How soon after surgery should we expect to see oncologist?
I was wondering how soon after surgery and original pathology report should one expect to see an oncologist? My husband met with his urologist the Monday after having his kidney removed on the previous Wedenesday. He told us he would send over the pathology report to the oncologist and the oncologist would contact us when…
Scans and appointment
after a week of anxiety, my husband's bone scan, chest and abdominal scans are clear; next appointment in 4 months his oncologist is optimistic but, of course, cautious since we are dealing with renal cancer. But, he is stage 4, grade 2 with no evidence of visible disease. Sarah
Husband Diagnosis of pT3a with Sarcomatoid components - need help
My husband was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer on December 10, 2014 at the age of 39. He is not a smoker and has no family history. His cancer was found after a CT scan that was looking for kidney stones. The mass was 10cm. The urologist performed a radical nephrectomy and said everything looked good with clear margins. There…
Good News
I had a chest cat scan this month that is still clear and has been since December 2011. I had been diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer with mets to the lungs in april 2011. I have been on votrient since July 2011 and oncologist is now stopping the votrient and will repeat chest scan in 6 months. He is not totally…
Ok! Dr War has come up with a cunning plan!!
It's been a long day but productive I think. The good news is the tumours are still stable, Yay!!, so that is a total of six months so far, that's nothing to be sniffed at! I am delighted!!! With regards to the wayward lymph, these are the crux of my problems, cough, voice and sickness, busy little blighters. The plan is…
Having a lot of pain
I am just very disappointed right now as I am in pain 24/7 on percocet and morphine tablet at bedtime for this hip pain. I have trochanter bursitis that does not respond to cortisone injections and gluteal tears in right hip also. Not a doc anywhere will do surgery on me. The last one I met 3 months ago said if my lung doc…
It is finished
I am happy to say that the surgery is over. I am lying here in bed...in pain... but happy to be rid of that tumor. It was a bit bigger than they thought...almost 5 CM. It was also oblong shaped, and had grown into the ventricle...whatever that means. But, it was encaplulated, and they got the thing out succssfully and were…
Cakes, chocolates, ice cream, cookies, processed fruit juices and the likes...
I've read over the internet that people with cancer should avoid these foods as cancer cells feeds on sugar....Is this true? I just thought to ask this as I couldn't find a topic here regarding this? Pardon me if I'm asking nonsense......Thanks....
tumors that disappear???
Hi everyone, Have any of you here had one or some of your tumors disappear? The doctors planned surgery for next week and now they are not finding the tumors. Does anyone know what that means? I'm very worried. It was a good thing to know where there were!
Endometrial polyp, possible RCC met???
I have an endometrial polyp for at least last 1.5 year. My new Gynecologist suggests to take it out to make sure its benign. My urologist believes RCC doesn't have met in endometrial line of uterus. But I'm getting more and more nervous. It makes me crazy by thinking it's a distant rcc met or a new cancer coming from…
I will take matters into my own hands!
Today is Sunday Dec. 14, 2014 and Im on my 2nd week of 2/1 50 mg Sutent schedule and the extreme fatigue is too much and i'm so tired of getting tired.........I only got 6 more capsules left and I don't want to waste it so I will be taking matters into my own hands!!! ..... I'm going to break the capsule and take out 1/4…
Cystic? Random question...
Hello, again. Just thought of a random question, wonder if anyone has the answer. My pathology report said that my tumor was "partially cystic," but didn't elaborate further. I know that there is a subtype called multilocular cystic RCC, but the path report did not mention this in the least; it just said I had clear cell…
The time has come
Leaving tomorrow morning around 5 AM EST to go to UPMC Shadyside in Pittsburgh for a 7:30 report time and 10:30 AM open partial nephrectomy. Not looking forward to the day, but certainly looking forward to being rid of this 4.5 cm mass on my kidney. Here's hoping for no mets in the future and a speedy recovery.
Tomorrow is the day
I am leaving for my surgery at 6am and could I please ask if you could say a prayer for me. I am have open partial. I am scared but also anxious to get this behind me. Thanks from the bottom of my heart❤️
Managing pain
Can anyone tell me about their back pain after surgery? I have pain on the right side flank and back, but also quite a bit on the left side. I spoke with the doctor this morning and he said everything is on track and normal right now, however, I have quite a bit of pain in the back on the left side which they say is…
I think that all relatively new people aren't aware of some of our stories. I'll try to briefly do an update of mine. I was a very fit 58 yo. Always played sports. I've weight trained since about 12 yo. I've been a runner since my late 20's. I've run several marathons including Boston and New York. I had picked up my…
Surgery date approaches---I have questions
I am scheduled for an open partial on Monday, and I have a few questions, as I have never had major surgery before. I was told I will be asked if I want a spinal block before going in to surgery, and the doctor recommended saying YES. He said that it will greatly reduce pain once I wake up from the surgery, but will also…
social security
I like to bring this up every so often for newer people. Depending on your status with kidney cancer, you may be eligible for social security disability. It has been wonderful for me. I don't miss work but I miss the money.
cancer and pain, Do mets hurt?
Who? me ramble? Here is my latest. I wish that I had brought this up for input from Ron. Try to follow and add or subtract your 2 cents. Here goes. If you cut your finger, it hurts. Pain receptors get stimulated from the damage. Messages are sent to the brain and we interpret them as us having hurt ourselves. The same…
I am officially a member.
Hello friends. I am home from the hospital today and officially a member. They were able to do the surgery laparoscopically, however, it took them 7.5 hours - 2 of those hours spent lysing old adhesions. A very tenacious and dedicated surgical team. To say I am sore is an understatement. It turned out the "tumor" on my…
Metastasis ro the 6th and 8th rib
O had an old sprain in my right ankle years ago......a week ago I was blowing snow and been outside for almost 2 hrs clearing the snow in ny backyard......the cold weather must jave sip in to my ankle and now it's been swollen for a week and couldn't walk......I have metastasis to my ribs and is afraid that this is just…
Anyone paying out of pocket for Sutent or have a big copay?
Team, Is anyone paying out-of-pocket for Sutent, or have a hefty copay and having financial difficulty? I'm not trying to sell any Sutent or any health plan, so that's not the reason for my question....
From the US National Library of Medicine
I found this as part of a study done between 1989 and 2008. For those of us who had very small tumors (less than 3 cm), this is extremely hopeful news. Hope this is interesting. Here is a link to the page if you want to read the more in depth article, but below is the quick abstract:…
Papillary Renal Cancer
I'm new to this forum and I'm wondering how many of you have papillary cancer? I was diagnosed on June 4 of this year and I was surprised to say the very least. I had no symptoms or pain at all. I noticed blood in my urine one morning and went to the walk in clinic to check if I had a UTI. The main reason I even went to…
Scan Day today....increased from 3 mo to 4 mo...
Today is my scan day: MRI of the abdomen and Chest CT. This is my first (and probably only) 4 month scan. Next, if all goes well, six month scans. It is just about two years from my first post-nephrectomy scans, which showed a solitary met to my lungs. My Onologist, Dr. Hammers has told me that, with the agressiveness of…
Went to my onc today
Just a small update to my last post from a couple weeks ago. I did indeed go ahead and see the oncologist and I told him what my urologist had told me at my 3 month post-op visit about not needing any further follow up because I was "cured". Also mentioned to the onc how no one had told me about needing, at a minimum,…
I had my 8 week post-op follow up yesterday and I have graduated to yearly visits now. My incisions look great and I have been cleared to go back to normal activities. Follow-up in one year with CT scans with and without contrast, chest xrays, bloodwork. You all know the drill. Since my cancer was so small, he felt that…
Update: met with surgeon
I met with the surgeon today, and what a great guy he is! je put me at ease and told me he feels I have a 90-95% chance of "cure" through surgery. he is performing a partial nephectomy on Monday!! That was some fast scheduling! once he found out I have three little kids at home, he wanted to make sure I could be home for…
What does a CT show
I had a clean chest CT last week, so apparently the 4.5 cm tumor on my kidney hadn't spread to my chest. I have, however, noticed for a few weeks now some strange pain below my right nipple as well as a feeling that my mid back is "out." Does anyone know if the chest CT would have shown mets on my spine or ribs? Of course…
pazopanib side effects?
Hi all, I'd like to hear about side effects of pazopanib. Not just the long list that comes with the drug, but what someone on the list has actually experienced. The oncologist tells you all the bad stuff and it's pretty scary. I have the opportunity to get into a study for Stage III RCC. I've had my right radical…