nasopharyngeal cancer stage 4
my husband was diagnosed in sept 2004 with nasopharyngeal cancer stage 4. he has finished his first treatment of radiation/chemo. he still needs to have more chemo which we are told is going to be like a life insurance policy. however as my husbands weight has dropped drematically they will only consider this if he gains…
Finally eating fairly well
I still don't have saliva...but have managed to learn how to swallow with only a small amount of liquid. My taste is back to around 80% and I can eat hot and spicey foods! I actually have an appetite! That's the good news. It' the steroid I am on...the bad new...the steroid is for the mass they found in my brain a week…
How long to swallow
My husband diagnosed with a type of throat cancer wherein they performed surgery and 35 treatments of radiation. During and since the radiation, he's been having extreme difficulty swallowing. It's been 3 weeks since the last radiation treatment. Can people who have had radiation to the throat/tonsil/neck area let us know…
Showwing Support
I just wanted to let everyone know I found an ebay store that sells awareness products for all types of cancers. I have bought their window decals and mailing labels for melenoma and was very pleased. The site address is http://www.ebaystores.com/idc-design?refid=store If anyone knows of any other souces please let me…
excessive phlegm production five years past radiation
am writing this for my 79 year old father because he has a hernia and cannot sit for long. He had radiation which successfully stopped (inadequate word, I know) his throat cancer in 2000. Immediately after the radiation, his body started producing excessive amounts of mucus, which, along with the scarring (affecting the…
1 Month Post Radiation - Larynx
I am a 44 year male diagnosed with T1 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the left Vocal Chord. Non Smoker - occassional wine drinker. Initial ENT thought it was a wart. 99% Certain it was not cancer. Ooops Wrong. They removed it surgically thinking it was a wart. Followed this up 6 weeks later with 28 radiation treatments. My…
my boyfriend needs help
My boyfriend has been dealing with his cancer very well. He eats, and takes care of himself and thankfully he hasn't been getting too sick anymore. He doesn't want me to tell people this, because he doens't want people to know of his problems. But as a cancer patient, he is alwaysa t the doctor. he has no time for a job,…
mouth ulcers away!
I finally found something for my dad's ulcers (esophageal cancer). It is A little known old medicine that is available over the counter at some pharmacies called Debacterol. It is marked for canker sores but it worked terrific on dad's oral sores. It comes in a real simple prefilled Qtip applicator. Anybody could do it. I…
6 wks after radiation treatments my husband still has a lot of phlegm. Now he has thrush which makes it even worse. Has anyone found a simple way to reduce it ?
My husband had his voice box removed last december he was doing well until he developed these fistulas they have had to put the feeding tube back in and he has to use a suction machine to suction the stuff out of the fistula. Dr's say that if he does not heal they may have to do skin grafts. anyone has any info?
speach/swallowing therapy
Hello, I have undergone reconscrutive surgery of my tongue because of cancer. It has been 4 months and I am cancer free and completed radiation therapy. I have two problems. First, I have very thick saliva and a lot of it. Does anyone have any sugestions to help with this problem. I am working again and this is very…
Concerns about nutritional value from feeding tube products?
While they may work well for most people, the Novartis products that were prescribed for me I found wanting. I have seen on other forums that many have concerns about the nutritional value of these canned feeds. For me they were almost toxic. I felt sick from them. They were my only source of nourishment so I had to find…
Tracheosophageal Voice Prosthesis
I have had surgery and my voice box removed. Today was the last of the 34 radiation treatments. I was just trying to get some imformation on this procedour. I haven't heard anyones voice that has had it done. I guess i am asking the pros and cons of it. Thank you and if anybody has any questions for me, i would be happy to…
otopharyngeal dysplagia
My husband now has otopharyngeal dysplagia caused by the radiation, s/p throat CA. We are unable to find out what can be done to help him. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
need information on locked jaw from cancer
I am new on this board and am looking for anyone with information regarding a lock jaw as a result from tonsil cancer. I would like to hear from anyone that can relate to this problem and if anyone recovered from the condition.
recovering jaw function
Can anyone help me get more information about exercise devices or therapies that will help me recover strength and movement in my jaw. I have completed a very vigorous regime of radiation and chemotherapy on a base of tongue cancer.
What foods taste good?
I had surgery for stage 4 squamos cell cancer in my throat (and removal of approx 50 lymph nodes) on June 28th. I had my 33rd, and final, radiation treatment on 15 October. My salivary glands aren't working and neither is the "Salagen" I am taking to help produce "spit". Most foods taste horrible, but I keep…
vocal chord changes
I finished my radiation therapy three months ago. My voice became very hoarse a month after completion of therapy and is still hoarse and vibrates incorrectly. is this normal?
Weight gain after radiation.....
My husband finish his radiation tratment mid september 04 however he is still not able to put on weight. He eats a lot and constantly but no weight gain yet. Could it be possible that his tyrod gland is messed up? any info would be greatly appreciate it. Thanks jessica
My husband is currently taking radiation for tonsilar cancer. He is so nauseous and his taste is so affected that he can't eat at all. He gags on everything. He has lost 17lbs and is less than half-way through. Does anyone know what we can do to help him eat? He is currently taking phenergan for nausea but it has not…
Hello All, I have been moved by many of your post. I am sorry to post on here when I haven't beem diagnosed but I am totally panic stricken. I am a 36 year old male. Over the past three weeks I have been experienceing increasing pain with swallowing and bad pain in chest ( right side). I had an upper GI (barium xray) two…
chemo and confusion
My Dad is on his third shot at chemo after an esophagectomy in Nov. 03. The first two were too toxic for him. This one - something derived from the ewe plant - seems to be easier on him physically, but mentally it is taking a beating on him. He is extremely fatigued, confused and occasionally paranoid. He is taking…
sore throat...cancer again???
As you guys probably know, my friend was diagnosed in APril 04 of tonsil cancer, stage 4. He had chemo and radiation and in Nov by the grace of God he was given the all clear from his pet scan results. He is suffering from depression, I can't get him to reach out to anyone or go for help. The dry mouth is really bad and he…
Saliva Substitutes
My mother was diagnosed 10 years ago, and like many others, the majority of her salivary glands do not function. She has tried a saliva substitute (I'm afraid I don't know which, but it came in a spray bottle), but gave up on it because it was causing her functioning glands to unload any fluids they had, and causing all…
basaloid squamous cell carcinoma
i cant seem to find much info on this particular cancer it started in the piriform(sp) sinus and spread to his larynx now he has 9 hot spots from a pet scan in his lings. i am 28 and he is only 42. any advice would bw greatly apprecited, we have 2 small children and need advice on how to deal with them.
newly diagnosed, afraid of chemo
HI, i recently had to have surgery to remove my right eye due to cancer of the lacrimal gland, now will face radiation and chemo, I don't know what to expect! Help! The radiation will be to the orbital area where my right eye was. Please share any experiences you have had which you think will help me get ready emotionally…
Recurrant tongue cancer
My husband was diagnosed with T4 Squamous Cell Carninorma on the tongue in February this year. They removed 40% of his tongue and about 2 dozens of lymph nodes from his neck. Since there was one lymph node that had cancer cells, they did the radiation (IMRT) treatment in July. We just found out that the cancer is back on…
hello. i am so scared right now. i have had pain between my shoulder blades for 7 days. i had pain of food going down my esophagus for 2 days. the pain was very intense. the first day when i swallowed solids, i could feel the food going down and it hurt. by the time it got to the center of my chest it was very painful. the…
No Saliva - HELP!
I am writing for a friend who does not have internet access. She had cancer of the tongue and as a result of the radiation her salivary glands no longer function. She has a hard time finding things to eat that don't "taste like sand". Does anyone else out there have this problem and have any suggestions or recipes? Thank…
Refusing cancer treatment
Hi Has anyone turned down treatment for oral cancer or had the treatment and decided they wish they had not interested in hearing the views of anyone as oral cancer is a nasty treatment with horrible side effects