Tomorrow is the day

Poirier66 Member Posts: 12

I am leaving for my surgery at 6am and could I please ask if you could say a prayer for me. I am have open partial. I am scared but also anxious to get this behind me. Thanks from the bottom of my heart❤️


  • Dave418
    Dave418 Member Posts: 95 Member
    I was there 3 months ago.

    I was there 3 months ago. Tomorrow is the start of your new life. Wishing you the best, take time to rest after the surgery. Don't rush anything. I'll pray for you. 

    Come back when you feel ok to tell us how it went!


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Dave418 said:

    I was there 3 months ago.

    I was there 3 months ago. Tomorrow is the start of your new life. Wishing you the best, take time to rest after the surgery. Don't rush anything. I'll pray for you. 

    Come back when you feel ok to tell us how it went!


    Prayers and good wishes on

    Prayers and good wishes on the way! Speedy recovery and you'll be so relieved when this is behind you. I also had an open partial and while not the most fun thing in the world it really wasn't as bad as I had feared. Walk as soon as they ask you to and drink tons of water. Don't be afraid to ask for pain killers; those help to get you and keep you moving. Can't walk if in pain. All the best to you.

  • AndyE
    AndyE Member Posts: 51
    APny said:

    Prayers and good wishes on

    Prayers and good wishes on the way! Speedy recovery and you'll be so relieved when this is behind you. I also had an open partial and while not the most fun thing in the world it really wasn't as bad as I had feared. Walk as soon as they ask you to and drink tons of water. Don't be afraid to ask for pain killers; those help to get you and keep you moving. Can't walk if in pain. All the best to you.

    Prayers to you! May God guide

    Prayers to you! May God guide the doctors'  hands and thoughts as they remove that which hinders and restores that which we need. Prayers for complete physical, psychological, and physical healing to you!  Amen!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    AndyE said:

    Prayers to you! May God guide

    Prayers to you! May God guide the doctors'  hands and thoughts as they remove that which hinders and restores that which we need. Prayers for complete physical, psychological, and physical healing to you!  Amen!

    And I thought you were waiting till next month

    Good luck with the surgery. May it just be a bump in the road on your way to a long and healthy life.



  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    Thinking of you.

    Surgery day: Scary but wonderful that the cancer will be exiting your body. I will pray for you. 

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member
    Good luck!

    Put your trust in your surgery team.  The recovery process will suck at first but it will be over before you know it.  Take it slow.  Once the tumor is out you will feel better.  Trust me.

  • I was in your position on

    I was in your position on July 9.  In hindsight, I laugh at myself for worrying so much.  This is not to make light of your situation.  We are all different.  By nature, I think I am a tough guy, and I can handle anything.  Boy, was I a blubbering mess 2-3 day before surgery.  The surgery and recovery were a cakewalk compared to the anticipation and fear of the unknown.  I hope yours goes as well as mine did. 

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I am praying for your

    I am praying for your complete and quick recovery after your surgery, walk as soon as they ask you, walking can incredibly help your recovery,  don't be shy, if you have any pain, question or request, let them know. You will lose appetite but eat. I complained of dizziness and difficulty sleeping, that was because of loosing blood and general anesthesia and got better within days.  Rest and do what makes you happy  and relaxed after surgery because psychological healing is very important and Influence your physical healing too.

    Get well soon




  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    Hugs and wishes

    New month, a new you.  Was me 9 months agao to the day, open partial.  Scary yes, will you be sore after, YES, but you will also be on the way to getting better.  

    Will be thinking of you all day, sending you "good vibes".  Then healing thoughts and prayers to get you through the first week or so to help get you on your feet and home.




  • myoung790
    myoung790 Member Posts: 75
    Best of luck!!

    Best of luck!!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    myoung790 said:

    Best of luck!!

    Best of luck!!

    Saying a prayer for you and

    Saying a prayer for you and keeping good thoughts heading your way. It will be behind you before you know it. Tomorrow is exactly one year ago since I had my surgery. Take care!!




  • nsb748
    nsb748 Member Posts: 89
    Jojo61 said:

    Saying a prayer for you and

    Saying a prayer for you and keeping good thoughts heading your way. It will be behind you before you know it. Tomorrow is exactly one year ago since I had my surgery. Take care!!




    Just bumping this for an

    Just bumping this for an update....


    Curious how the surgery went.