Hi! My name is Joanne. I was diagnosed with Stage IV A (T1N2bM0) cancer. Treatment plan is 7 weeks radiation, 5 days a week - chemo (cisplatin) 3 cycles, 3 weeks apart. I will have a PEG tube as I weigh 109 lbs dont have much weight to spare. I go to have my radiation mask made Friday and Monday will be the planning and…
Hello all, I joined a few weeks ago and have been reading your very helpful hints, which have been invaluable. My husband was diagnosed in March, Stage 3 SCC of the right tonsil. He has had 27 radiation treatments and two rounds of Cisplatin, no surgery, no peg. Fortunately, he is still eating some solid foods with the…
Article about HPV and H&N cancers
I ran across an older article, but a new one to me and thought I would share it. It is from HemOnc today. I did use the tiny.url site to make the link smaller. With the prevalence of HPV+ cancers increasing, I encourage all of you who have daughters, AND SONS, to have them vaccinated with the HPV vaccine. I know it was…
Radiation Doc Follow Up Today and Thank You
My husband met with his radiation oncologist today for a follow up visit. It has been 4 and a half months since he finished treatment for tongue cancer. The doc said that my husband looks excellent and that the prognosis looks great for him. The radiation and chemo was not required, and today the doc said he estimates…
My dad's Voice prothesis was removed?? To enable speech ? How ? Why
It's a human right to speech yet dad's voice prothesis was removed to enable with swallowing difficulties . They have caused him to aspirate continuesly .. Now he can't , talk walk , eat or drink. 3. In order to prevent the occurrence of all forms of exploitation, violence and abuse, States Parties shall ensure that all…
Oral Surgery is over
Well they did the procedure to uncover my implant and put in temporary posts. Surgery went well but they did some additional work where they increased the area in front of my lower gums to allow a better fit of the implants. They cut between the lower gums in front and put in a skin graft from my leg. Then put a splint…
One week down
I feel good just having finished a week without screaming when the mask is bolted down. No symptoms yet. I had fatigue from surgery which is improving, but still there, so not radiation related. Stilk eating well, and able to do some exercise. Enjoying life. Met some really nice people in the radiation waiting area.…
Necrosis problems in jawbone
I am sorry to bring up a new situation since there are enough going on already during everyone's cancer treatment. I survived stage 4 throat cancer that was treated in Chicago and Munster, IN. Since then I've had many more medical situations including falling over and getting injured and then being diagnosed with vertigo.…
My radiation journey - Week 3
I just completed 14 treatments out of 33 and here's my experience to date. Lost one day to the holiday last week. However, the radiation forgot to celebrate Memorial Day like the rest of us. Sores on my tongue, inside my cheeks, and one near my throat, got pretty serious. Although I'm still eating a regular diet, I have…
Is one month too long to wait to see oncologist after biopsy results?
I just got my biopsy results on June 2, and my report was faxed to Johns Hopkins by my oral surgeon. JH called today and said the first available appointment for my consult with the specialist that my oral surgeon recommended is July 5. His office told me that he will see me that morning and decide which scans/tests to…
Sinonasal adenocarcinoma
Hi everyone, I'm brand new here. I'm wondering if someone went through anything somewhat similar. So my husband, 44 yrs old, was diagnosed with sinonasal adenocarcinoma in March. He had surgery to remove it. his surgeon rec was to do radiation for 6 weeks and chemo once a week. We heard about proton beam therapy and we…
Video: What to expect from head and neck cancer
Has anyone seen this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxjDHcCHHZg How did it compare to your experience? My husband has been diagnosed with HPV related Oropharangeal Cancer (which is what I think the gentleman in the video had) and he found and watched this video by himself. I've never seen him so scared. He's…
I had tongue cancer 16 years ago. Been having a battle with my teeth ever since. I keep losing teeth and the dentist do not give me options to replace them. They make is sound like I can't have dental implants or dentures because of the radiation damage. I know many of you have dental issues and any ideas on what to do…
It's the big day
we arrived in Houston on Sunday, and spent yesterday at Trader Joe's and SAMs club, a museum and using the small gym at the apartment complex. Why sit around getting anxious? Pointless. The info packet from radiologist's nurse mentioned nothing about face care or what to avoid as far as moisturisers and makeup. I'm…
GU Energy Gel - did anyone try it/like it?
I completely forgot about this until just now. While I was in recovery...and feeling lower than low...a client sent me a box of GU Energy Gel in all the flavors. He is a marthon biker and bikers use them to refuel. Plastic envelope, tear off the top and swallow. It was pretty good, nothing I would buy now...but at the time…
My radiation journey - Week 2
Just completed 10 treatments today. Seems to be going quickly. Ever notice the older you get, the faster time goes? Anyway. Sores are beginning to get serious. Still eating but getting a bit difficult. I'm noticing serious pain in my throat upon swallowing. No real fatigue to speak of. Treatment is an hours drive in the…
Newbie - Need advice for my husband re PEG
I found this network by accident and have read many, many of the posts. Thank you for being here!! Brief intro: My husband is 66 years old and other than the recent news about cancer, he is healthy and physically fit. (Side note: 2 years ago he had a partial shoulder replacement and last year he had both of his knees…
Info from others please
my husband was diagnosed with neck tumor along with lymph node in December 2015. Primary was never found. He finished chemo and radiation on 3/15. doctors were very positive when they could not feel tumor anymore. On 4/6 ct scan done on neck and lungs and only showed small lump left in neck. on 5/27 he had a restaging pet…
2 days left of radiation and I'm so nauseous! Help
I only have two days left and I'm so nauseous haven't eaten all day. I do not have a feeding tube and I don't want. I've been drinking water all day. My throat is so swollen and tongue is full of sores. I keep reheating a bowl of puréed rice but can't seem to eat it.
Anyone else mad as hell about what the docs didn’t tell us??
I’ll start right off by saying I am deeply grateful to both my surgeon and my oncologist and all the medical professionals who saved my life and continue to monitor my cancer. However, I gotta say that I have a lot of anger about the lack of information which was provided prior to surgery and radiation regarding the…
The Biggest Loser?
So sad reading about the newbies suffering with mouth sores, pain and weight loss...brings it all back. I'm a year out now and life is very much improved. How much weight did you lose in total during the first year/healing process? I'm 5'4", started out around 140 (a weight I was comfortable with) and dropped to 105 at my…
Surgery included bone from leg placed in jaw
hi I had bone put in my jaw 3/2014. Friday 5/27/16 surgical proceedure schedule to remove hardware that was used as support of bone replacement. Anyone relate?
Hello everybody.... I am new in here and unfamiliar with the protocol. I thought I'd start here with an introduction. I'm Sam from Columbia, SC (actually relocated here in 2002 from NY). I had stage 4 head and neck cancer, originally diagnosed Oct 2015. Travelled to NYC for surgery/treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering and…
Burning & Stinging when Eating
Hi, I'm Lisa. I am 1 month out from treatment for tonsil cancer. I had a PEG tube put in at the 3rd week of treatment due to horrendous mouth sores/Mucusosis. At one point, I could not even drink water. Since finishing treatment ( 7 wks Radiation, 6 chemo) I have been trying hard to introduce foods and drinks by mouth to…
Caphosol and/or Muguard?
For those who used these products, were they helpful? Did you use both? Or is only one necessary? I was trying to find the ingredients to make sure I'm not allergic to anything in them. Please share your experiences. Also, did insurance cover these Meds?
Cancer with no insurance
I have great insurance through my employer. I'm lucky. After a $3,000 deductible, I am covered 100%. So far, my insurance has been billed $88,000 for treatments and surgery before radiation. Those treatments are $4,500 each, times 30, bringing the total to over $200,000. I know the insurance will knock the price down some,…
Expressions - - - They are gone!! They're BACK
I know many of us have done the "Expressions" and have spent hours on them and over the years with all the dates and times of our journey. They help tell our story and have photos and videos even. They are all gone. I wrote CSN and waiting for a reply. You might want to send them a message also. Bill
You can drink too much water, so have your blood sodium checked..
You can drink too much water; Just an FYI, or Did You Know? We didn't. As far as hydration and how much to drink or take in, the rule of thumb is half your weight in ounces. If you weigh 100 lbs it is 50 oz, if 200lbs you need 100 oz of water. Then there are some meds that might require you to do more or less. You can take…
Non healing ulcer in throat after radiation tx
Sorry in advance for the long post. I finished my treatment on November 5 of last year with 35 rounds of radiation and 6 rounds of Erbitux for Tonsil cancer- primary tumor was in tonsil and had spread to a few lymph nodes on both sides. Everything during the treatment went good except the radiation doctor at MD Anderson…
So I got fitted for my radiation mask. Thank God I'm not claustrophobic! I don't how those folks deal with that confinement. Anyway, my radiologist says I'm on the fence in terms of needing chemo. So she gave me information on Cetuximab as clinical trial, vs. regular chemo. She says it's less toxic. Has anyone been on this…