Warm fuzzies that uplift and comfort versus knowledge that increases stress?
I've wanted to write about this topic for quite awhile. I pray that I am understood in what I am attempting to learn about myself and about others. I would appreciate some conversation regarding your personal opinion on warm fuzzies that uplift and comfort versus knowledge that may increase an individuals stress level.…
Vacation Soon..
Hi All..! It is that time of year again.. well getting close.. Vacation time.. That is, unless my Dr visit next week turns bad.. not likely... So, I will be off to the Isle of Man.. my racer is on a ship headed that way... But, thought I would share a picture of my new rider at the TT Races from early June, 2014. Do ya…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Some of you know that we have had previous problems with a particularly tenacious scammer named sarah, and unfortunately she has struck again. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If…
Another scan.
Had a call from hospital last week to say Phred is having another mri this week. Don't know why. Thought it was a mistake but apparently not. Do know that for someone who is supposedly fine now he hasn't been feeling so good. Someone must have looked at his other scan and decided his pancreas is a knee or something. More…
How long did you have blood in your urine after surgery
Hi. I figure I'd ask the compatriots here a question that has been bugging me. I'm still seeing blood in my urine and some clots 13 days after Da Vinci robotic surgery on my left kidney 70% of the kidney was left. I!m a rare case in that the 3mm kidney stone that brought this all on is still stuck in my ureter. The surgeon…
One year check up.
X rays last week, CT-scan w/contrast this past Monday. Called the doctor's office today (Thu.) and was told that the findings were no evidence of recurring or new tumors. What good news it was. Mini celebration, went to local fireworks with brother, sister, niece and 7 month old gr.nephew. No better way to celebrate good…
Sigh....two years post op, and swimming still hurts
I had my hand assisted laproscopic nephrectomy two years ago. Today, we were at a pool party. I went in the water to cool off...and tried a little swimming. Every movement resulted in pain where the main inscision went through the peritum. Sigh. Any excersize I try that places any stress on the abdomin results in pain. But…
Low Vitamin D levels
I've been instructed to take a "D3" supplement of 5,000 IU/ Day - my levels are at 23 so they need to be raised. My question is - I was reading online at WebMD possible side effects and one of them has to do with the kidneys. Does anyone know anything about this or is this just an issue once levels are back up and normal…
Questions from a nervous Mellie- Updated
Hi guys my name is Melonie and I came across this website while googling some medical issues a I am having right now. I've been reading the past few weeks and you all have been through so much. I haven't even had a diagnosis yet but I have some questions I thought maybe someone could help me with. Last August I went to my…
Got my scan results Friday. Sitting inthe room waiting for the the doctor to come in I still had the feeling of doom. The doctor opens the door looks at me and said. "What are tou doing here? Your scans are fine. they show shrinkage. Stop trying to analyze things. Only scans can tell if the Votrient stops working." So from…
Los Angeles - Kidney Cancer Support Meeting
Just got this one. I may drive down for it.. if so hope to see some of you there... Ron Kidney Cancer Support Group - Los Angeles Monday, July 14, 2014 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Speaker: Ora Gordon, M.D., Medical Genetics Topic: "Genetics and Kidney Cancer" Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Samuel Oschin Cancer Center, Room AC 1100…
New Diagnosis - Meeting with Doctor and Advice Appreciated!
Hello everyone, This past Wednesday we learned that my Dad likely has stage 4 kidney cancer. My family is absolutely devastated. My Dad had absolutely no symptoms until he had some arm weakness, which we now know was caused by a 1.5cm brain tumor. On Wednesday, we had a horrible appointment with a radiation oncologist, in…
IVC Wall invasion
HI, Just wondering if anybody on here has experienced IVC thrombosis invading the wall. And also whether you went on to develop mets?
The Games I play..
OK, so I was in one of my smart alec moods... I had been having some issues that concerned me. My internal brain was thinking my syptoms could mean my throid is going funny. So, instead of e-mailing my Dr and asking for Thyroid testing... I just gave the symptoms and asked, that since I was coming in next week for scans…
Post surgery hernia
During my post surgery follow up appt I asked my surgeon's PA if I had a hernia above my belly button. She told me that it was too soon to have a surgery related hernia because it had only been 1 month. She also said that the hernia risk period is from 3 months post surgery to 6 months. Does anyone know why that period…
San Francisco area KCA Conference
Hi All..! Hope to see some of you there... Please save the date for the... 2014 Kidney Cancer Association Patient & Survivor Conference San Francisco Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:00am - 3:00pm Stanford Cancer Center 875 Blake Wilbur Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304 Please save the date and plan to join us on August 9! Learn about…
hmmmmm liver test elevated
So I HAD RCC chromophobe. Stage 2, 7.2 cm. Right kidney removed in 2010. I just had my 4 year checkup and my urology doctor said congrats everything looks good on CT and xray, see you next year AND next year is 5 years so after that I don't think you need to come back. Sooooo that freaked me out. Yeah 5 years but never…
dumb doctors
May 22 my husband had kidney stones. We have now met with 3 oncologists Finally the 3rd one says we are stage 4. Advanced and aggressive mestasized. kidney cancer but he is waiting for the pathology slides from the 2012 peration to determine if the primary is clear cell or papillary. So we have to wait another week. Or two…
What's typical
So I was feeling a little more at ease with my doctor but today they called to set up surgery date and it's September 8th. Is that the norm on the wait for surgery? I was just kind of taken aback mainly because of my leg pain and the fatigue when I had talked to the DR last night he had seemed like it needed done sooner…
Surgery Preparation
Hi all – My surgeon really needs better admin support. I am a week away from surgery (likely full nephrectomy) and I don’t have any information regarding preparation. Being over 50, I take a 81 mg aspirin everyday but stopped that but am not sure about other medications I am taking such as Simvastatin, HCTZ and Lisinopril.…
Checking in....
Well guys, I was diagnosed on 29th April 2014 with what my urologist said is that my 2cm lesion on my kidney is likely to be 80% cancer and............ I'm still waiting for surgery. calls to my consultants secretary have resulted in "probably mid July or August" my concern is that it may spread, my consultant said this is…
Recent surgery
Divinci partial left nephrectomy June 10th. Still swollen, very sore. I am 60 years old. Wonder if this is normal or not? Thanks, God bless
Hi, Everyone...Newly Diagnosed
Hi, Everyone...I had my right kidney removed on May 22nd 2014 at MD Anderson. I had a 6cm (in greatest dimension) Clear Cell tumor. The path report stated 6cm Clear Cell Stage 1 Grade 2 confined to kidney. Also, no invasion into renal vein, renal sinus or perinephric adipose tissue. No lymphovascular invasion indentified.…
Question about change in wording on CT Scan
I recently had my 2 year ct scan and on the 6 previous scans involving the lungs it would say No significant abnormality and under impressions it would say no evidence of disease and now its been changed to say- no dominant lung lesions- stable. The doctor assures me it means the same thing but I find it strange. Has…
Wait and see approach? Thoughts?
Hi, all. I've been on the Colon Cancer board for Stage 3 Colorectal cancer diagnosed in December 2012. Lots has happened since then but original CT showed a mass (1.5 cm) on left kidney back in 2012. Follow-up CT six months ago (after completion of CRC surgery/chemo/stuff) showed slow growth to 1.75 cm. Urologist wanted to…
Others w/ Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Grade ?
All, I have grade 3 Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma that has spread to my lymph nodes. I posted earlier (the other day) about my situation and I am just looking for others with similar situations, suggestions, advice, etc. I am following up with UNC Cancer Center on 6-27 and have an appointment tomorrow with a competing…
Doctor's Admin Team is not top notch
Have people encountered problems scheduling and getting call backs? I feel when I was "prospect", the level of service was much better...now that I am a client (surgery is scheduled in 2 weeks) ..not so great service. Also, what should I expect in the pre-op for a laparoscopic (likely complete) nephrectomy? Thanks all -…
Oncologist visit and next step!
I had a visit with my ever friendly Oncologist yesterday, Dr War. I took my scans, both my recent and previous scan with me for comparison. I was on the edge of my chair whilst she was going through them. The little tuts and groaning noises she makes while looking at them, certainly don't help the stress levels. Anyway!…
FLMA Advise
Anyone take FLMA? It is my understanding FLMA (Family Medical Leave Act) is offered by employers to allow people to take off up to 12 weeks annually with no pay and be guaranteed their job when they return. It is also my understanding that it doesn’t need to be taken consecutively. Today my thoughts are that me and my…
I will survive
Hi all, thought I'd check in, now that I'm pretty sure I'm gonna live. Sound melodramatic, maybe, but boy what a doozie this has been! I've been recuperating from the excision of Rosemary's baby, aka a dihiscence, and lets just say, if I live to be a hundred may I never go thru that surgery again!. It's brutal. I've been…