Fighting the BEAST alone
I just joined today. I've been reading the posts for about 2 weeks. I'm so blessed by all the love,info and encouragement here. My son in law(who is MY SON in heart)has been incarcerated since Oct.2007.He was just riding my bike and was stopped and harassed by police and unfortunately didnt co operate and landed a 4 year…
endostatin plus quick update
I just saw the Nova report 'Cancer Warrior' (2001) on the work of Dr Judah Folkman. His studies and perseverance found a molecule that prevented cancer cells from recruiting blood vessels (a process called angiogenesis) for food/survival. I accessed the research area of my college library and found a couple of older…
Big 3
Well I go for the big 3 today, ENT, Rad onco, oral surgeon. Saw my med onco yesterday. I stunned her with the Question "What can I do to help you?" Don't think anybody had ever asked her that before. If I am lucky I will get a PET done today and maybe cancel the dentist till after the surgery Friday. Onco couldn't…
My story Info welcome and appreciated
Sept, 08, I noticed a lump on the right side of my neck, at the time I had been sick a lot, I have a daughter who attended day care and daddy always got what she brought home. But after about 2 months, and the lump still existed, I had suspicions that this was more than just a swollen lymph node from being sick. I went to…
Surgery sounds Radical and Scary to me
I went for my saliva scan and test on Friday. What we have to do when we have been diagnosed with such a horrible disease. First off I was not allowed to swallow saliva for 5 minutes, then she swabbed my tongue with lemon and I had to repeat the 5-minute thing again. I was then taken to a room where saliva scans are taken.…
Hi everyone, Okay, meeting with med onco tomorrow. What are the most important things I need to know from her? Steve
Hi Kent. Just a question about why you did not choose surgery. My Dr said he could remove the tumors and biopsy them for a final pathology. This would accomplish removing the only known tumors in my body, give them a lot of tissue to work with to determine type, and reduce the amount of rads I'd need because we wouldn't be…
Good morning everyone, Just wondering if a person can still work when going thru chemo and rad? Seems like most everyone gets pretty sick. Just a question, my mind is wandering a little this morning. Steve
Books, websites info on nutrition
Hello everyone. I am new to this site, my brother in law has just been recently diagnosed. I must tell you that reading what we are facing through your words has been a God send. I admire each of you for the support that you give each other while facing and conquering this dreadful disease. You have helped my BIL, his wife…
Has anyone tried a humidifier in their bedrooms to help with dry throat and dry coughs? Cindy
Important Clincal trials for for tongue and throat patients
Hi everyone, I have been reading this blog alot and find I have some important infor for a lot of the head and neck cancers. I hope that some of you will be able to use this info. There are two proceedures that I want to tell you all about, that I think arwe quite exciting! These proceedures were both pineered by my…
Celebrate, Celebrate! Dance to the Music!
"Oh Lord my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me." (Psalm 30) Thank you Jesus! Hello everyone, I finally had my first PET & CT scan after my chemo and radiation for neck cancer. (Undiagnosed Primary) The Pet showed NO increase in glucose, and NOTHING lit up! The left lymph node has returned to normal, and the right…
Radiation side effects
My husband,(Pearlspapa)has had numerous issues from the radiation. We are currrently back in the hospital for the third time since we stopped the treatments. We started Chemo/rad on November 3rd. Diagnosed on Sept. 21st after surgury to remove a lump on the left side of his neck Sept 18th. They removed his tonsils and did…
Post Treatment Nerve Damage
Hello Everybody, I hope this post finds people doing well and fighting hard to beat this ugly head and neck cancer. the surgery, chemo, and radiation were just debilitating and brutal. I finished treatments for tonsil cancer 11/1/09. I had a neck dissection surgery 7/24, not radical. Immediately after surgery, my left…
Hi Lisa I did not get your e-mail please try again,
Prayer Request
Hi Everyone, My husband, Bob, will have his first PET scan tomorrow morning with results available to us on Friday. He has done so very well so far that we are staying positive. Prayers are the best medicine. Thanks to all of you wonderful CSN survivors. Love you, PK
Three year since Diagnosis Petscan says...No hotspots!!!
Last Tuesday I had a Pet Scan completed and the following Friday I had an appointment with my ENT. The results confirmed what I had hoped and I am proud to say that I am free of any hotspots and continue to survive free of cancer. It was made even more special when I met and talked with another Tongue Cancer victim that…
Full removal of tongue any one experiencing this?
HI I am looking for anyone that has more then 90% of there tongue removed due to cancer. My husband was first diagnosed in Jan 2009 with stage 1 cancer and had his first surgery Feb 2009. He had a small portion removed followed by 6wks of radiation to his neck because they also took out his lypmh nodes. He had a peg tube…
New Treatment Plan
We met with our oncologist this morning and have a new treatment plan for my husband. We saw the PET and it showed small areas in the lymph nodes in the chest (nothing in the lungs). It is SCC which was originally in the neck. Neck is now clean. We will start erbitux next friday, every week for six to twelve weeks, with…
Port Removal or Not
If I may, I'd like to give a little background before I ask my question. I was treated for breast cancer in 2003 - chemo, lumpectomy and radiation. I developed lymphadema about a year after treatment. I am not allowed to have any vitals taken on my right side and cannot have blood drawn from my right arm. I didn't have a…
hearing loss
Kevin had a follow-up appointment with the audiologist yesterday. Kevin had a baseline hearing test before he started chemo. The cisplatin chemo he had did affect his hearing, which is why they switched his treatment plan mid-way to carboplatin and taxol. The follow up shows that he has hearing loss in the upper range of…
Very sorry to hear about your husband having trouble, again. Please keep us informed on how he is doing, and if he needs any advice. I'm 14-month, NPC. I, too, fear having to do another battle with C. Hondo is the authority with experience, and others know far more than I do about head and neck. Please stay active in this…
did any one use the fentanyl patch for pain
my mouth sores are so bad the doctor rad and chemo doctor agreed to put me on the fentanyl patch for pain? it is a very high drug and i am thinking about this but nothing else is helping the mouth sore pain.. what are your thoughts on this. thanks diane w from wisconsin also email is rlwcpa@execpc.com
can anyone tell me what the sysptoms of neck and head cancer is????? the drs found 3 bumps on me one on the throat just under the right jaw and one on the back of the tounge and one in my nose.......... going tuesday for swallow and and new ct tests....thanks just getting more and more worried
Clean PET scan
Just wanted to let everyone know that Evan's first PET scan came back clean. He still can't eat, but he has seen a different Dr. & we are waiting for the appt. with the general surgeon. We will keep everyone updated. Thanks everyone for all your help & advice. We would not have been able to move forward so quickly without…
It is finally over
Hello Cancer Fighters and Survivors. I hope everybody is doing well. I am 4 weeks out of 35 consecutive rads and 6 treatments of Erbitux. Aside from the rash from Erbitux, I was doing pretty good until the end of week 6. the rad cone down of week 7 and the first 10 days of recovery were very tough. In week 2 of recovery,…
Spread to Lymph Nodes
We had our biopsy yesterday and the results revealed that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in his chest. I am guessing we will have more chemo. All the cancer was gone in the neck. SCC likes to travel. Has anyone experienced this and what do you think our treatment options will be and what are our odds. :( Thanks,…
Power of Positive Thinking
Good Morning Y'all: Thank you all for the great comments and prayers regarding our minor setback in my husbands battle with this animal. I truly believe in the power of prayer and that God only wants the best for us. I know our future is in God's hands and I will allow him to fight the battle for us. However, we can choose…
vocal cords
I am a teacher of 18 yrs. and have just had my 4th surgery on my vocal cords. I have carcincoma in stiu on both vocal cords. Since this last surgrey I can hardly talk-it's been a little over a month now. My vocal cords are still swollen. My dr thinks my voice will come back as the swelling goes down-as to how much-it is…
Eating after Tongue Cancer Treatment
I was diagnosed with stage 4 tongue cancer with no mestaseses in November of 2008. My oncologist and his team gave me 2 options: have 3/4 of my tongue removed followed by radiation or have intense chemotherapy and radiation. I chose the second option and as of May, 2009 I am cancer free. Before my treatment I had trouble…