Starting treatment today-nervous!
Hi everyone, Quick intro: I am a 42 year old who was recently diagnosed with HPV+ stage III SCC. The tumor site sits between my tonsils and I have two affected lymph nodes. Today I start the standard seven weeks of radiation and tomorrow I go in for my first of three infusions of cisplatin. I live on Vashon Island, which…
My radiation journey - Week 6
Week 6 has been terrible. The effects of all this has hit me hard, as expected. I have 4 treatments left, one neck and tongue, then 3 tongue booster treatments, which will wreak more havoc on my already blistered tongue. Eating solids is nearly impossible, even with the meds, which I started this week. Shakes are my…
Oral Cancer-Confused Need Advice
Hi Everyone! I am on here to find answers about my Dad's cancer he has been fighting for seven years. The doctors have been so vague during this whole process to the point we don’t really even know what type of cancer it really is. My Dad is 55 years old, a marathon runner, a successful business man and an all around down…
Oral Cancer
Excision of left cheek followed by a radical neck dissection.
I just got diagnoised with oral cancer and am scared!
Dont know what to say---found a white lump on my tongue, it is cancer and I go to a team of doctors on friday to discuss treatment. Anyone have mouth cancer? Any encouraging news/words?
My Mom's oral cancer
My mom was diagnosed this past november for squamous cell oral cancer. She has undergone surgery to remove 4 bottom teeth and a piece of her jaw bone underneath those teeth. The doctor resected the gum with cheek and under the tongue skin. My question is has anyone out there had somthing similar to this. She is very…
Super quick and soothing watermelon salad
I've been eating this lately and thought I would pass it along. And don't like to cook, so If I tell you it's done in under five minutes, you gotta believe it. Very cooling and soothing for your throat and it's goes down well since it's mostly liquid. Buy some watermelon (spears or cubed or even a half melon, if you like…
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I have cancer of the parotid gland. I was diagnosed after my surgery. They thought it was benign due to negative results of biopsy. I am glad this discussion board exists as I feel alone a bit. I'm starting radiation next week for six weeks. My name is Shirley and I'm thankful that you're all…
Aloha, I was diagnosed in late May with T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left supraglottic larynx, Stage iVa. After diagnosis, I had PET scan which showed up negative. My excellent ENT in Honolulu (I visited 3 and consulted with a 4th) told me that he did not think that surgery of my larynx was a good option due to…
Is anyone else having trouble uploading pictures?
I know how to do it...my request just keeps getting denied. I tried resizing to make it smaller. barbara
Hello, new to the forum. diagnosed in March SCC of the tongue, Stage IVA, 4 positive left lymph, PET cleared the rest of the body. In April underwent a hemiglossectomy, with a free flap reconstructed from a thigh graph, also had a tracheotomy, right and left neck dissection to remove positive nodes and the right was…
Update on my freaking out
So last week, my husband was going to see his ENT about a suspicious spot at the back of his mouth. He is 5 months NED after stage 1 tongue cancer treatment. I was freaking out naturally. You all helped me calm down. He had the appointment, and the doc did not think it was cancer, but to be on the safe side, he decided to…
Looking for tongue reconstruction survivors
Hi. After 12 years of remission my tongue cancer returned with a vengeance in December - two tumors removed, one round of targeted brachy radiation, a new tumor appearing almost monthly. I "changed teams" to University of Chicago - much more satisfied with the doctors and staff there. I went through five weeks of…
ROLL CALL 2016 Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to Enroll (name, town, state, dx) or Check-In whenever you see…
Update and a few words about HPV+ SCC
I haven't posted in the past few months because dealing with treatments, etc. was pretty draining. For folks who may have missed my few posts last year, I had Stage IV HPV+ SCC in my left tonsil and soft palate in 2012. I was all clear for all scans and exams in that area. In late 2015, I had a persistent cough. When I…
when you are dropped from a drug trial
Good evening: This is my first post regarding drug trials. My husband, who had stage four metastatic head and neck cancer, joined a phase one drug trial involving Keytruda and incye 02436 at the University of Pennsylvania Abramson Center in February 2016. Within three weeks he was hospitalized and dropped 15-pounds during…
My radiation journey - Week 5
Well, the **** has hit the fan. As I expected, the dark side of treatments is rearing its ugly head. According to my doctor, I'm doing exceptionally well at this point. May be. But this week started getting difficult. My ferocious appetite has waned. The sores in my mouth coupled with the terrible taste of many foods, is…
feeling hopeless
Hi everyone my name is william and i have few questions for you guys. 1. It is possible to develop oral cancer through hpv and just months after a possible exposure? ? 2 can someone get medical treatment for cancer despite lack of insurance? ? Recently i visited two ent doctors and both told me that i have hypertrophy on…
Back home on the Bay Island
Sorry but it will not let me post
1st post treatment scan results
Hey everyone! Got the results of my first PET scan post treatment and my results were as good as could be expected. NED, yay! thanks board for all your help and support. i know it's only the first but it is a relief for now. Now to get this darn tube out, lol.
Mucous, Mucous (and did I mention Mucous)
17th of 33 rads and my 4th of 6 Cisplatin infusions are on my calendar for tomorrow. That being said, the overal mucous development in my throat has reached epic levels. I seem to spit mucous all day long. I rinse with salt/baking soda solution about every hour. I swish/swallow aloe vera juice with L-Glutamine 3 times a…
Hearing loss...
I posted another topic about neuropathy and now would like to know about your experiences with hearing loss. I did two cisplatins and the third was carboplatin because the hearing loss was fairly dramatic after the two cisplatins. Seven months out my hearing seems to be getting worse. Not dramatically but very gradually. I…
Received Possible First NED
Hi Everyone, Lisa here, Going on 6 wk post-treatment. Cancer located left tonsil area, HPV+. Saw my ENT last week for a scope of the mouth and throat. Pictures were taken. Compared to the "Before" pictures taken in January, the mass is no longer raised and is systemical to surrounding healthy tissue. My ENT pronounced it a…
Peg tube
Had peg tube inserted Friday. Been in the hospital since. Can't keep anything down. Also in some pain. Taking me for a scan in a little while. For those that have or had them...any suggestions? Thanks, Joanne
Hair Today.....maybe Gone Tomorrow
Hi again, Before I started this journey I made a decision to cut my longer/short haircut shorter so I would be prepared in case I did lose my hair due to chemo. If it didn't, it would grow back,....... except it's NOT growing longer. In 2 1/2 months besides turning salt and pepper grey and losing my back hairline from the…
Inner and outer lip sores
For those who might have had these from radiation during treatment, what did you use? I tried Aquaphor but it does not help. Is there something medicated to use for the lips? The side of my lip is cracking also and painful. I'm using my soda rinse religiously, and also the glutamine. Cancer sucks and so does the treatment!
Introduction (Stage IVA Tonsil Cancer)
Hello. First off let me say this site and the Head & Neck discussion board is a wonderful tool to use for a journey through this disease. I appreciate all the users that I have seen on this board and their helpful experiences. I am a 54 year old male and I was diagnosed with Tonsil Cancer on March 1, 2016; and was…
Introduction and a couple of questions
Greetings all. My name is Gregg and I live in Raleigh. I stumbled upon CSN while searching around for some recovery and after treatment topics on the web. I was diagonosed in August 2015 with stage IV squamous on base of toungue and spread to lymph nodes. Was fortunate enough to get into the de-intensified treatment study…
Hi everyone. It has been so long since I visited that I had to re- register with a new name. I have forgotten all the abbreviations and buzz words, but I had squamous cell stage 3 cancerous lymph on right side of neck, primary site unknown. Had right side neck dissection, feeding tube, Erbitux (sp?) chemo and full…
New Treatment for head and neck cancer