I will survive

twinthings Member Posts: 409

Hi all, thought I'd check in, now that I'm pretty sure I'm gonna live.  Sound melodramatic, maybe, but boy what a doozie this has been!

I've been recuperating from the excision of Rosemary's baby, aka a dihiscence, and lets just say, if I live to be a hundred may I never go thru that surgery again!.  It's brutal.  I've been and continue to be laid up on the couch/recliner for almost two weeks, minus the two nights in the hospital.  I will get my staples out this Thursday but unfortunately, will still be couch bound for some time.  Dr said after 7 repairs to my abdominal wall, my connective tissue is shot all to hell (yes, she said that).  I am a mesh fest inside.  So, it is imperative that I heal well. 

I think each and every person here can attest to not allowing ample healing time, doing things we shouldn't, long before we should.  I'm no different.  I mean, how do you not pick up that precious grandchild or vaccum and clean when needed?  In my case, I drive a lifted Jeep, outfitted with big tires that, I litterally have to pull myself up into.  Not an easy feat post surgery, but necessary if I need to drive.  I'd take hubbys vehicle since he drives a company truck during the day but, just so happens he drives a lifted Jeep too...go figure.  Two vehicles in my driveway and I can't use either of them...it's a pity.  Probably a blessing in disguise.  If I know me, I'd be out and about long before physically ready.   It's the rebel in me, I guess.  But, here I sit.  And sit.  And sit.  Following all the rules.  There's a first time for everything Innocent  Daytime TV sucks and I am going stir crazy.

But, for the first time I actually feel like being on my laptop so.  I am going to read thru some posts and see what everyone else is up to.  At least till I wear down and get sleepy again...which will be any minute now.  It seems I've been sleeping alot!  I have used very little pain meds since being home (hurting keeps me from moving, so I let myself hurt) and nothing at all the past 5 days so, not sure why I'm so sleepy.   

Hope you all are doing well and enjoying summer.  I have no personal knowledge of the temps since I haven't been out but, I hear it's hot and terribly humid.  Should probably be grateful to sit in my cool house, napping at my leisure.

Nearing naptime, better wrap it up here. 






  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Sindy.. great to hear from

    Sindy.. great to hear from you..!  Time  to take up the internet more..try to keep going on non-effort stuff..  Yes you know you need to heal up.. and as your doctor said, you are a mess inside full of mesh (unlike me I am full of s***).   Doing any internal damage is NOT allowed.. we all know it... Please do not risk it..!

    Now write a few dozen words... telling me what a snot I am.. Cool  Saying the obvious... yadda yadda... heh..

    So.. sit back, relax... maybe order some better quality cable TV to watch..  Or order delivery Pizza.. maybe the delivery guy will be a hunk...  I won't say take up knitting, you would likely poke me with that needle...


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    GSRon said:

    Sindy.. great to hear from

    Sindy.. great to hear from you..!  Time  to take up the internet more..try to keep going on non-effort stuff..  Yes you know you need to heal up.. and as your doctor said, you are a mess inside full of mesh (unlike me I am full of s***).   Doing any internal damage is NOT allowed.. we all know it... Please do not risk it..!

    Now write a few dozen words... telling me what a snot I am.. Cool  Saying the obvious... yadda yadda... heh..

    So.. sit back, relax... maybe order some better quality cable TV to watch..  Or order delivery Pizza.. maybe the delivery guy will be a hunk...  I won't say take up knitting, you would likely poke me with that needle...


    I'm sorry you had to go

    I'm sorry you had to go through such a painful surgery but I'm glad it's behind you now. Yes, try to keep from doing things so it can heal properly. If you get a little stir crazy there are a lot of fun online games that are free and kept me from getting cabin fever :) Feel better and speedy recovery!

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    Good to hear from you:)

    Hey Twinnie,

    I am glad to see you have resurfaced, you sound good albeit still in pain. I missed the post earlier, so I hope you are still awake, I have been having tea and biscuits with Dr. War. You will be sleepy because your body wants to heal, most healing takes place when you are asleep. Also your body is probably still wondering what's hit it. Glad to hear you are taking things easy, just think of all the Judge Judy you can catch up on:) It's on a loop over here, you can watch her all day and night if you so desire.

    I am glad it's all done and dusted, I know it will take a while to heal, but you can look forward to a much more comfortable future. 

    Take care my friend:)


    Djinnie xx

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    oh sorry!

    All that you had to go through!  I do understand though the "need" to clean, grocery shop, and toss ones' wonderous grandchild about, but your cost 8-(

    As for daytime TV - agreed - IT SUCKS!  That's why they invented DVDs, netflix, and DVRs (or even "on demand" depending where you are.  SO many great TV (BBC, PBS, HBO) series out there!  Now is the time? 

    Or can you do one of my husband's fovorite "exercises" - hammock holding? 8-)

    Wishing you well, lots of rest, and some really good books.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    aamdsi said:

    oh sorry!

    All that you had to go through!  I do understand though the "need" to clean, grocery shop, and toss ones' wonderous grandchild about, but your cost 8-(

    As for daytime TV - agreed - IT SUCKS!  That's why they invented DVDs, netflix, and DVRs (or even "on demand" depending where you are.  SO many great TV (BBC, PBS, HBO) series out there!  Now is the time? 

    Or can you do one of my husband's fovorite "exercises" - hammock holding? 8-)

    Wishing you well, lots of rest, and some really good books.


    Keep doing good Sindy.

    I know you  will heal. You make us proud. Can we change your name to Patches?

  • nsb748
    nsb748 Member Posts: 89
    foxhd said:

    Keep doing good Sindy.

    I know you  will heal. You make us proud. Can we change your name to Patches?

    If the Jeeps are too much

    If the Jeeps are too much temptation, I will gladly take one, or both of them off your hands.

    My first car was a 1992 Wrangler, and I still miss it to this day. 

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,049 Member
    nsb748 said:

    If the Jeeps are too much

    If the Jeeps are too much temptation, I will gladly take one, or both of them off your hands.

    My first car was a 1992 Wrangler, and I still miss it to this day. 

    A Step Stool???

    Have you considered a fold up step stool?  We got one for grandma to get into my Expedition after she lost her leg strength.  It folds and has a moulded in handle in the middle of the step.  Hook a cord to the handle and you can pull it in after yourself.  It folds flat.  Then you could open it and lower it to the ground to exit.

    Or, you could stay home and behave yourself.

    Hope the recovery goes well.

    Luv, Donna

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    GSRon said:

    Sindy.. great to hear from

    Sindy.. great to hear from you..!  Time  to take up the internet more..try to keep going on non-effort stuff..  Yes you know you need to heal up.. and as your doctor said, you are a mess inside full of mesh (unlike me I am full of s***).   Doing any internal damage is NOT allowed.. we all know it... Please do not risk it..!

    Now write a few dozen words... telling me what a snot I am.. Cool  Saying the obvious... yadda yadda... heh..

    So.. sit back, relax... maybe order some better quality cable TV to watch..  Or order delivery Pizza.. maybe the delivery guy will be a hunk...  I won't say take up knitting, you would likely poke me with that needle...


    Dear sweet Ron, oh how I have

    Dear sweet Ron, oh how I have missed your sense of humor.  But, laughing hurts so try not to make me do it!!  As for better cable, I already have well over a 100 channels with the pkg I pay for, you'd think I could find something.  I've burnt myself out on The Food Network and HGTV.

    You probably need a good poking but since I don't knit, you're safe...for now.


  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    APny said:

    I'm sorry you had to go

    I'm sorry you had to go through such a painful surgery but I'm glad it's behind you now. Yes, try to keep from doing things so it can heal properly. If you get a little stir crazy there are a lot of fun online games that are free and kept me from getting cabin fever :) Feel better and speedy recovery!

    online games?

    Thanks AP, I hadn't really thought of online games.  Can't say as I have ever played any.  Maybe I'll check em out.  Thanks so much for your well wishes!



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    Djinnie said:

    Good to hear from you:)

    Hey Twinnie,

    I am glad to see you have resurfaced, you sound good albeit still in pain. I missed the post earlier, so I hope you are still awake, I have been having tea and biscuits with Dr. War. You will be sleepy because your body wants to heal, most healing takes place when you are asleep. Also your body is probably still wondering what's hit it. Glad to hear you are taking things easy, just think of all the Judge Judy you can catch up on:) It's on a loop over here, you can watch her all day and night if you so desire.

    I am glad it's all done and dusted, I know it will take a while to heal, but you can look forward to a much more comfortable future. 

    Take care my friend:)


    Djinnie xx

    Judge Judy

    Djinnie, just so happens I've watched my share of Judge Judy, here lately.  That woman is something else!  I love her fierceness and bad ****, no nonsense way of handling thugs and disrespectful people. 

    If you have been having tea and biscuits with Dr War then, perhaps you have more news/info on your game plan.  Maybe you've posted and I just haven't seen it yet.  Can't say as I've ever heard of someone having tea and biscuits with their doctor.  I'd have tea and biscuits with you, if we lived near enough to. 

    I'm still sending good juju your way.  You are my hero!


  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    aamdsi said:

    oh sorry!

    All that you had to go through!  I do understand though the "need" to clean, grocery shop, and toss ones' wonderous grandchild about, but your cost 8-(

    As for daytime TV - agreed - IT SUCKS!  That's why they invented DVDs, netflix, and DVRs (or even "on demand" depending where you are.  SO many great TV (BBC, PBS, HBO) series out there!  Now is the time? 

    Or can you do one of my husband's fovorite "exercises" - hammock holding? 8-)

    Wishing you well, lots of rest, and some really good books.


    Thank you, Laurie, for the

    Thank you, Laurie, for the suggestions.  I have a DVD but don't know how to use it.  I DVR everything because I hate sitting thru commercials.  I do have On Demand and Netflix but can't seem to stay awake thru an entire movie.  I know with time and healing, I'll be sleeping less.  I am not one who usually requires much sleep.  I'm a night owl and an early riser so this sleeping all the time is for the birds.  Maybe this is what depression feels like?

    My daughter lives out of state but sent me a care package with all kinds of good stuff, including a plethora of magazines and books.  And, I do have a hammock down by the pond but I'm afraid IF I could get in it and get comfy, I wouldn't be able to get out, without assistance.  Maybe I can before long...something to look forward too, I suppose.

    Thank you for the well wishes.


  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    foxhd said:

    Keep doing good Sindy.

    I know you  will heal. You make us proud. Can we change your name to Patches?


    I love it, fox!  I may just do that, change my name to patches.  It's perfect!  I have been thinking of changing my screen name/email address from twinthings, as, several ppl at work tease me for it.  I never gave it much thought till I went to work in a male dominated industry with men who have only two things on their minds Kiss.  I'm getting tired of explaining I am the mother of twins.  So, perhaps I'll do something with Patches. 

    I hope all is well with you.

    Sindy, aka Patches

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    donna_lee said:

    A Step Stool???

    Have you considered a fold up step stool?  We got one for grandma to get into my Expedition after she lost her leg strength.  It folds and has a moulded in handle in the middle of the step.  Hook a cord to the handle and you can pull it in after yourself.  It folds flat.  Then you could open it and lower it to the ground to exit.

    Or, you could stay home and behave yourself.

    Hope the recovery goes well.

    Luv, Donna

    Oh Donna, I'm afraid I'd sell

    Oh Donna, I'm afraid I'd sell my Jeep before I'd use a step ladder.  Guess that means I'll have to stay home and behave myself, huh?  You are not the first to suggest it tho.   Hubby teases me that he's gonna get me one. 

    Hope your summer is splendid!



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    nsb748 said:

    If the Jeeps are too much

    If the Jeeps are too much temptation, I will gladly take one, or both of them off your hands.

    My first car was a 1992 Wrangler, and I still miss it to this day. 

    Jeep lover

    nsb, thank you for the kind offer to take my Jeeps off my hands for me!  hehe  My hubby says the same thing about every Jeep he's ever had.  He misses them to this day. 

    Actually, this past weekend, hubby turned my running boards over, making it a bit easier to get up in mine but, it's still a challenge. I haven't actually tried it yet but I know it will still be difficult.   Once I'm better, he'll change them back so we can do some crawling and rock climbing.  The running boards I have are really designed to protect the body from the big boulders we crawl over.

    Our son is in Afghanistan right now and his truck is in our driveway.  It's a Dodge with some kind of fancy schmancy gig that lowers the truck when you stop and raises when you drive.  I didn't get why he needed such a spendy truck but boy am I glad to have it at my disposal.  It's been a life saver.  Plus, when I'm in it, I feel closer to him.  It's how hubby takes me back and forth to the doctor.  Granted, I'd rather be without his truck and have him here, where i know he's safe.  Only a few more months before we can get our arms around him!!  I should be ready for a grand homecoming party for him, by that time.

    Hope you're having a great summer!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    I have been wondering if you had your surgery

    It would have been better if you had been basking in the sun on a lovely beach surrounded by palm trees...but you needed this beast removed.  Glad it is over. Now on with the healing. Don't you have a 50th birthday coming up soon? Better get healed up, girl!

    I used to hate Judge Judy, but now I love her. There is something satisfying about how she can get away with telling people that we are too polite to say....such as "get a job!" or "if you don't like it, move!". She is really awesome! We need more of her.

    You are a strong one, no doubt about it. I admire your son for serving his country - but man, that is hard on mothers! Keep thinking of when he will be coming home.

    So cozy up on that couch, read a good book, watch movies, and enjoy the serenity!!

    Big hugs,


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    online games?

    Thanks AP, I hadn't really thought of online games.  Can't say as I have ever played any.  Maybe I'll check em out.  Thanks so much for your well wishes!



    If you like jigsaw puzzles

    If you like jigsaw puzzles this site is great for killing some time :) Feel better!




  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member


    I love it, fox!  I may just do that, change my name to patches.  It's perfect!  I have been thinking of changing my screen name/email address from twinthings, as, several ppl at work tease me for it.  I never gave it much thought till I went to work in a male dominated industry with men who have only two things on their minds Kiss.  I'm getting tired of explaining I am the mother of twins.  So, perhaps I'll do something with Patches. 

    I hope all is well with you.

    Sindy, aka Patches

    Thumbs up for Patches!


    I think Patches is a brilliant choice, you can always rely on Fox. It will go just great with the new pic, I love the cheekie chappie in the back seat, he looks so cute in his little hat. I am quite fond of the one in the front seat too:)

    Ok then Patches:)


    Djinnie xx

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    I have been wondering if you had your surgery

    It would have been better if you had been basking in the sun on a lovely beach surrounded by palm trees...but you needed this beast removed.  Glad it is over. Now on with the healing. Don't you have a 50th birthday coming up soon? Better get healed up, girl!

    I used to hate Judge Judy, but now I love her. There is something satisfying about how she can get away with telling people that we are too polite to say....such as "get a job!" or "if you don't like it, move!". She is really awesome! We need more of her.

    You are a strong one, no doubt about it. I admire your son for serving his country - but man, that is hard on mothers! Keep thinking of when he will be coming home.

    So cozy up on that couch, read a good book, watch movies, and enjoy the serenity!!

    Big hugs,


    Let's see... your hubby

    Let's see... your hubby talked you in to the tall step un vehicles...  yes, bet he just loves watching you step up in to it... yup, bet he does..!  No wonder you did not bite at me mentioning the pizza delivery guy...  heh..  Heal up..!!  

    Oh sorry, but laughing is good for the soul... Smile

    Welcome back to our crappy group..!


  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284

    Thank you, Laurie, for the

    Thank you, Laurie, for the suggestions.  I have a DVD but don't know how to use it.  I DVR everything because I hate sitting thru commercials.  I do have On Demand and Netflix but can't seem to stay awake thru an entire movie.  I know with time and healing, I'll be sleeping less.  I am not one who usually requires much sleep.  I'm a night owl and an early riser so this sleeping all the time is for the birds.  Maybe this is what depression feels like?

    My daughter lives out of state but sent me a care package with all kinds of good stuff, including a plethora of magazines and books.  And, I do have a hammock down by the pond but I'm afraid IF I could get in it and get comfy, I wouldn't be able to get out, without assistance.  Maybe I can before long...something to look forward too, I suppose.

    Thank you for the well wishes.



    I read a lot of books while I was "recoverying", actually like them better than shows anyway.  I did catch up on my favorite BBC series and a such though - that was nice.

    As for the hammock and not being able to get out...when I was 9 month with my daughter I got in our hammock.  After getting settled, I moved just right and...PLOP.  Oh what a sight I must have been!  A little person that looked like they swallowed a VW sitting down hard on the ground!  After laughing myself to tears - I have not gotten back in one again since (daughter is now 27). 8-)

    Don't know where you live, but it being summer (unless you are Down Under), at least you can sit outside.  Maybe dabble gently in the garden?  Maybe look for a car lower to the ground ...like a Porche?

    Am just glad you're on the mend and have a sense of humor.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sweet Sindy so GOOD to hear

    Sweet Sindy so GOOD to hear from you!! Been wondering how you are..sorry for all this pain.

    Rest/sleep is good as your body uses so much energy for healing.

    How about audio books? Music?

    Keep a log of whatever crosses your mind. May prove interesting, funny, poignant, even profound.

    You can always write to me privately. I am home all day mostly at my lap top.

    Sending you gentle, gentle hugs my dear and LOTS of thoughts of healing with serenity.

    How old are the twins? Not sure how you do it.

    Keep us informed as to how you're doing. okay?

    Warmly, Jan