Worried about my mom - Update
Update - I had gotten my mom an appointment with her family doctor because she wasn't feeling well and I wasn't sure where to start. She had her labwork done after lunch and before we could get to her appointment he sent us to the ER (because he isn't a practicing physician at the hospital her oncologist is at). Her…
My Votrient arrives on Monday....
So I guess I will start my new journey in the adventures of Kidney cancer! This is my first cancer drug and I am praying for my body to play nice and let Votrient do its thing for a long time with much success. I need to find the bedtime routine so I can sleep through the nausea if there is any. I also found out why the…
Two years since diagnosis....and currently NED
It was the early hours of May 1, 2012 when I heard those dreaded words, "There is a mass on your kidney and you have to deal with it". Once I looked at the stats, that did not scare me...I would take care of it and be ok. At my six month scans, the identification of a mass on my lung...probably a met...scared be. A lot.…
1st Urology appointment tomorrow
Hi everyone, I have my appointment tomorrow morning and I am terrified of what they are going to tell me is on my CT scan. How do you get past the fear of that word - cancer. The two week wait for this appointment has been pure torture. I have been looking at my children and trying not to burst into tears. What will happen…
2.2 cm "nodule" on R Kidney, lower left Flank pain
I am new to this board and hoping for some support (I'm scared senseless right now). I am a 34 y/o who went to the ER in January with abdominal pain and lower flank pain. I had an US done and xrays of my abdomen and was referred to a OBGYN to have cysts and polyps on my ovaries and uterus checked out. I had exploratory…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
Conflicting tests on liver mets
Hi everyone-- This is my first post, and I was hoping to tap into some of your collective wisdom. A little over six months ago I had a radical nephrectomy and now I have some conflicting evidence about whether I have progressed to stage IV. My CT scan at six months showed spots on my liver and my docs were convinced that…
Had My Brain Scan Today!
Had my very first brain scan today, fortunately there were some indications of brain activity, albeit small . More importantly there were no mets, so two good scans under my belt at last, I'm right chuffed:) Djinnie
Caregiver to a stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma Cancer Patient
Greetings friends, On December 31, 2013, my husband was diagnosed with stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma. We are devestated beyond belief. My question is: As his caregiver, can you provide me with suggestions on how to help him? Aside from handling all the logistics...medical insurance, appointments, research, meds, and of…
Cortisol shots for carpal tunnel - any affects on kidney?
Today I went to a rheumatologist due to some pain in my hands.He diagnosed it as carpal tunnel and tendonitis. He suggested I get cortisol shots. I made him aware of my nephrectomy and asked it would be harmful to my kidney. He said no. So I said go ahead and he gave me a shot in each wrist and has me returning next month.…
Possible delay for Bristol cancer-drug causes jitters (Nivolumab article)
http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/29/bristol-myers-results-idusl2n0nl0h920140429 At least it gives info on where BMS is in the process of nivolumab.
Complex kidney cyst in a child?
Hi all, I hope it is ok to post here, but I found this site when searching for info about complex renal cysts. My child has an approximately 1cm complex cyst on his kidney with one or two "areas of septation." It is thin septation but report doesn't say how thin (ie paper thin). The urologist said they don't use Bosniak…
Sutent is working
My latest scan showed some reduction in size of my lung nodules and several are no longer detectable. I have no new mets anywhere. I am a year past the diagnosis of lung mets and the one run of hdil2 along with 9 months of sutent have had positive results. I am still working full time and playing golf asmuch as possible.…
Repost for txgrl
Recurrence My dad had kidney removed in 1990 and it came back 23 years later. Multiple lesions in the spine, mass in the right surgery bed. It's hard to see my dad so weak. Dr diagnosed him having sciatica for the last three months. When they finally decided to run a CT scan they found it. Oncologist told my dad to go to…
One year approaching..
One year since diagnosis and am happy to report all is well as can be. I have my one year scans coming in June, which marks a year since the surgery. For the most part, the changes in diet have been the biggest struggle. I do a diet journal on an app called fitness pal and after logging what I have eaten each day, no…
Sad update
Blkjak has been struggling for a while. The drugs that showed some promise several weeks back quickly stopped working. The rumors in his lungs have gotten so big and he was hospitalized for a few days last week. He came home on oxygen. Last night his breathing was really labored. So we went back to the hospital and he was…
Sorry, no nightie pix...
For those of you who read Gothic Romance Novels, I'm sure one could rightfully call the a paper gown book a real bodice ripper. Was that the kind with the built in warm air flow and vents? Just got finished with the Onc. this afternoon. No news is good news in this case. It's been 8 years since the first Dx; and 6 years…
My first post looking for some guidance please
Diagnosed with kidney cancer (clear cell) in 2003 and had a radical nephrectomy (7cm tumour) I had no further treatment except regular scans until June 2011 when I had a 1.5cm tumour (Fuhrman grade 2) removed from my left lung. December 2012 my scan showed a solitary enlarged lymph node in my chest 1.2cm but this has…
Radiation after nephrectomy and adrenalectomy
Hi everyone. I have been reading this site for a couple of months since my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer. I have been really encouraged by you all even though I was too shy to join up. My husband was diagnosed after an 8 day stay in hospital just before Christmas. He had severe anaemia and we never considered it…
Trying to get my digestion back on track. Any ideas?
Hey Team, I had a really bad bout with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea last week. Anything I tried to eat or drink came back within 15 minutes. I could not take my nausea meds, and my blood pressure med came back up, as well. I couldn’t even hold down plain water. So I went to emergency and they kept me overnight, got the…
6 month scans good but blood work out of wakk
got the good news on the 6 month scan but creatinine levls high in blood work,around the 200 level must go to neprologist to get things under control.dont want the levels in those 400to500 levels ,thats when the dialisis starts . Heard that your blood counts can get out of control a little with just 1 kidney now.But at…
Hi Guys, It's been a year I haven’t posted any updates on my husband's fight with cancer, but what a year has been :-) Two years ago my husband was stage 4 recurrent cancer after nephrectomy in 2010. He started with 4 mets - on the abdominal wall, liver, renal cavity and one in the lungs. The biggest one was 11 sm. He got…
Feeling Scared
Hi All, This is my first post but I've a feeling it won't be my last one, as I think I may be about to be informed I have Kidney cancer. A brief synopsis of what has happened. About 2 years ago, during a yearly medical checkup, I was called in to my doctors because I had blood in my urine. It was microsopic, so I couldn't…
Full on scanxiety
I haven't posted in a while, been so busy last few months it was all I coulld do to try and catch up on the board. Very saddened to hear about TW and Blkjak. :( . Anywho, as expected with followup testing on the horizon, my mind is in overdrive. I have convinced myself they'll find a recurrence. (OPN last Oct. Stage 1,…
Going under the knife Monday morning.
Hello all my name is Jeremy and I'm a soldier at FT Hood. Im having a complete right radical nephectomy tomorrow morning. My cancer was found by my pain managmet doc via mri while trying to figure out why I was having pain, numbness, and tingling in my lower extremities. They sent me to get a CT to confirm. From what I've…
Post-Nephrectomy Symptom - Swollen Hands
I'm about 16 months post nephrectomy. Starting about 1 year out after my nephrectomy, I started experiencing swollen hands off and on. I used to have it when I'd be out walking around for like an entire day, but never had a problem with that just sitting around working or during a normal day. Today I had lunch with a…
Advice please
Hello everyone, I have been reading your supportive and valuable advice to other members for a few days now so have joined in the hope that you can help me understand what is happening to me at the moment. A quick background: Had a us 2 years ago as I was getting pain under my front ribs left side, result came back normal…
Surgery-Rodding of Right Humorous
Well, it was determined my cancer had been in my right humorous for some time but not caught. Never had a bone scan or xray of the arm before. Well fall made the xray necessary and fracture made the rod mandatory. Does this mean I will become the $300,000 Man (cost of surgery). Have a friend with metal in her neck and once…
Well, here I am... and how I got here
I have been lurking for a few days, reading almost all the thirty something pages of topics.... feel like I know many of you, and appreciate the good vibes that are given off of this site. October 9, 2012 I met my brand new never before seen Internal Medicne PCP at an appointment I made to explain the explaination from a…
The word is out
It should continue to be a good year for me. Latest blood work is excellent. Brain scan showed nothing but rocks in my head. (but don't ever take it for granite.) Chest, ab, and pelvis show a couple small stable nodes. Everything else is sclerotic and unchanged. I'm a happy boy. I have come a long way and am so grateful to…