In advance disclaimer: I know this will not do anything except make me feel a little better. Chalk this one up for some bad PR and community awareness. Not that they care, right :) Cigna Ins Co. are ****/ bastards - they denied my ability have a 'pelvis scan' as part of my semi-annual routine scan after being only 1 year…
Feeling frustrated
Mom has been on Votrient 600mg for a week now. Her blood pressure has been well controlled with amlodipine 10mg daily and metoprolol xl 50 mg. It's been higher now with systolic 150's. Now, I know that might not sound very high, but her BP hs usually perfect, never above 120/70. I called mom's onc to talk to the nurse to…
Sad News CapnMATT
CapnMatt, a member of this forum, lost his fight with kidney cancer on Saturday. His dear wife, Suzanne, sent me an email this morning as well as a link to his obituary. http://www.twifordfh.com/matthew-bobola/ ****************************************************************************************************** To Suzanne…
How and when do you find the "fight it"?
With my large right kidney tumor discovered just 2 weeks ago and surgery scheduled for next week, I find myself tired and very scared. How do I find the "I am going to fight this" attitude and determination? Right now I am just weary and there is no fight.
Epidural questions
So, it's likely I'll have an epi for my Open partial, and I'm curious to know if that keeps you bed bound? Do they let you up if you're numb from the waist down? I had one with my son's birth and they kept me in bed for 2 days until it wore off. Not fun :( .
Where is everyone gone?
Just making sure everyone is ok? I know a few of you have some big scans/tests coming up and I wanted to see how you were doing..... eims x
Hey everyone :)
Hey everyone hope all is well....i go back for a CT next week for pain in side. Lets hope its just pain from surgery (july 1st). I would be lost if it wasnt for you all getting me through the initial middle and all other phases of this.
This just gave me a chuckle
I went to pick up my Vortirent yesterday and the pharmacist had me stay for 30 minutes to go over a few things. She talked about possible side effects, how to store this medication, and just a few other instructions. One of these just made me break out laughing, but I'm sure she didn't get it. She told me that for the…
A must read
This is an interesting perspective on cancer care. Our site & others are more important than ever. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/10/us-usa-health-cancer-idUSBRE9891EI20130910
need help
Hi Everyone, Let me first wish every single one of you the best of luck fighting cancer. you are all in thoughts and prayers. My mother and father just informed me that he as a 1 cm tumor on the upper part of his kidney. they had the scans and the meeting with the Urologist. They keep me out of it because they did not want…
Just needed very badly to vent...
I had a nephrectomy in May of this year. I am still a little fatigued, but am now starting to feel "human" again. Prior to this, in 2008/2009, I had breast cancer with lymph node involvement...had mastectomy, removed most lymph nodes under my arm, had a year of chemo and I had 30 rounds of radiation. Two years later, had a…
I will probably be having an open procedure
I didn't want to tack my question onto the very recent thread by another poster. I have a 50/50 chance of having an open procedure rather than laparoscopic. I think the surgeon was being generous with the 50/50 and more than likely an open because of the size of my tumor and right nephrectomy. I do have a someone staying…
Lymph nodes near the kidneys?
Prior to surgery (9/17/2013) and abdominal CT scan (9/9/2013) I have been given the designation of a T2N0M0. How to they test to see if it has spread to lymph nodes? Do they remove a few to test? If so, where are they located? I can't seem to find any on anatomic diagrams. Will they light up on the CT scan tomorrow if…
Thank you kind stranger...
Yesterday I had my 6 monthly CT. The days leading up were just fine. The moment they called my name I had a melt down. I was at a new facility to try out the lower radiation scanner and I felt uncomfortable from the get go. Fortunately for me a very kind stranger was there to help me through. What a pleasant surprise to…
In my head or not
This is probably going to sound kind of crazy. Ever since they did the testing (xrays, ultrasounds, MRI, etc..) and I found out the news that I have a tumor I have felt a lot worse physically. I understand that when you have an emotional pain that usually there is a physical pain to go along with it, so I guess this could…
Back to work?
I know this is a pretty difficult question with lots of variables (ie. age, condition, tumor, size of incision, type of work, etc etc). But if you had an open partial nephrectomy (or even a radical), how long before you went back to work? I am on my feet all day, and I do a lot of twisting, bending, pulling, pushing, etc.…
Pathology Report Tailspin-Thoughts???
Hello All...Happy to have found this group. I am a newbie and going to provide a little of my background to see if anybody can relate... I am a 40 year old female, good health, no prior medical issues. I have had side pain since around Jan 2013..thought it was gallbladder. Finally went to GP in July, labwork showed no…
Creatinine Spike
Hi all. I just had my 6 week blood screening for the study I'm in (Everolimus). Since my right nephrectomy last December, my creatinine has been in the 1.55-1.65 range. Today it was up to 1.83. I've had several blood tests these past few months, and this one is really out of the norm. It's similar to what I was having in…
Cystatin C Hones Prediction of Renal Function
Worth a read.... http://www.medpagetoday.com/Nephrology/ESRD/41391
Pathology report
I need some help with my pathology report. I was thrilled to be told my kidney tumour is an oncocytoma. I looked at the pathology report and circled something to check out later but I never did check it out. Tonight I pulled it out while going through a file. The thing I circled was in the staining section......it says…
Newly diagnosed.
I am a 48 year old female who was just diagnosed last week with a 6mm renal tumor. I am scheduled to have open surgery for a partial neph on Sept. 18. The major complication is that I only have the one kidney as I had the other one removed in 2006 due to a blockage that ruined the kidney. I also have stage 3 Chronic Kidney…
Back pain
I have no idea if it is related or not but I have this constant low back pain. It gets to the point that I have to take otc pain killers to sleep or function. I talked to the nephrologist about it and she said it was absolutely not related but for some reason my intuition tells me it's all connected to the tumor on my…
May be a dumb question
Is there any pattern to how this cancer metastasizes? I notice there are many here with mets to the lungs with a few to the spine. since my husband was diagnosed with 2 mets to the spine and several scans with no cancer (of course, microspic would not show) still trying to process this disease and he is set for a…
Somewhat silly question for the ladies who've had a Neph
In particular an Open surgery: how long before you could wear a bra? . I'm, ahem, large busted and cannot stand being braless. I'm concerned that my open scar will prevent me from donning undergarments. How far up the side does the incision go? Can I wear a front closure style? I gather pulling clothes over my head will be…
Cedar Point Roll Call of interested survivors and family.
Over the past several months a number of us have expressed thoughts about meeting in Cedar Point next Summer and for those of us who are up to it try a roller coaster of two like the Geimini(not recommended unless a year past surgery). What are your thouths about doing this mid week towards the end of next August?
Robotic surgery for RCC
I found out six weeks ago when I had a colonopscopy , that they found a tumor on the bottom of my left kidney.Then lots more test, ultasound, ct scan with contrast, then a biopsy, It"s 3.4 cm by 2.7. They say I am lucky as I had no signs and it is cancerous. May 29th I get my surgery using the da vinci robotic machine at…
new to this
I had a partial.. Tumor was 1.4 cm and patholgy showed papillary renal cell carcinoma.. Scared to death it will return... Advice please...
Surgery date scheduled
Met with urologist at Moffitt Cancer Center Tuesday. He reviewed results of MRI: right kidney has 2.5 centimeter soft tissue mass. Left kidey looks fine. He plans to do the procedure robotically. He was not in the best of moods, probably because he was scheduled to see 41 patients that day. I have confidence that he will…
Kidney Transplant and Kidney Cancer?
Hello, I am a kidney transplant recipient and was recently diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma. I will be having a radical nephrectomy on Friday 08/30. I am just wondering if anyone else here has had a kidney transplant and been diagnosed with kidney cancer? Looking at the CT scan the doctor doesn't think it has spread…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz