Waiting for Scan Results
Seeing my oncologist tomorrow for the results of my MRI. Very nervous! This feels like quite an important scan - I had a clear PET scan around Xmas (which fooled my doctors into thinking I had a branchial cyst rather than a cancerous lymph node with unknown primary!), then waited a couple of months for it to be removed…
repairing saliva glands??
Anybody hear anything else about this since its inception????? Dental Stem Cells to regrow and repair Salivary Glands.. by StemSave, Inc on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 11:20am · . By Dr. Dharmini Pathmanathan, DMD, PhD Dr. Xing Yan, has been awarded a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the…
What a relief!
Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is! I finally got the copy of my PET scan report. Looks AOK. Putting the dancing shoes on. I have waited a long time for this. See the doctor on Wednesday.
amifostine shot
Hi, I see lots of you have gotten the amifostine shot to protect salivary glands during treatment and I read that it protects the kidney also from damage by cisplatin. My chemo doc never offered this shot to me, did he goof up? I had stage 4 nasopharyngeal at 30yrs old.
Any recommendations on NPC Radiation Oncologist near New York or TriState area?
Hi there, I was recently diagnosed as having NPC... now looking for a good radio oncologist near my home: New York or Tri-State area. As I found out that NPC is rare in the US, I wish he or she could have previous experiences and treats NPC on a regular basis. So far I have references to some very good radio oncologist,…
Unkown Survivors!
Hello, I am coming up on 1 year and 10 months post treatment and have my scheduled scope next week; as usual I tend to get a little cranky and down at this time; especially today for some reason? Fortunately though, I recently came across an unexpected surprise that is helping me get through this emotional day. I am a…
OT: A CSN 'Twas the Night Before Christmas & The 12 Things of Cancer Such a Pain to Me.
This poem, was literally, inspired by a dream I had a couple weeks ago: The Night Before Christmas 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the place not a CSN member was stirring, not even Ratface. Our hopes were all hung on every PET and Cat Scan In hopes that N-E-D, soon would be there. Shelley & Skiffin were…
Proton Therapy
Wondering if anyone has received proton therapy for head and neck cancer. Husband diagnosed with adenoid cystic cancer removed parotid gland, facial nerve and ear cannel. Concerned about side affects of other radiations and read that proton therapy would have less side affects.
How do you prepare foods for someone with feeding tube?
My boyfriend was just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharyngeal. He will probably have a feeding tube. I am not sure what food to prepare, juices etc.
I had cancer of the larynx and have been out of radiation and chemo treatment for about nine months. I Just had a petscan and other than alot of irritation from the treatment, the cancer stayed away. Believe me, I am the most thankful person in the world right now and really hate to complain about anything. I do have a…
Tips on getting through a good nights sleep...?
Hi All, My dad has recently finished treatment for laryngeal cancer, supraglottis S3N1. Treatment finished nearly 3 months ago, total of 35 rads & 3 rounds of cisplatin chemo over a 7 week period. He has been through it all and recovering well, back to eating on his own...no more tube! HOWEVER....since he has been eating…
Important to me!!!!!!
Hey everyone...Bill here...just finished 35 rads and 9 week chemo for Stage 4 SCC...When first diagnosed, I had a lump the sise of a raquetball on my neck and all the discussion was whether it was to bid to remove or did I have to get rad/chemo to shrink and then remove...it was diagnosed HPV abd shrank immediately,,,,,now…
Hooray, I just finished my last Rad session, 33 and out. Now its cooking for a Couple of weeks then on the road to recovery. TASTE BUDS, SALIVA, REAL FOOOOOOD. This board and the people here have been fantastic and I would like to say T H A N K Y O U To each and everyone of you for all your support and advice. I'm not…
Feeding tube vs. eating
Hi, Long time lurker, reading about others going through the same thing as me has helped a lot. Thanks everyone :) I've got a few questions about eating and the feeding tube, but first a little info about my current eating situation: Most or all posts I read about feeding tubes here, people have the PEG tube. I'm not…
radiation & urbitux: burning skin solutions?
I have just had 3 radiation treatments (33 more to go) and 2 erbitux (cetuximab) infusions and already am experiencing fiery burn sensations and some redness over face (especially strong), neck, and chest. Since I have some rash on my face, I think that both treatments are contributing to the burning sensation. Radiation…
Another surgery for Jim - update
Yesterday Jim had a CT on his stomach for pain he has had since they put the shunt in his brain. He has a mess, as the surgeon said, where the small intestine and the large intestine are joined, There is a 50/50 chance of cancer. However, the drain tube for the shunt drips on this area and it may be causing inflamation.…
Gardasil Vaccine to prevent HPV+ SCC cancer recurrence
Hello all See the summary below of a study completed by the U of Alabama in 2010. Anyone here familiar with this? Has anyone discussed the ramifications of this study with their doctors, to assess the extent of its applicability to H&N SCC as opposed to Cervical SCC? The jury is still out on this one at Stanford, in part…
Mrs. Sarge...
Copy and paste this into your address bar...It's part of the Super Thread regarding us who are about to start radiation. http://csn.cancer.org/node/236691
Warnings, hints, suggestions of things to do!!
Just been diagnosed with Stage 1 Spindell Cell Carcinoma of the vocal cords. It was originally diagnosed and surgery done 1 1/2 yrs. ago. Never smoked/never drank and I am a female, so the only risk factor I had was reflux. Noticed my voice getting hoarse, had polyps and when they went in to get them also saw a suspicious…
Finance help?
Thought i'd ask here cause I haven't found any information on the site yet. I have metastatic malignant malenoma stage III N1b. I will be out of work for the chemo treatments because the company I work for looses its contract with the air force on apr 27. Needless to say I will be jobless and trying to find a way to help…
Me and My Big Fish...
Sorry to start a new post, but wanted you to get a face with the name. This is my big fish I caught a few years ago. I was nicknamed that afterwards. :) I hope to keep up with y'all. I'm still in such worry mode over the biopsy on my tongue and possible recurrent SCC, mets all that stuff. Maybe it's in my head but I think…
strange - Fever
My husband started with a headache yesterday at 4:30 and started running a fever up to 101.8. Took some asprin and fever went away. Woke up this morning fine and no fever. Then again today at 4:30 headache and another fever same temp. He has no other symptons. Any idea what could be going on?
Port in place, however...
instead of them kicking me out of this place at 1:00 in the afternoon as planned, I'm laying in a hospital bed with a punctured lung...not badly punctured, more like a slow leak :) wish they had the same stuff you can put into a tire for slow leaks...hopefully it will seal up by tomorrow morning, and I get home by early…
New baby
I have a new granddaughter Jessica Rae 6 lbs 5 ozs. Life continues to recycle :>) Baby and mom doing great...dad is a nervous wreck
Such a busy time....
but things are coming together it appears. Monday/mammogram...Tues meeting with the surgeon to put in my port and the Gastreo____(I can't spell it)who will do the tube. Today a MRI for my brain and cervical...tomorrow placing the port. The oncologist called and said they will be starting chemo and rads on Monday the 16th…
Allergy Season
Has anyone here come up with a good concoction of allergy meds that doesn't add to the dry mouth we all seem to have. I am getting my butt kicked by the pollen over here in Oregon.lol
SCC Recurrence?
I posted this on the Skin Cancer site, but have had no responses yet since the 10th, so thought I would try again here. Here is my post: So I posted recently on HNC board about just having a tongue biopsy under the left side of my tongue on Monday. I had Mohs surgery on Feb. 28, 2012 to remove SCC from my right lower lip.…
Sick of shakes?
Hope you don't mind a commercial plug here, but I really wanted to share because it helped me and I've seen a lot of talk about being fed up with a shake diet. I was recently declared NED, but understand the disgust/monotony in having to sustain on Boost/Ensure. If I remember right, each bottle was less than 200 calories…
Teeth a-poppin!
Hi all! I made it through surgery with flying colors! Thank you all for your praters & posts! Feeling better today, and going back tomorrow to remove the packing from my nose. I hope to find out about the biopsy in a few days. Question- I am having dental problems due to the radiation. I had a wisdom tooth pulled, and went…
never give up
I am a 78 yr.old male DX.in 2011 with B.O.T & gland,both sides and spread to right lung,no prim. found.Very close to end-in Hosp. for week and down to 115lbs.They, Dr's said I was only treatable, not cureable, and was given very little hope to with stand the Chemo/Rad. A thanks to the many post read on this network and my…