Day 1 of week 5

LiseA Member Posts: 266

I started having pain in my ear and throat by the second week.  Third week there was a bit of nausea and fatigue. Also loss of taste buds, but not all or for everything. Sores felt worse  the end of week two. 

I think week 4 was better.  I can taste cucumbers. Chicken is tasteless, same for potatoes, but I'm enjoying yucca root (cassava). Vanilla yogurt or ice cream, taste very salty now.  No metallic taste, thank goodness.

Neck is feeling the burn, and I'm not taking Bernie Sanders, lol

My throat pain went away last week. By end if week 3 it was almost gone. Been gargling with Glutamine. Sores on lower lips a nuisance and the cracked corner is also painful and annoying. 

Overall, my energy is about the same. Some fatigue off and On. Eating smaller meals but more like six times per day.  No pain Meds yet. I barely use fhe swish and swallow Meds. 

Everything I eat is wholesome and organic, grass fed etc and prepared at home.  I do not eat out.  I rest and take it easy as much as I can, and I walk daily. Hoping I can end with being able to eat small amounts but solids. We will see.  Don't be afraid.  I was terrified but been so positive that I think it's helping a lot, plus acupuncture!




  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Sounds like you're doing really well LiseA

    And being super proactive and doing all you can for your health and well being through a tough, tough treatment. Pat yourself on the back, girl...and keep it up.


  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Barbara, you've been so

    Barbara, you've been so helpful that I can't thank you enough.  The extra bits of information here based on trial and error has also helped.  I have the Meds for pain, for swishing and for nausea if I need them. Not being a heroine here. Have used the swish and swallow much more in week 2-3 than past few days.  I really feel the Glutamine did something.  Also bought a water pick and find it helpful to add a little pinch of salt and soda to the water and then I clean my teeth and mouth with the spray, plus using baby toothbrush.  I think losing fear, depending on prayers, using distractions with hobbies, and old time letter and card writing (snail mail to family and friends) are also helping.  I also think being here with so many survivors and warriors who did this walk and lived to tell and help, was invaluable to me.  I do appreciate every member. You all are the best.  My radiation PA said she never heard of the Glutamine as a rinse, but if it helps, use it. She never thought of the water pick or to advise using a baby toothbrush, so today I met an elderly gentleman on his second treatment so I wrote out a list of helpful things for them to try.  

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    LiseA said:

    Barbara, you've been so

    Barbara, you've been so helpful that I can't thank you enough.  The extra bits of information here based on trial and error has also helped.  I have the Meds for pain, for swishing and for nausea if I need them. Not being a heroine here. Have used the swish and swallow much more in week 2-3 than past few days.  I really feel the Glutamine did something.  Also bought a water pick and find it helpful to add a little pinch of salt and soda to the water and then I clean my teeth and mouth with the spray, plus using baby toothbrush.  I think losing fear, depending on prayers, using distractions with hobbies, and old time letter and card writing (snail mail to family and friends) are also helping.  I also think being here with so many survivors and warriors who did this walk and lived to tell and help, was invaluable to me.  I do appreciate every member. You all are the best.  My radiation PA said she never heard of the Glutamine as a rinse, but if it helps, use it. She never thought of the water pick or to advise using a baby toothbrush, so today I met an elderly gentleman on his second treatment so I wrote out a list of helpful things for them to try.  

    Pass the word...

    I tell everyone I can about the Cancer Survivor Network and how helpful it was for us. The fact that it is broken down by disease site means you can really connect with people who understand exactly what you are facing and can give you such valuable info. I think it should be listed on literature they give to you prior to treatment. I haven't visited the other boards to compare...but I can't imagine a community any finer than the Head & Neck crew!


  • cardoza33
    cardoza33 Member Posts: 81
    edited June 2016 #5

    Wow Lisa your progress is really impressive.  I was a mess when I was where you are.  I was hospitalized twice for neutropenia.  Not able to eat and needed the meds for sure.  Keep it up.  Its is great to hear how well you are doing.  Having just lived through this nightmare, I still find myself on here and cancer compass daily to cheer others on.  You have a great group on here who are going through this at the same time which is nice.  You are doing great.  Keep it up.  Tony

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    edited June 2016 #6
    Hang in there.

    Lisa, you are doing good so just hang tough. Very good you don't have a metallic taste, and do keep a watch on that. It is one of the signs of Kidney problems. My wife had it for several years and kept telling her doctor, but the Dumb A## never listened. She said it was like a dirty copper penny. Well by the time he did listen she had chronic kidney failer and they both only function a 23%.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    edited June 2016 #7
    Week 5

    Lisa, you really are doing well! The mouth sores make eating and talking more difficult,  but mine cleared up fairly quickly once treatment was done. My oncologist suggested acupuncture to preserve my salivary gland function and it worked well for me. It seemed to preserve my sense of taste, although a few foods tasted different. If you begin to feel nauseous,  mention it to your acupuncturist because treatment can be added to help with that too. In a few weeks, you'll be done and on the road to healing. Keep your positive attitude and keep praying!   Beth

  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2016 #8
    Good girl!

    Lisa, You go to the head of the class...perfect role model!  Everything you are doing is right on the money, honey. And yes, losing fear and giving it over to a higher power is key. From the beginning, my thought was God's will be done and it just took all the weight off my shoulders.  Meditation, letter writing, posting and walking are all good ways to deflect anxiety, too.  You will prevail !!

  • Raddude
    Raddude Member Posts: 84
    Good for you

    I think that eating healthy and taking supplements is very powerful for your body during treatment (I juiced about 10 pounds of veggie's a day). It paid off for me and sounds like it is paying off for you. The good thing is, it became a permanent habit for me and has helped in nearly all areas of my recovery (mouth sores, fatigue, burns, etc.)

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    Yayyy Lise

    You are doing so good!!  You are an inspiration!!  Hope I'm doing as well as you week 5!!!  You rock!!

    Susan...Exactly...."Dear Lord, help me surrender my will to You this day in complete and loving trust."  Here is part of a meditation I say everyday:

    "Lord let me be Thy blind instrument.  I ask not to know.  I ask not to see.  I ask simply to be used."  Cardinal Newman 

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Fantastic LiseA

    Wow, I am so thrilled you are doing so well.  You are Amazing!  Treatment almost done and Recovery is right around the corner. I have No doubt you will finish like a Champ.  You Go Girl.

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Thank you all. Losing that

    Thank you all. Losing that fear was key. The first few weeks I worried about how dreadful it might become, and had to force myself to enjoy any good days I had.  Acupuncture really seems to be helping with dry mouth, but i didn't know it could work for nausea. I'll mention that.  My cracked lip is a nuisance as it's hard to open my mouth wide without it feeling like it's going to split.

    Didnt know that anout  metallic taste. I'm having a hard time with the salty taste of water, or anything sweet. They taste salty. Bland foods seem to be okay for now. They got on me for the 5 lb weight loss, but that's from last week's nausea. This week it disappeared without Meds! Acupuncture?  

  • Gypsy28
    Gypsy28 Member Posts: 69
    Good to hear

    I'm so glad that you are tolerating treatment so well. I hope I can have a similar experience. I'm all about surrender and allowance but there is something awfully frightening about how much ,if any, control we have over such things. We can only do our best the rest is out of our hands. Thanks for your posts I'm on week 2 and riding your coat tails. 

  • Raddude
    Raddude Member Posts: 84

    MrsBD remarked in a post some months back about how acupuncture helped her. I went to a great one and it helped my tremendously with saliva production and taste. Wish I had done it during treatment, results would have been even better.

  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    You are winning the fight!!


    You are doing wonderful. Keeping rocking right along and you will soon be looking in the rear view mirror on this one.


  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Thanks guys, and thanks

    Thanks guys, and thanks Freddie. Acupuncture seems to have helped with the nausea as well. I'm glad that I started it during treatment. I didnt see the logic of waiting for the end and then try to fix the problem.  Day 4 down of week 5, and I'm still eating solids, though I just don't have an appetite. Two weeks ago I had some issues with nausea but it disappeared. Not worrying about it right now!!  Definitely exhausted today, and my neck is on fire, but a lovely long weekend to catch myself.