Results of Platlet Test

Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas. My husband Charlie got the results of his test on platlets. Seems they are coated with some sort of protein and doc says not to worry and that it's very possible they've been like this all his life! If they drop down in the sixties again, he would give him something to take care of it. But seeing as how they had gone from 65,000 to 94,000 between his reg. appt. and the blood test last week which was 5 days he felt they would continue to come up and they weren't low enough to treat and everything looked great. He wants him to come in sometime next week and do another CBC to check them and then he shouldn't have to see him for another three months!So, now we know and as my husband says if the doc is happy (this is the one that is all medicine 24/7 and a perfectionist!); we're happy. Thanks for all the comments, prayers, etc. and everyone have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! and of course God Bless!
Jan and Charlie Trinks
secondsHondo said:Jan
Great to hear the good news, thanks for sharing it with us.
God bless
I second the emotion!
Take care,
Joe0 -
Hondo:Hondo said:Jan
Great to hear the good news, thanks for sharing it with us.
God bless
I just read some
I just read some replies and comments by Tricia referring to the diet stuff as quackary. Also, that she is an athesist which is her right to choose. I just want to let you know how uplifting it is that your share your faith as you do. I truly believe the good Lord used my husband's cancer diagnosis, treatment, etc. to bring us closer to Him. We now have daily morning devotionals and prayer; we have always been Christians as we both come from Godly christian parents. But, I became so consumed with my brother from the time he first got sick in March 2007 till he died in Nov. 2008. (Make a long story short he was a Viet Nam viet; failed marriages, and was living with my mother when he began to have beaucoup neurological problems; she was killed in Dec. 96 two days before Christmas in a car accident; I am the youngest of five children; this brother was the one next to me 6years older - he came to live with us because he couldn't live alone and the VA here in Atlanta was where he needed to be. He did okay for 10 years but quit talking in March of 97 and quit walking in about Aug. 2003; so he did pretty good for his situation for a while. He was in the hospital from June '08 till he passed away in Nov. '08 in the VA Hospital. This was the Friday after T'giving Nov. 28 and my husband had his first chemo on that Mon. Dec. 1! We left at 8:00 the next morning to drive to Chatt. TN as we took my brother back there to be buried in Nat'l Cemetary. My husband had a bag with one of the chemo drugs going from the time he left after the first chemo till we returned home on Thurs. Dec. 4 after my brother's funeral and had the bag disconnected on that Friday and then the second chemo of three on Dec. 22. It was quite a Dec. last year; but with God's help we made it! My husband is also a recovering alcoholic for 12 almost 13 years now and quit drinking in April of 97. This was probably a contributing factor to his cancer as well as smoking. However even before he quit drinking he took on the care of my brother with me not just because it had to be done but so willingly and lovingly. So you can imagine what it became like when the miracle happened and he quit drinking and yes it was a miracle and he will tell you the same thing!) So much for long story short! We also believe his recovery is a miracle and that we were extremely blessed to have the radiation oncologist and the oncologist that we do. We do not take lightly, or become complacent about his recovery; we know it is because the Lord led us to the right people and worked through them too as well as his own intervention! As another brother of mine says (I have three in all plus a sister!) "It's hard enough to make it in life with God; I'd hate to think of trying to make it without Him!" Just wanted to let you know I think it's wonderful that you share your faith openly and I hope Tricia one day will see how important believing in God is; but as she says she is entitled to her opinion and choice and I would never want to offend her.
Since I've come this far, please be thinking of saying a prayer for my husband and me as we begin a no smoking class next Tues. We HAVE TO QUIT! He did for about a month and then we sort of fell off the wagon! But now we have to get serious as I told him and he agrees, "We've been handed a gift here, let's not blow it!" But also, I teach and carry the health insurance and now they are charging a $60/month tobacco surcharge on top of the regular monthly premium! It's going up to $60 this year from $40 and that doesn't even include the cost of cigarettes. We simply cannot afford this. He talked with his oncologist about on the Dec. 17 and told him about the class; he told him to go to the class and do what they tell us to do from the first week (it's four weeks long meeting weekly) and see how it goes and if he needs a prescription he will prescribe something for him. The person leading this group (an ex-smoker herself) says Chantix is the greatest thing out there; but I'm not sure if he can take that since he's had radiation and chemo, but we're going to find out. We have to take this class in order to get the surcharge removed and send our certificates of attendance to the HR department and be smoke free for 60 days and then they will remove it! Anyway, it's a hard thing to do but know it will be worth it in the long run. Anyway, Have a Happy New Year! and God Bless!
Jan and Charlie Trinks0 -
You Can Do ITJan Trinks said:Hondo:
I just read some
I just read some replies and comments by Tricia referring to the diet stuff as quackary. Also, that she is an athesist which is her right to choose. I just want to let you know how uplifting it is that your share your faith as you do. I truly believe the good Lord used my husband's cancer diagnosis, treatment, etc. to bring us closer to Him. We now have daily morning devotionals and prayer; we have always been Christians as we both come from Godly christian parents. But, I became so consumed with my brother from the time he first got sick in March 2007 till he died in Nov. 2008. (Make a long story short he was a Viet Nam viet; failed marriages, and was living with my mother when he began to have beaucoup neurological problems; she was killed in Dec. 96 two days before Christmas in a car accident; I am the youngest of five children; this brother was the one next to me 6years older - he came to live with us because he couldn't live alone and the VA here in Atlanta was where he needed to be. He did okay for 10 years but quit talking in March of 97 and quit walking in about Aug. 2003; so he did pretty good for his situation for a while. He was in the hospital from June '08 till he passed away in Nov. '08 in the VA Hospital. This was the Friday after T'giving Nov. 28 and my husband had his first chemo on that Mon. Dec. 1! We left at 8:00 the next morning to drive to Chatt. TN as we took my brother back there to be buried in Nat'l Cemetary. My husband had a bag with one of the chemo drugs going from the time he left after the first chemo till we returned home on Thurs. Dec. 4 after my brother's funeral and had the bag disconnected on that Friday and then the second chemo of three on Dec. 22. It was quite a Dec. last year; but with God's help we made it! My husband is also a recovering alcoholic for 12 almost 13 years now and quit drinking in April of 97. This was probably a contributing factor to his cancer as well as smoking. However even before he quit drinking he took on the care of my brother with me not just because it had to be done but so willingly and lovingly. So you can imagine what it became like when the miracle happened and he quit drinking and yes it was a miracle and he will tell you the same thing!) So much for long story short! We also believe his recovery is a miracle and that we were extremely blessed to have the radiation oncologist and the oncologist that we do. We do not take lightly, or become complacent about his recovery; we know it is because the Lord led us to the right people and worked through them too as well as his own intervention! As another brother of mine says (I have three in all plus a sister!) "It's hard enough to make it in life with God; I'd hate to think of trying to make it without Him!" Just wanted to let you know I think it's wonderful that you share your faith openly and I hope Tricia one day will see how important believing in God is; but as she says she is entitled to her opinion and choice and I would never want to offend her.
Since I've come this far, please be thinking of saying a prayer for my husband and me as we begin a no smoking class next Tues. We HAVE TO QUIT! He did for about a month and then we sort of fell off the wagon! But now we have to get serious as I told him and he agrees, "We've been handed a gift here, let's not blow it!" But also, I teach and carry the health insurance and now they are charging a $60/month tobacco surcharge on top of the regular monthly premium! It's going up to $60 this year from $40 and that doesn't even include the cost of cigarettes. We simply cannot afford this. He talked with his oncologist about on the Dec. 17 and told him about the class; he told him to go to the class and do what they tell us to do from the first week (it's four weeks long meeting weekly) and see how it goes and if he needs a prescription he will prescribe something for him. The person leading this group (an ex-smoker herself) says Chantix is the greatest thing out there; but I'm not sure if he can take that since he's had radiation and chemo, but we're going to find out. We have to take this class in order to get the surcharge removed and send our certificates of attendance to the HR department and be smoke free for 60 days and then they will remove it! Anyway, it's a hard thing to do but know it will be worth it in the long run. Anyway, Have a Happy New Year! and God Bless!
Jan and Charlie Trinks
Jan, quitting smoking (back when I was healthy) was really hard - but doable. I was totally committed; and made it through. So glad I did - very glad you're doing it now. Sending you thoughts of determination - good luck with the classes. Cigs have been your friends for years - like they were mine - false friends - time to let them go. New Year's a great time to do it. Success to you!0 -
Hi JanJan Trinks said:Hondo:
I just read some
I just read some replies and comments by Tricia referring to the diet stuff as quackary. Also, that she is an athesist which is her right to choose. I just want to let you know how uplifting it is that your share your faith as you do. I truly believe the good Lord used my husband's cancer diagnosis, treatment, etc. to bring us closer to Him. We now have daily morning devotionals and prayer; we have always been Christians as we both come from Godly christian parents. But, I became so consumed with my brother from the time he first got sick in March 2007 till he died in Nov. 2008. (Make a long story short he was a Viet Nam viet; failed marriages, and was living with my mother when he began to have beaucoup neurological problems; she was killed in Dec. 96 two days before Christmas in a car accident; I am the youngest of five children; this brother was the one next to me 6years older - he came to live with us because he couldn't live alone and the VA here in Atlanta was where he needed to be. He did okay for 10 years but quit talking in March of 97 and quit walking in about Aug. 2003; so he did pretty good for his situation for a while. He was in the hospital from June '08 till he passed away in Nov. '08 in the VA Hospital. This was the Friday after T'giving Nov. 28 and my husband had his first chemo on that Mon. Dec. 1! We left at 8:00 the next morning to drive to Chatt. TN as we took my brother back there to be buried in Nat'l Cemetary. My husband had a bag with one of the chemo drugs going from the time he left after the first chemo till we returned home on Thurs. Dec. 4 after my brother's funeral and had the bag disconnected on that Friday and then the second chemo of three on Dec. 22. It was quite a Dec. last year; but with God's help we made it! My husband is also a recovering alcoholic for 12 almost 13 years now and quit drinking in April of 97. This was probably a contributing factor to his cancer as well as smoking. However even before he quit drinking he took on the care of my brother with me not just because it had to be done but so willingly and lovingly. So you can imagine what it became like when the miracle happened and he quit drinking and yes it was a miracle and he will tell you the same thing!) So much for long story short! We also believe his recovery is a miracle and that we were extremely blessed to have the radiation oncologist and the oncologist that we do. We do not take lightly, or become complacent about his recovery; we know it is because the Lord led us to the right people and worked through them too as well as his own intervention! As another brother of mine says (I have three in all plus a sister!) "It's hard enough to make it in life with God; I'd hate to think of trying to make it without Him!" Just wanted to let you know I think it's wonderful that you share your faith openly and I hope Tricia one day will see how important believing in God is; but as she says she is entitled to her opinion and choice and I would never want to offend her.
Since I've come this far, please be thinking of saying a prayer for my husband and me as we begin a no smoking class next Tues. We HAVE TO QUIT! He did for about a month and then we sort of fell off the wagon! But now we have to get serious as I told him and he agrees, "We've been handed a gift here, let's not blow it!" But also, I teach and carry the health insurance and now they are charging a $60/month tobacco surcharge on top of the regular monthly premium! It's going up to $60 this year from $40 and that doesn't even include the cost of cigarettes. We simply cannot afford this. He talked with his oncologist about on the Dec. 17 and told him about the class; he told him to go to the class and do what they tell us to do from the first week (it's four weeks long meeting weekly) and see how it goes and if he needs a prescription he will prescribe something for him. The person leading this group (an ex-smoker herself) says Chantix is the greatest thing out there; but I'm not sure if he can take that since he's had radiation and chemo, but we're going to find out. We have to take this class in order to get the surcharge removed and send our certificates of attendance to the HR department and be smoke free for 60 days and then they will remove it! Anyway, it's a hard thing to do but know it will be worth it in the long run. Anyway, Have a Happy New Year! and God Bless!
Jan and Charlie Trinks
I am always glad to hear from you and yes weather you know it or not I do pray for you and Charlie as well as all of my brothers and sisters here on CSN. Before I found this site I had went through a very tuff time in my life, I had always been a strong person and in the bested of health, also was a vegetarian for 15 years. Then I was hit with Cancer and did not understand the reason why or how, I followed all the good health things, I did my part, why was God punishing me. I had just lost my Brother in June of 2002 he drowned while on a fishing trip, and my Boss died that same year he was also an atheist but was also like a father to me for 28 years. But in all this I did not let go of my Faith, I read my Bible and some how I got the strength to go on. I started treatment in Dec 2002 and completed in Jan 2003 it took a while for my health to come back and as soon as it did in Oct 2004 I was starting to have problems again so my doctor ordered another PET, my cancer was back. I remember lying in my bed one night and in my mind asking God many questions that I think all people who go through Cancer do. Then something happened that I will never forget, I heard a voice from out of nowhere and all it said was I Love you, I was shock and my body trembled because it was a voice I have never heard before, so I ask Lord if that is you Why do I have to go through this again, the voice said Remember that I Love You.
From there forward I knew that what I will go through I would not go alone, that my God, friend and savior would be right there with me. I finish treatment in March of 2005 and again did fine until June of 2006 when the Cancer came back a third time. This time unlike before I was not afraid, my wife and I went to hear what the doctors had to say and it was not good. I have already been giving the maximum amount of Radiation possible all they could do was to offer more Chemo. My Wife and I talked about it and I asked her to please understand my discussion to not take further treatment but just put our Faith in God. Please understand I believe God has giving to our Doctors the means to help us help our bodies and to make repairs due to the problems of Sin in our world. But I also believe in the Bible and it tells us to first go to the Elders of the Church for healing and let God show us the way he wants us to go for healing, That being Doctors or what he may put in our path.
My Wife let me go home to Honduras in 2006 I had believed it to be for the last time. While there my brother who is a health nutt heard of a place on the mainland where a guy was doing herbal treatment and had a very good success rate. So we went and I started on this stuff he gave me, I had been praying that, if Gods will he would lead me to do his will or let me pass and await his coming. After taking this herbal stuff for two weeks I felt a different in my body that only people with Cancer can tell. The dizziness that comes with NPC was not longer there I was able to walk straight; I started having more good days then bad. I took 6 months of the herbal med with me back to the US and have been on it now for the passed 4 years. My PET scan comes back showing a spot where the Cancer was, but showed no new growth each time. So if someone said to me if I believe in miracle I can say I am living poof that there is a God who hears his children when then pray. Since having Cancer I have seen all my Children come back to God and put him first in there life again. I have had the privilege to Baptized all of them, so for me if this was the path that God took to saved my children it was all well worth the pain.
As a Christian I do respect the discussions of other people as to whether to believe or not to believe in God. I look at it this way, if there is no God then when I die I would have lived a good life and have hurt no one and will pass on into nothing. But if there is a God then I will say Lord I tried but like Noah when the time came to go into the Ark they closed there ears and would not hear.
Take good care of Charlie and be strong you both can kick the smoking habit just by believe that God will give you the victory, you have already put your life in his hands now just believe. I was a smoker 32 years ago when my wife and I lived in Freeport Texas, I prayer lord help me to give up this smoking because I did not want my children to pick-up this habit from seeing me do it. So everyday I would look at a picture of this little person God gave my wife and me, I am not saying it was not hard, but this is what I found. Giving something up for someone else made giving it up all the more worth it. I hope you understand what I am trying to say, it is kind of what Jesus did for all of us. He left his home in Heaven to come and die in this world that hated him and wanted to kill him all because he Loved people like us.
Thanks for your prayer and may the God of our Fathers grant to each the gift of his salvation.
God bless you Jan0
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