2 years survival anniversary
I am frequent visitor to this forum and posted couple of times. On saturday March 22, 2014, my husband has crossed 2 years mark of survival. He was diagnosed with Stage IV RCC ( about 12 cm tumor with mets to lungs) on march 22. We were shattered. He was only 32 years old that time. We had 5 yearls old twins( now they are…
awesome! Just more proof that the odds can be beat despite what others have said and done. If they can do it, then we all can win too.
National Patient, Survivor, and Caregiver Conference -- MD Anderson, Houston
Admission: Free - Streamed Onlone, YouTube.com Learn about the latest treatments for kidney cancer, clinical trials, and nutrition. Open to patients, survivors, caregivers and family members. https://secure.kidneycancer.org/np/clients/kca/event.jsp?event=3687
Just got pathology report for wife - Staging question
Hi all - My wife's pathology report (after radical nephrectomy of right kidney) had info in two places that confused me. Can you help me better understand? DIAGNOSIS section says: UCC (2 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm) involving renal pelvicalcyceal system. High grade. Invasive into renal parenchyma. Extensive UCC in-situ involving renal…
Nervously I await surgery at 0830 tuesday. Can anyone give me a ball park figure as to how long I will be out? Dr. says surgery should be 3 hours or longer (Da Vinci). Thank you and would appreciate prayers
phantom parts
After 10 days, I finally got results on a follow-up ct. It took so long because the report had to be ammended to include the impression of a 1.5 cm splenule (previously reported)...the REASON for the f/u ct, in the first place...AND duly noted in my records as being one of two purposes for chest, abd and pelvis scans. The…
I just had my nephrectomy done on tuesday and I spent one day in the hospital and now I am at home. Everything is going well and I am healing fine. I go back to the dr on the 3rd for the path report. I will keep yall posted. Be Blessed
AACR Conference
Hi All..!! Just a quick note... soon I head to San Diego for this year's American Assoc for Cancer Research conference. I will take notes as much as possible.. hope to learn a bunch and share what I can... Be Well All..!! Ron
Clinical Trials Question: Did you have to research and bring up the possibility yourself, or was it
Our story: My husband was diagnosed at Stage 4 two years ago. We have been to two large metropolitan teaching hospitals and also local treatment facility. We have seen a total of 5 RCC Oncology Docs. (they keep relocating and getting new jobs). On our very first visit we were told there are 7 drugs and we will go through…
After the Everolimus trial
I’m another new member here. We keep showing up, don’t we? With a CT scan in January of 2013, I was found to have a large tumor on my right kidney. Shortly thereafter, surgeons removed the right kidney, the tumor, the neighboring adrenal gland and a number of nearby lymph nodes. It was papillary renal cell carcinoma –…
Doctors, more Doctors, and expensive Doctors wanting to see me....that and sports cars
I had my nephrectomay abou 21 months ago. Yesterday I got a call from the urologist's office (who did the surgery), that he wanted to see me to go over my Path report. Huh? We did that 8 days after surgery. Granted, I have not been to him in a year because I am being followed by a excellent medical oncologist. The…
2-year followup last week
Hello everyone, I don't sign on alot these days. I had my 2-year followup exam, bnlood tests, and x-ray. Thankfully NED from kidney cancer;-)! I did have a short (hopefully) run in with skin cancer (melanoma) at the beginning of the year. I had gone for a motorcycle ride the week before Thanksgiving last November. Moving…
NED, But.....
Friday i had my first 6 month follow up/scans since my radical nephrectomy in September (Chromophobe type tumor 17.5 cm)....My scans looked great, cancer free, except now I have a septated cyst on my right ovary and Hemmeroghic (sp?) cyst on my other...Both about 2.5 centimeters. These did not show up on my initial scans…
Renal Mass Bioposy's increasing....
I found this surprising http://www.news-medical.net/news/20140319/Renal-mass-biopsy-rates-increasing-in-kidney-cancer.aspx
Had my follow up this morning w the Onc - NED from Pelvis, Abdomen scan w 1/2 contrast - & Chest XRay Next scans September. Thanks for all the support :)
Sleep Apnea
Hi All..!! OK, this is (for some) an important subject. If you snore badly.. you should get checked out for Sleep Apnea. I will try to make this short... but.. OK, so after my March 2012 aurgery, I was found to have an Arythmia. I also knew I had a sleep issue. Finally I got a referral to a pulmonary Doc and he did the…
Ipilimimab and Nivolumab Trial-!st CT Scan Results
Got the results of my first CT Scan and was told no expansion and no growth of what I currently have which considering it was compared with a CT Scan taken 10 weeks ago and I only had one infusion is simply great. Next scan in May. They had previously told me to expext some growth with the 1st CT Scan and that we wouldnt…
Pathology report
So I followed up with my urologist today. He says as far as he's concerned I am cancer free. I did get my path report today: tumor site: renal ccortex size: 1.7cm focality: single focus margins: all negative histologic grade: nuclear grade 3 pathologic staging: pT1a So the grade worries. My urologist says he will u/s my…
Planned CSN Outage Tonight
Dear Users, CSN will be down for routine maintenance tonight from around midnight to 3:00 AM Eastern Time. We apologize for any inconvenience. The site will be up and running as quickly as possible. Thank you for all you do for CSN! CSN_Nick
Staging Question
I'm wondering what is the difference between nx and mx vs no and no? If the nodes or metastasis cannot be assessed how do you know you are a stage 1?
A very interesting read about the future of tumor treament http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/27/science/enlisting-a-computer-to-battle-cancers-one-by-one.html?ref=technology&_r=0
what is "met"?
I am getting antsy about surgery next Tuesday. I appreciate reading the posts. I am not sure what many of you mean when you discuss 'met'? I will probably enjoy pizza and beer for the last meal!
Scared of surgery?
I've read this often. Also have read reports like Sindy's who've had many parts removed. Can't scare her with a scapel. It got me thinking....hmm.... elbow bone tumor removed at 12 yo. the start of it all. I ate aspirin like m&ms for a year. Carried a bottle in my pocket. rt. knee, 3 or 4 procedures for bilateral…
new member- stage 3a grade 4 considering clinical drug trial of Everolimus
Hi! My name is Stacy and Im 39 years old, very healthy and no risk factors. I'm married with 2 young daughters. I went to the ER 1/5/14 for Abdominal pain that turned out to be an 8.5 cm tumor on my right kidney. It was also hemorrhagic. Had total right open nephrectomy on 1/15/14. Pathology. stage 3 grade 4. No renal vein…
Clinical Trial-Ipilumab & Nivolumab
Well, after waiting some 4-5 months I finally got all the go heads from the Doctor, Cancer Center, Insurance Company, and the Sponsor. I signed my contract about two weeks ago and tomorrow I start the trial. Get both Ipilumab and Nivolumab every three (3) weeks for 4 sessions.then only one of the two drugs every three…
About Fatigue from Radiation
My father is receiving radiation treatments for kidney cancer (Stage IV, RCC- poorly differentiated cell type). He is to receive a total of 15 radiation treatments and has had half of them already. Before the radiation, he had enough energy. He could walk around (though not stand for extended period of time); he could talk…
Getting drain removed
I'm heading back to Sloan Kettering today to have my drain removed. Had the little sucker in for a week so it's high time, but I'm also getting very anxious. For one, I'm worried that it'll hurt and for another, Dr. Russo might have the pathology report and I'm really scared of it.
IL2 blog
Spent yesterday getting scanned and ported and got my first dose about six hours ago. No nasty side effects but I am told these will come with subsequent doses. Staff have all been great and my wife is here sleeping in a chair. Really didn't need any help yesterday but I am sure that will change too. this protocol is for…
Partial Nephrectomy Done!
Hi everyone. Finally able to sit and post. Thank you all so much for all the comments, advice, support, and shared experiences on my intro thread. This board is invaluable and has been such a huge help for me. I had the open partial nephrectomy on Monday, home yesterday on Wednesday. I kept thinking of Iceman’s words of…