Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
My mother was just diagnosed withh Mucoepdermoid carcinoma , probable metestatic. Four years ago she was diagnosed with paratoid gland adenocarcinoma. She just noticed a spot on the back of her ear on the side of her previous cancer and I had her see a dermatologist to have it biopsied. The pathology report came back with…
A Good Day Vals update
So I had my appointment today at the Cross Cancer Institute, and it went fine. They gave me alot to think about, lots of info, and facts. The nice thing was the oncoligist agreed with Dr. Seikaly in that my cancer is CURABLE! From what I have read oncoligists do not like to use that word… but he did. He also said that the…
TxN2b and surgery date
I have my surgery date and my Dr feels very good, but cautions that the "final pathology" will determine prognosis. I go under the knife for a selective neck dissection a week from tomorrow (Jan 15). Wish me luck! He also said I am staged at TXN2BM0, essentially stage 4. Not the greatest of news, but I am strong, young-ish…
Brother w/NPC IV losing it! HELP Hondo!
My 43 year old brother has been living the nightmare of recurrent Nasopharyngeal cancer since Jan. 2006. At this point, after continuous weekly chemo and re-irradiation, both the radiation oncologist and his regular onc have, within a month of each other, told him that they are disappointed in treatment progress and that…
treatment options
I met with my onco (Dr G) today and he did a complete exam and took more tissue for his pathologist because UC had not yet sent the FNA slides to him (ARGH!). My official diagnosis ("for now") is squamous cell carcinoma (scc) of unknown origin with multiple (3 or 4) lymph node metastasis (right jugular chain, above and…
As so many of us have problems with our teeth after radiation I got a waterpik for Christmas, model wp-450. I've got to say I'm very disappointed. It seems to have very little pressure and I expected something more along the lines of what a dentist uses. It pulses and shoots water but not with any degree of force. My…
Anyone with experience of EBV-Specific T-Cell Therapy for NPC?
We are looking into gettting into a clinical trial of it after the Stage4 NPC relapsed 4-month afer chemo/radio therapy...In a dreadful time now...
Need update Kurt (doitforoj)
Kurt, I am sure I am not alone in wondering how you are doing. Hoping you are starting to feel better and making the climb back to your old self. Post if you can. As always, thinking of you and your family and hoping all is well. Mike
Post Treatment Fatigue
Hello Everyone, I hope that this message finds everyone doing well with treatment and recovery. I am 7-8 weeks out of radiation and chemo. I had my peg tube out a few weeks ago. I was really feeling quite good. So good, that I worked (2) days on a stone masonry project with my crew last week. I am from the Boston area and…
Side effects - Cysplatin
I am getting discouraged, and am trying to stay positive, but the side effects are worse than the TX! Has anyone had nerve damage from the chemo? Tingling down both legs 10 weeks after treatment, and hearing loss. I have learned the hearing loss is permanent, and have come to terms with it. The nerves are, quite frankly,…
Repost with added questions
I do not have cancer diagnosis but i am worried and looking for some answers here since I figure people here have personal experience that I can't find elsewhere. Earlier today I posted this in an old thread which was confusing (sorry). I have noticed over the past months that I have a harder time talking especially…
What stage were people diagnosed and what were you told in terms of prognosis? Best, Mick
mouth sores
My tongue on both sides has sores that hurt so much they look like white canker sores, the ones that hurt the most are the ones on the left side of my mouth where my molar tooth rubs against it.. i have been told they are from the radiaiton not from chemo (erbitux) tomorrow will be my 20th radidation and 6th chemo then…
newly diagnosed and scared
I've been diagnosed with NPC and just had the PET/CT scan today so I've not been staged yet. The only symptom I had was a swollen lymph gland which I first noticed in March '09 and told my PCP Dr about it. He gave me a course of antibiotics (contra indicated by at least one study I found - I've photocopied the paper for…
Does the Frog ever jump out?
I've been wondering if I will ever get my normal voice back. I have the Quintisential sounding "Frog in the throat" which I did not prior to treatment. I just recently had a neck disection but if I recall correctly the frog was there after radiation. So how many of you have a noticeable change the way your voice sounds…
Cisplatin and kidney damage
The subject of kidney damage as a result of chemo by Cisplatin has been raised- I would like to know what others know of this. I had a bout with my left kidney back in 07. Cat Scan showed a stone. Specialists put two different tubes, the second larger than the first, in the tube between said kidney and bladder. He asked me…
Our Blog
I have kept a blog of our journey through this process for our friends and family and decided to share it with y'all, just in case it might help you get through another day. our site is: summharleygolfer.blogspot.com God Bless!
PET Scan results-HELP
Happy New Year Everyone! My husband got the results from his first PET scan yesterday and they said he has something on his Lung that they need to biopsy. My sister is an RN and said it could be anything but of course we are scared and worried. I am praying that it is just scar tissue from his pneumonia back in '05. Has…
PEGS for the Pudgy?
Hi all - got my PEG placed 12-24-2009. Experienced more pain than I'd anticipated - surgeon later explained (in a very kind fashion) that more tissue experiences trauma when you have a thicker wall to penetrate (straight-speak: fat people have more pain). OK, I can accept that. At 5'7" and just over 200 lbs, I'm fat. Have…
Very Confused
I been dealing with some symptoms for awhile know. So here is the exact story 1/20/05 – Had a open sore on left lateral side of tongue removed and biopsied and came back negative 4/15/05 – Growth on the posterior left side tongue removed and biopsied and came back negative **somewhere between 4/15/05 and 5/5/05 shortly…
other cancer forums?
Hi everyone. What other cancer forums do people visit? Is there a list posted here somewhere? Warmly, Mick
What are the symptoms of this cancer???
I am just curious to know what kinds of symptoms you all had with head and neck cancer. My wife is the one I am worried about. She had breast cancer dx. 1995. She is now having pain when she turns her neck to one side and feels a heavy sensation below the right neck. She scoffs it off as "wear and tear" and is hesitant to…
re: Advice needed on healing
I am 44 years old and was diagnosed with Acinic Cell Carcinoma back in September. I underwent a parotidectomy on September 15th. Because the cancer was aggressive and had traveled into the lympth node within the parotid gland, my doctor said that radiation was necessary. I am happy to say that I finished radiation…
Results of Platlet Test
Hi Everyone: Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas. My husband Charlie got the results of his test on platlets. Seems they are coated with some sort of protein and doc says not to worry and that it's very possible they've been like this all his life! If they drop down in the sixties again, he would give him something to take…
Hi, I've been diagnosed with a chondrosarcoma which is located at the bottom of my right vocal cord. I'm scheduled for surgery at University of Michigan Hospital on 1/19/10. It's been definitely a life changing diagnosis. I'm an Inside Sales Rep for a Steel company and love my job and customers and if they do a total…
Radiation Treatment
I have written a couple of posts, but have had no replies so far :( My husband was diagnosed with mec 11/05/09. He had a partial maxillectomy on 12/21/09. His pathology report just came back that cancer was not in the bone, but was in the nerves. They are discussing whether or not radiation is worth the side effects at…
Spicy Foods, etc.
Hello Everyone, My husband had stage IV tonsil cancer on the right side. He is 12 weeks out of treatment and doing awesome. We have our first PET on Thursday. My question is, he can't eat anything with pepper, mustard, ketchup as it just burns the inside of his mouth. Mostly around his lips. Can anyone tell me how long…
More PET News
Hi all, just got home from my appt. with the surgeon. He had a copy of my PET report and the scans. On the phone, the Oncologist had said that they looked "normal". The report actually showed some uptake at the old cancer site on the base of my tongue and in the tonsil on that side. Surgeon was a little irritated I think…
looking for lymphedema therapist Chicago area?
Hi everyone. Posting on the outside chance that someone in the Chicagoland area has used a lymphedema massage therapist in the greater chicagoland area with good results and could provide a recommendation. I got a script from the oncoman for it but my hospital dosen't have one. Perhaps someone knows a hospital that does or…
Radiation therapy
I'm new to this today. My husband has base tounge cancer. Its stage two and he's in his second week of radiation. He's doing well and only now starting to need softer foods. He refused a feeding tube. He's 42 and healthy otherwise so the doctor agreed to no feeding tube. If he loses more then 20 lbs though he has to have…