"Summer of Fox"

foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

I'm exhausted. I need time off. June was so much fun. I did everything on my list. Strength is still improving. Riding my Harley has returned to second nature. Golfing as well as I have in years. Most of my guitar playing has returned. Blood work is good. Mri's and scans will be in August. But I won't worry because if they are going to be bad, I wouldn't be doing all that I am. I do tire and rest more. I have to put up with the diarrhea from the votrient. Part of life's adjustments. Now what will I do for the rest of the summer? I guess it is time for working on projects. I'll stick to short term goals for awhile.  Everyone here and in other parts of my life, I thank. Now if I only had more money.....



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    So good to hear you doing all

    So good to hear you doing all the things you enjoy: your bike, golfing, playing guitar. Yay about the good blood work results too!

  • firedude21
    firedude21 Member Posts: 52
    APny said:

    So good to hear you doing all

    So good to hear you doing all the things you enjoy: your bike, golfing, playing guitar. Yay about the good blood work results too!


    Congrats Fox. You continue to amaze me. Did you do anything special to regain the strength in your arms?  I have started physical therapy and I am hoping that it does me some good. I still do not have full movement and strength in my left arm. 

    I hope you keep on progressing and enjoying life.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member


    Congrats Fox. You continue to amaze me. Did you do anything special to regain the strength in your arms?  I have started physical therapy and I am hoping that it does me some good. I still do not have full movement and strength in my left arm. 

    I hope you keep on progressing and enjoying life.



    We have the same arm

    firedude, my approach to rehab is a bit different. Trying to strengthen a muscle affected by nerve damage is like having a lamp not plugged in. Until the nerves regenerate there is not much you can do. But as they regenerate, co-ordination noticably improves. So the technique is to work on things that require cordination and combinations of movement. Yard work is effective and even cleans your yard. The actions of raking, and mowing and carrying yard waste are all things you've done in the past. Practicing these things as nerves recover reinforce normal motor patterns. Doing these things will also develope strength. And it is all very useable. I won't be hitting any weights for awhile. But I expect to if I continue to improve. It takes patience.

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    It's always great to hear

    It's always great to hear from you Fox, you're a real hero

    Keep enjoy the rest of summer time


  • I am alive
    I am alive Member Posts: 315
    Keep on smilin!

    So glad to hear of your continued improvement! Love the way you frame things. You are my hero, Fox. (I know, you've heard that a million times from a million different people. But IT'S SO TRUE!!!) You give me courage. Thnx. :)

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    Keep on smilin!

    So glad to hear of your continued improvement! Love the way you frame things. You are my hero, Fox. (I know, you've heard that a million times from a million different people. But IT'S SO TRUE!!!) You give me courage. Thnx. :)

    oh shucks

    I am alive, I'm just lucky and try to take advantage of it.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    foxhd said:

    oh shucks

    I am alive, I'm just lucky and try to take advantage of it.

    Aw Foxy. I remember when you

    Aw Foxy. I remember when you were so bad and now look at you~glad you are enjoying your summer and doing the things that make you so happy!


    Sending you a gentle hug,


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    foxhd said:

    oh shucks

    I am alive, I'm just lucky and try to take advantage of it.

    What an inspiring and truthful post


     I think that a more appropriate title would be the "The 9 lives of Fox"; your winter from hell gave way to a decent summer and now, we await the Fall. My level of confidence in your treatment and your working with them is pretty high.

    So, chill and enjoy your summer but stay in contact, ok?


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Srashedb said:

    What an inspiring and truthful post


     I think that a more appropriate title would be the "The 9 lives of Fox"; your winter from hell gave way to a decent summer and now, we await the Fall. My level of confidence in your treatment and your working with them is pretty high.

    So, chill and enjoy your summer but stay in contact, ok?


    It's great to hear from you!

    Hope it does not put too much weight on you but you sure are an inspiration to so many of us here.  I for one look up very much to you for the grace and positivism with wich you walk thru life and that rubs on to those who come in contact with you in any way.

    A great Summer to you Fox!


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    foxhd said:

    We have the same arm

    firedude, my approach to rehab is a bit different. Trying to strengthen a muscle affected by nerve damage is like having a lamp not plugged in. Until the nerves regenerate there is not much you can do. But as they regenerate, co-ordination noticably improves. So the technique is to work on things that require cordination and combinations of movement. Yard work is effective and even cleans your yard. The actions of raking, and mowing and carrying yard waste are all things you've done in the past. Practicing these things as nerves recover reinforce normal motor patterns. Doing these things will also develope strength. And it is all very useable. I won't be hitting any weights for awhile. But I expect to if I continue to improve. It takes patience.

    Is there any way of stopping

    Is there any way of stopping my wife from reading this dangerous message?

  • nsb748
    nsb748 Member Posts: 89
    marosa said:

    It's great to hear from you!

    Hope it does not put too much weight on you but you sure are an inspiration to so many of us here.  I for one look up very much to you for the grace and positivism with wich you walk thru life and that rubs on to those who come in contact with you in any way.

    A great Summer to you Fox!


    That's a great update Fox. 

    That's a great update Fox.  Glad you were able to get out on the motorcycle.  As an added bonus for you...

    I can almost guarentee your shooting better on the golf course than I am. 

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Foxy rocks!
    I have been away,

    Foxy rocks!

    I have been away, with very little access to the internet this summer, and I have to say to log on and see this message sure did make my day!!

    Look at you Foxy, showing us all how it is done.

    The Summer of Fox, sure looks like a great one!

    Big hugs


  • Galrim
    Galrim Member Posts: 315 Member
    And so ends...

    ...your winter of discontent. Keep it up Fox :-)


  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member

    money is like a air in a balloon. The air will always fill the space, and the more you put in, the tighter things feel.

    It sounds like you already hit you lottery this summer, don't sweat the money.

    Glad to hear you are well.

  • Fox, you are such an

    Fox, you are such an inspiration.  Thank you for your posts.  It is great to hear all is well. 

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    Fox, you are such an

    Fox, you are such an inspiration.  Thank you for your posts.  It is great to hear all is well. 


    ......if a cat has 9 lives, how many does a fox have?.....

    By the way, I walked 18 holes today on a hilly course.

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    foxhd said:


    ......if a cat has 9 lives, how many does a fox have?.....

    By the way, I walked 18 holes today on a hilly course.

    9 lives

    the fox must have at least 9 lives or you must become a cat; 18 holes is awesome. i just said goodbye to my husband who is off to Alaska for a week; I worry about his back on the long flights and the camping but he's feeling great.

    Two years ago, we were getting second opinions on the laminectomy and filled with fear at the term "palliative". Since then, we get the term as not being curative but treatable which goes with stage 4.

    Fox, at his weakest, it was your story (after the IL2) that I shared with him to give him hope.

    Now, you're golfing and he's camping in Alaska; for the newly-diagnosed as stage 4, these guys should give you hope.


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Srashedb said:

    9 lives

    the fox must have at least 9 lives or you must become a cat; 18 holes is awesome. i just said goodbye to my husband who is off to Alaska for a week; I worry about his back on the long flights and the camping but he's feeling great.

    Two years ago, we were getting second opinions on the laminectomy and filled with fear at the term "palliative". Since then, we get the term as not being curative but treatable which goes with stage 4.

    Fox, at his weakest, it was your story (after the IL2) that I shared with him to give him hope.

    Now, you're golfing and he's camping in Alaska; for the newly-diagnosed as stage 4, these guys should give you hope.


    Are we showing off ?

    I love it!!!   Here I am again writing in your posts, I can't help it it's like honey to the bees!  You lift my mood, you make me smile and laugh and it just feels great!

    I visit here very often and sometimes I don't write on posts because already some of you or many, had already answered and it would be repetitive and some other times I don't write because I don't have the knowlegde to answer... but truth be told, the main reason might be because I have been feeling a bit scared and anxious lately.  I think when I got over the surgery and my terrible post-op experience (ruptured artery), when I got my life back and all the sudden it was near Xmas time (wich in my country starts mid November or before),  I was so overjoyed and so happy to have my life back that it was all that mattered.  As the months have gone by and I have read and learned so much more about this disease we share, it has been feeling lately a bit overwhelming for me to cope with.  Im working on this, I know how worry is a total waste of time and energy and there is so much of life out there to enjoy.  So, that is why

    reading "Dean Fox's" adventures and feeling his good vibes is like medicine to me!   

  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    marosa said:

    Are we showing off ?

    I love it!!!   Here I am again writing in your posts, I can't help it it's like honey to the bees!  You lift my mood, you make me smile and laugh and it just feels great!

    I visit here very often and sometimes I don't write on posts because already some of you or many, had already answered and it would be repetitive and some other times I don't write because I don't have the knowlegde to answer... but truth be told, the main reason might be because I have been feeling a bit scared and anxious lately.  I think when I got over the surgery and my terrible post-op experience (ruptured artery), when I got my life back and all the sudden it was near Xmas time (wich in my country starts mid November or before),  I was so overjoyed and so happy to have my life back that it was all that mattered.  As the months have gone by and I have read and learned so much more about this disease we share, it has been feeling lately a bit overwhelming for me to cope with.  Im working on this, I know how worry is a total waste of time and energy and there is so much of life out there to enjoy.  So, that is why

    reading "Dean Fox's" adventures and feeling his good vibes is like medicine to me!   

    Summer of Fox

    How great it was to see that post Fox.  It looks like our scans will be about the same time, I will get my results on August 10, and I am really praying that I will not be going under the knife again anytime soon.  Wow, trying to keep up with you in your Summer just makes me tired reading all the things that you are accomplising now.  I am really happy for you, and wishing for your fantastic summer to continue!

                                         Thanks for all you share Foxy!


  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240

    So great to hear about all the things you been doing and enjoying.  You certainly need a small break now. LOL  Thrills my heart to hear this.  Think of you a lot.  Pray for you a lot also.  Sorry have not been around for a few weeks.  Hubby had heart attack number 3, when I got him to ER they just started the heparin a going.  Cath a few hours later, 2 more stents in which makes him #9 now.  But he is feeling better now.  But so glad you are having a good summer.