An update on my Father

Well, The last 7 weeks have been rough to say the least. My Father, Steve, has completed all of his radiation and chemo treatments and is on his way to recovery. It has been a very emotial time, with the hope of relief in sight. For the last 3 weeks, he has not been able to swallow a thing, not even pudding, so if there are any of you reading this and wondering whether or not to get the PEG tube, I can say that it is an absolute life saver and to do it. It may be the difference between surviving this nast disease or not. He has lost a total of 33 pounds, and he is burnt from his clavical to his ears. This don't stop him though. Even though he feels the worst that he has felt in his entire life, he still goes to tractor shows and his grandsons baseball games for a period of time. Maybe not as long as he used to, but he is still there and it gets him out of the house. i would have never imagined that he of all people would acquire "C", as nobody in my entire family has ever had it. Not to mention to the person who means the world to me. I can say that the lumps of "C" that he had in the past are gone, melted away, and I hope and pray that it never comes back. i don't know if i can take the emotional stress again of the affects this is haveing on my Father. anyways, thats is the status thus far.



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    I am happy to hear


    I am happy to hear that your Dad's treatment has ended. I pray his recovery is speedy and uneventful. Remember that he is still cooking as they say for several weeks after radiation so expect some effects from this.

    Praying that his cancer never returns.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Gone Is Good

    Hope your dad continues to do what he enjoys, and recovers quickly
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    So happy to read that your dad is done with treatment. I pray he will have a speedy recovery to get to his new normal. Hoping for stress free days for you, dad and family, in the days ahead.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jason
    Great news, and I love the picture of you all.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Jason
    Great news, and I love the picture of you all.


    Most excellent to hear of your Father's status. PEGs have been an essential part of many battles with C, and I'm thankful your Dad went that route, though I'm sorry his condition got so bad that it was necessary. Most of us have learned that the PEG can be pulled just as soon as he no longer needs to use it; however, I still maintain that it's wisest to keep at least until after the first PS/CT results come back.

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    It's really good to hear your Father is finally finished with the treatment. These past 7 weeks probably seemed to drag by oh so slowly. Getting out of the house and attending the tractor pulls and his grandsons baseball games has to help him both mentally and physically, great to hear this. Here's to a swift and smooth recovery. Cheers.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Congrats Ohio Boy...
    Glad your father is done and moving on.....

    BTW, nice Buck in the three generation photo.

    Thoughts and Prayers,
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64
    Skiffin16 said:

    Congrats Ohio Boy...
    Glad your father is done and moving on.....

    BTW, nice Buck in the three generation photo.

    Thoughts and Prayers,

    Thanks Skiffin 16, That was
    Thanks Skiffin 16, That was my son's first deer ever! He got it with my 20Ga. pump with iron sights at 80 yards. One shot and he never took a step. Needless to say, PaPaw absolutely had to be part of this memory, for both my Son and I.
    Went to Hampton Virginia last week. Did some charter fishing with my Family members. We caught some bluefish, striper, seabass, and this nasty lookig thing called a Oyster Toad. Nastiest fish alive I think.
    Take care
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64
    Hondo said:

    Hi Jason
    Great news, and I love the picture of you all.


    Thanks Hondo. That was my
    Thanks Hondo. That was my son Cody's very first deer. He was 8 yrs old then, and since then he has taken 10 others. Of course PaPaw had to be part of that first memory. We will have it the rest of our lives. PaPaw is EVERYTHING to my son......and to me. I hope he gets better soon.

    THanks Again
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64
    Jimbo55 said:

    It's really good to hear your Father is finally finished with the treatment. These past 7 weeks probably seemed to drag by oh so slowly. Getting out of the house and attending the tractor pulls and his grandsons baseball games has to help him both mentally and physically, great to hear this. Here's to a swift and smooth recovery. Cheers.


    Thanks Jimbo! i am loading
    Thanks Jimbo! i am loading up 2 of his tractors tomorrow and taking them and my Father to a tractor show that is taking place over the week end. i gotta keep my eye on him otherwise he'll over-do it. I hope everything goes as well as it can. The tomatoes and sweet corn are gettin ripe and he sooo much wants to sink his teeth into them. cant'wait!

    Take care
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64
    Kent Cass said:

    Most excellent to hear of your Father's status. PEGs have been an essential part of many battles with C, and I'm thankful your Dad went that route, though I'm sorry his condition got so bad that it was necessary. Most of us have learned that the PEG can be pulled just as soon as he no longer needs to use it; however, I still maintain that it's wisest to keep at least until after the first PS/CT results come back.


    It was suggested by

    It was suggested by the Specialist that he get the PEG ASAP following surgery and thats what he did. He got the PEG even before he started with the chemo and radiation. I can tell you that it has saved his life.....literally. The doc's said today that it will be about 7 to 10 days before the swelling in his throat goes down and the possibility of swallowing will start. They will leave it in untill it is no longer necessary and he is eating 100% of his food.

    Thanks again
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64

    So happy to read that your dad is done with treatment. I pray he will have a speedy recovery to get to his new normal. Hoping for stress free days for you, dad and family, in the days ahead.

    Thanks Sweetblood! he is
    Thanks Sweetblood! he is anxious to say the least to get back to his normal self, as am I. i am taling him and 2 of his tractors up to a tractor show tomorrow, so we will be spending the day together. I have to keep my eye on him otherwise he'll over-do it and I don't want that.
    Thanks for the prayers!! much appreciated
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64
    Pam M said:

    Gone Is Good

    Hope your dad continues to do what he enjoys, and recovers quickly

    Thank You Pam, Greatly
    Thank You Pam, Greatly appreciated!

    Take Care
  • Jason1111
    Jason1111 Member Posts: 64
    jim and i said:

    I am happy to hear


    I am happy to hear that your Dad's treatment has ended. I pray his recovery is speedy and uneventful. Remember that he is still cooking as they say for several weeks after radiation so expect some effects from this.

    Praying that his cancer never returns.


    Thanks Jim and I,
    Thank you

    Thanks Jim and I,
    Thank you for the prayers! Much appreciated.
    We were told that he would continue to have the burning sensation for a week or two and he isn't looking forward to that to say the least.
    I HOPE, and pray that it never returns! That would be absolutely devistating.....I hope its gone for good.
    Thank You again,
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Jason1111 said:

    Thanks Hondo. That was my
    Thanks Hondo. That was my son Cody's very first deer. He was 8 yrs old then, and since then he has taken 10 others. Of course PaPaw had to be part of that first memory. We will have it the rest of our lives. PaPaw is EVERYTHING to my son......and to me. I hope he gets better soon.

    THanks Again

    Hi Jason
    I still remember my Son’s first deer hunting trip; we did not get anything but a lot of memory, that is what it is all about.

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Jason, good to hear your dad had a successfull course of treatment, and followed by future success.

    Take care.
