anxiety over scan
Boy I have felt like a champ mentally and have already had one 3 month NED scan, but I am feeling the anxiety of having my 6 month scan on Monday. I guess that is all part of the fun.
PEG timing
At what point did you get your PEG? My husband only has 9 treatments left. He stated yesterday that maybe he should get a PEG because it is so hard to eat. He did great with just EnsuRe today. How long after radiation is over before you can eat again?
End of week four , please no more
Shirley here reporting at the end of week four. More of the same side effects, nausea mouth pain throat pain and narrowing. Still eating solids. Lost appetite though. The smell of the hospital makes me sick. Water taste weird. I'm tired but will try to hold on. The worst is yet to come week 5 and 6 here I come. Congrats to…
First food you could eat after treatments
I'm still on shakes and can't imagine what would work at this point. Do you remember the first food that worked for you post treatment?
Flavored water?
Headed into week four of rads and chemo and water tastes pretty salty. Did anyone have any success with flavoring their water to taste better? I'm thinking fruit, but seems unlikely I could taste the difference. I find if I drink cold water it tastes better, but I carry around my water all day and it tends to get down to…
D day for me - last radiation!!
I used to imagine what the last day would feel like. I also used to think it would never come. I read all about symptoms and other reactions to radiation and was a pack of nerves at first...then I let go of fear and took it a day at a time. The best advice I got from so many sweet and thoughtful people here. People who had…
getting started
HI everyone Hubby has been diagnosed with base of tongue cancer and I have avidly been reading this site, which is very helpful. I thought I would get started by getting started. We are now in the process of first oncology visits and the radiation oncologist tomorrow. I'm sure we will have many questions and/or thoughts…
getting started
Hi everyone! Hubby has recently been dx with base of tongue cancer and freely admits he is in denial, so I have become the designated reseacher and found this site, which i have been reading for several weeks. We are now at the first oncologist visit and meeting with the radiation oncologist tomorrow. I plan on using this…
Has anyone dealt with cancer in the gingiva (gums), upper back? What to expect?
I was wondering if anyone had cancer in the upper jaw, at or near the back molars? My surgeon extracted 3 molars and the canine tooth on the left side. Although I had surgery at the end of June, the post-op pathology report is not back, but he said that since there was some bone involvement, the tumor board would probably…
My radiation recovery - Week 1
I am officially 9 days post rad and here's my progress, thus far. Mouth sores - they are beginning to heal. Brushing my teeth is much easier the past few days. I've noticed I'm not looking to rinse as much as before. My mouth feels cleaner each day. Mucous - still there, but diminishing. Taking Mucinex to help move it…
Week 3 almost done (Monday)
Having a rough time with this last chemo. I am really annoyed and going to get in touch with the coordinator who we met at my first chemo and said if we had any problems to call him. I had chemo tues and was fine wed. Thurs I felt lousy. I threw up my protein drink and was so tired went back to bed. I woke up at…
Treatment far from home?
I live in Chicago suburbs, receiving treatment for recurrent SCC of the tongue. My tumor(s) have failed to respond to a Carboplatin/Abraxane regimen at the University of Chicago, and so far it looks as if my options there are palliative care or total glossectomy/reconstruction, neither with great survival rates. It's been…
Jawbone Replacement due to disintegration of radiated jawbone
I have done tons of research on the best doctor and the best medical facility to have this procedure done. I have very strong opinions about this but hoping not to offend anyone would be willing to share them if there is interest. I was initially diagnosed with Stage 4 oral cancer of the tongue in 2002, I have had 5…
Week Three- Finis
Today is the end of week three. I am halfway through. I wish the next three didn't seem like an eternity away. I felt my worst so far going in for the zaps today. It was meet with the doc day and I burst into tears (which is always a good look). I told her of my throat, mouth and ear pain. She gave me some liquid morphine.…
My radiation recovery - Week 2
It's hard to believe I'm 16 days past my last treatment. My recovery seems to be going well, just slow as expected. But, I think I've turned the corner, at this point. I'm staying on liquids through July. The salty taste is just too much to attempt solids. Amazingly, I am still maintaining my weight with just 2 shakes a…
Acupuncture Question
For those of you who had acupuncture to reduce or alleviate dry mouth....how often did you have it and for how many sessions? We tried the ALTENS clinical study which is supposed to simulate acupuncture but it had no effect. We'd like to try the real deal now. Hopefully a year out we can still reap some benefit. I know…
After Surgery
Hi everyone.I went in and my a splint wired into jaw and he also trimmed gum lines as he did.He also from what I was told relexed my tounge flap somewhat.He also ran a tube down my nose to stomach so I get to eat that way again for a week or so.I found that I can't get implants do to the high radiation treatment as the…
Week Three Done
Hi Everyone, Just checking in after completing my third week of rads yesterday. The fatigue is definitely starting to catch up with me and after each treatment my mouth feels a little sore for a while, but then it fades away by the morning. I have my magic mouthwash at the ready, but haven't had to use it so far. I've got…
Open Sore
Hi All! I just had my 15 month all clear, I am so happy. I find it hard to come back here but I do stop by once in a while. I hate when I read bad news, this visit about Phrannie. It sucks. At my follow-up visit my doctor would do a needle biopsy at my tumor site which is on my titanium jaw replacement. It has not healed,…
Margins unclear decision to make
Hi I had surgery in May for tumor removal that turned out to be olfactory neuroblastoma. MRI came back good - no spreading. Radiation oncologist has concerns because pathologist could not confirm if the margins were clean or not. So, do I have radiation in case we have cancer cells left or do the wait and see and if it…
Jaw Pain
Hi! i had a laryngectomy last October and have experienced jaw pain ever since then. It is much like First Bite Syndrome where severe jaw pain comes with each "first" bite of a meal and subsides through the next few bites until gone. My situation is a bit different because I have a chronic underlying jaw pain most of the…
Do I accept a doctors diagnosis that it "most likely" isn't cancer or push for more tests and a defi
Hi Everyone, I've been reading the forum for a few weeks and decided I should join and ask for advise. About a month ago I felt a lump inside my lower left cheek. It's not easily seen or visible when looking inside my mouth but I can feel it and if I stretch my cheek somewhat you can clearly see it. I pointed it out to my…
No radiation or chemo
I am starting this to ask if anyone else here only had a glossectomy and partial neck dissection, with no radiation or chemo. Most everyone seems to have one, the other, or both. I'm just curious. I guess i feel lucky to have avoided all of that and am wondering if this is very unusual. (I had stage 2, but it had not…
Scan results tomorrow UPDATED - a date with NED
and then we set sail! We get our next installment of scan results tomorrow - CT of head, neck and chest - 1 year post rads. I feel good about the results...with just a smidge of scanxiety. Friday we leave for Alaska and a cruise which we had to postpone when he was diagnosed 13 months ago. I'll be back to let you know how…
Back in the saddle again
Quick catch up for folks since I haven't been posting here quite as often lately: I was treated for Stage IV HPV+ SCC of the tonsil and soft palate and lymph nodes in 2012 (chemo-radiation, IMRT, cisplatin). I was all clear until late 2015 when they found a large mass in my right lung and nodes around it (Stage III HPV+…
Still losing Weight, "Burning Mouth" Pain Hampering Eating...Frustrated !!
I am sorry for not checking in sooner to support and congratulate everyone fighting the fight. Since my Mom passed away over a week ago I've been struggling with her passing, painful eating, and lack of energy. But I have been reading up and so many I would like to respond to personally. Until than, please know my thoughts…
Not liking food or wanting to eat
I realized a long time back I am at an advantage when it came to difficulty in eating after the glossectomies--I have been a type 1 diabetic for nearly 45 years and I have little or no choice in eating. Once one takes insulin, there's no other choice. Since March of 2015, I've had 2 glossectomies, my top teeth pulled and…
ENB diagnosis this week
So something I thought I would never say, I have cancer. Wow seems like a terrible diesase that the other guy gets. Still quite stunned and very emotional, which for me is new and terrifying all in its self. I recently had a nosebleed that was out of control and I couldn't get it to slow down let alone stop the bleeding.…
Swallowing after radiation...
I read radiation can cause swallowing issues years down the road, along with other issues. Right now, my swallowing is fine, nearly 2 weeks post rads. Has anyone experienced swallowing issues months, even years down the road?