PET "Normal"
Hi all, just an update to what I have found out so far regarding my PET scan of last week. Don't see the Oncologist until 1/15 so wasn't really keen on waiting that long to find out. I called his office this morning to inquire and although they don't normally give test results over the phone he agreed that waiting over the…
Thank you, You all amaze me!
Thanks again for all your advice and comments, I can't believe how this blog has calmed me down and reassured me that I can and will get through this ok. It's all because of your knowledge and caring attitudes on here that is helping me and others through. Sash you are so right when you say they are the experts, but I…
Coughing and dry throat
Has this happened to anyone else. It has been exactly 8 weeks since I have finished treatment, my feeding tube is out, and I am eating fairly well. I am slowly gaining weight. I have always (since after treatment)have lots of phlem and a very dry cough through the middle of the night. It seemed to have lessened, to the…
sore throat when dry
any one experiense dry throat pain on swallowing Im 4 weeks bast 34 rad treatments it is a sharp pain when I eat or drink it appears ok
Black Hairy Tongue
Went to the dentist for my usual 6 month checkup and my hygenist (the person who discovered my swollen lymoh node 6 months ago) said that I have "hairy black tongue". (Dark colored bacteria growing on the surface of my tongue) She said it was not uncommon for someone suffering with dry mouth from radiation treatment and…
PEG Removal advice please
HI all, I plan to get my PEG removed next week and wanted to hear from those who have had theirs done re: what to expect in the pain side, recovery time, stitches etc. I am in my 8th week out from completing treatment which was 7 weeks of RT (70 Hits) and Once a week Erbitux. Have had the tube in since week 3 of treatment…
Blog of the journey
I have created a blog for those just starting out or getting ready to start on radiation treatment for head/neck cancer. I started the site to keep family and friends informed but also to educate others as to what the procedure is like etc. More for information for others with this same disease than me personally. There…
adenod cystic carcinoma of parotid
I have been fighting cancer since 2005. I have gone through 3 surgeries, 3 different rounds of radiation, 14 weeks each and 5 days of Cyber Knife. I can't have anymore radiation, so now I am on a Study drug, which I have been on since March of 09. The Dr's say my test show I am stable. My cancer started in the Parotid…
First I would like to say how happy I am to hear that Mikes (landranger25) Petscan came back normal. That really gave me a boost. Mike you have a great compfort to here. Christmas was great felt good and had whole family over and with the twins truly a christmas to remember. Well thought thursday was my last rad. #33 but…
Merry Christmas Everyone and Blessings on you all as you celebrate Christmas or whatever your religion observes at this time of year. There have been many struggles and many rewards for everyone on our website. My prayer and wish for you all is that this special time of the year is meaningful to you no matter what stage of…
Vals tonsil Cancer (update)
Hello all I would like to thank everyone who has helped me with advice for this cancer. I had my appointment the other day with my ENT. He brought all the info from my biopsies,MRI, and quadroscopy together to discuss what comes next.. Yep the appointment started with " We are going to have to make you very, very sick to…
My cancer began on my right tonsil. It spread to one lymph node on the right side of my neck. I finished treatment 5 weeks ago; 6 chemos and 39 radiations in the neck area. I also have a peg tube for feeding. Before radiation, every morning, I was given a shot of Ethyol (sp?) which is supposed to protect the salivary…
Had a swallow test..what to expect now
Hi All, My husband finished radiation and chemo on November 10, 2009. He has been unable to eat or drink anything since 10/10/2009. He had a swallow test done today and the results were that when he swallows it is heading down his windpipe. The therapist recommended 2 swallowing exercises and on 1/5/2010 he will have…
Looking for Kurt (doitforoj)
Not sure if this is the way we do this but I sure would like to hear from Kurt (doitforoj) Kurt, I sure would like to hear how you are doing. I know by now you are are deep into your treatment and not feeling well but want to you to know I think about you and your family often. Keep grinding and hang in there. Mike
Platlet Counts
Hi All: My husband Charlie, saw his oncologist on Thursday - good report; sees no evidence of cancer. Praise the Lord! He's seeing both the rad onc. and reg. onc. every three months now. His blood work was great except his platelets are at 65,000. They've flucuated between 108,00 to now 65,000 from June to now. But in…
Just Updating
Again...can't thank everyone enough for the advise, support and prayers. Past few days have all been the same. Sleep 2 hours...get up pee...do my mouth rinsing...go back to sleep. LOL pain is about a 5 but constant. Gets annoying but just think about how bad it could be if not for everyone on here. I think of every…
Does anyone know where you can buy Diabetisource cheap, our insurance will not pay for it? Thanks, Suzi
OK come clean guys
This is to all the male cancer survivors on this list. Have you even played the cancer card with your wife when she needed your help even when you were really feeling better? Kevin is a little more than 10 weeks post treatment. He is finding more and more energy every week as he recovers. Energy especially for things he…
Radiation damage
It's six years since hubby was first diagnosed with Cancer of the Larynx (cleared last year)and now he's been told he has progressive bulbar palsy/ A.L.S. The E.N.T. doc. said he had radiation damage and then referred him to a neuro who dx P.B.P./A.L.S. Anyone heard of radiation causing this or similar disease?
Had feeding tube taken out today!
I had my feeding tube taken out! And it didn't hurt one bit! Here I was worried for nothing:)Now I'm on my own. Sink or swim. I will still drink 4 Ensure a day, untill I get up closer to the weight I should be. Also, I have been feeling a little down. And I should be one of the happiest girls in the world! My husband…
Am 17 days past end of 34 rad treatments having a problem maintaining weight appitite not good and no taste effects this also any advise I donot have a feeding tube any advice I have lost 50 lbs
Thank you all
Thank you to everyone on the board. I just wanted to let you know that sadly, my husband passed away at 3:00 a.m. this morning. I don't think I could have gotten through the past several months without all of you.
Advice - MO Visits spaced out?
Hi - pretty new patient here, started round 1 induction chemo (21 day rounds) for Base of Tongue IV on Nov 19 - round two on Dec. 9. Round 1 I met with MO every week and had blood work done. GI tract got fried (meds helped w/ pain) and developed an infection while white cells were tanked (antibiotics worked). Started round…
complete esophageal blockage
Evan went to have his esophagus dilated today, but they found that it is totally blocked. They could not believe that they had let him go so long without being checked out. They have set up an appointment for this Friday to set up a day for surgery, yet they know that they won't be doing it until after the first of the…
After Radiation treatment how long for taste to come back
ropey saliva following chemo and radiation
As you can tell we are newbies to this site but I've noticed that there is a LOT of information out there from everyones' experiences! My husband was diagnosed with a strange cancer located at base of tongue with lymph node involvement, so he had chemo (cisplatin),followed with 36 rounds of radiation in 08 which didn't do…
First PET Scan
I have my first post treatment PET scan this Wednesday. Have never had one before and was wondering how long they take. Before my treatment I had 2 CAT scans with contrast that were done pretty quick. (Head and neck area only) This PET is supposed to go from my knees to the top of my head. Also, I have a prescription to…
scalp itching
I am on 3 rd week of erbitux and my scalp has not stopped itching, i have tried many shampoos any one have any ideas. going for 3 week of radiation wish me luck..tonsil cancer -tonsil and 2 lymph nodes removed. diane from wisconsin
Just starting out
My father-in-law has stage 4a throat/neck cancer. He's in his mid 70's and is in the middle of his third round of chemo coinciding with his first round of radiation. His cancer manifested itself in a swollen lymph gland that doctors insisted was an infection (two needle biopsies were negative). After they opened him up to…
suv what does it mean
We just got back the new pet scan report and i was wondering what this means.... Two new hypermetabolic lymph nodes in the right level 2 neck, 2A lymph node with suv 4.8 in image 224 and 2B Lymph node with suv 6.1 in image 220. Its the suv that i dont really understand Doctor is not very good about explaining things.And We…