy was May 9th. A few weeks after the surgery I felt great – Better than I had in a while. My 10cm tumor turned out not to be cancer (it was MEST) and that added to my euphoria I’m sure! Summer was wonderful. I felt…
Is 12 weeks too soon
I'm 12 weeks post-op, radical neph. Procedure was laparoscopic, with largest of the incisions being about 4 inches. I recovered without incident and am feeling good. I'm going to Cedar Point this weekend. For those of you who don't know, Cedar Point is the Roller Coaster capital, with the biggest, fastest coasters in the…
Concerned and Introduction
Hi Everyone, My husband started having back pain in Nov 2012. He's always been the picture of health and in 20 years of marriage, I've seen him sick only once.... well, until now. Anyway, after test after test, in Febuary 2013 he was determined to have a 2cm tumor on his left kidney. A partial Nemphrectomy was done in…
Surgery date approaching
I will be in Tampa Monday, Oct. 7, for my pre-op. Surgery was confirmed recently for 10/16, partial nephrectomy. They plan to also do hernia repair if the kidney surgery goes well. Been having recent issue with low blood pressure and a slow heart rate. I hope that is not going to delay surgery. Heart rate normally runs in…