having trouble gaining weight
Finished treatment for a tumor at the base of my tongue on August 4th 2011. Starting eating around Christmas time. Used a peg tube durning treatment. STill have it in,however dont currently use it. I hate to eat and am having a hard time gaining weight. Lost 50 pounds. Dont like the texture of food or taste in my mouth.…
Proton Therapy
Wondering if anyone has received proton therapy for head and neck cancer. Husband diagnosed with adenoid cystic cancer removed parotid gland, facial nerve and ear cannel. Concerned about side affects of other radiations and read that proton therapy would have less side affects.
gums rough like sandpaper
Was wondering, i've been brushing and rinsing lots since last rad treatment thursday, like three times a day (ok that lots for me I used to only brush at night)but have found that my gums feel really rough (like sandpaper). Is this a by-product of the radiation treatment? I thought it was my tongue the first couple days,…
What a Day!!!
Just thought I would let you all know that there are some truely wonderful people Out there. Today I got called in to my local pub which was filled with about Eighty of my friends From all different pubs and other hangouts, and they were doing a fundraiser for little Old me, yes me. There was the full police pipe and drum…
Three Years, and Counting
Got my PS/CT results today- all clean. My ENT, whose name is Tomek and a Wake Forest alumn, and whom I am really, really, glad he is my ENT, was showing an Intern around. He had to summarize my case, and told this Intern that because of my unknown Primary they had to "double dose" my treatment, which is the first I'd heard…
A Part of the Soul
Ratface (I hate that name), someone I'm sure we all respect here, asked me to repost this story that is in the Expressions area of my Profile. It was originally written post-surgery while still in a state of opiated bliss, and then cleaned up a bit, but not much, as one of my first posts on this site. I am amazed that he…
ENT Vist
Saw my ENT today for my 6 week follow-up, scoped my throat all looks good, still some risidual swelling but he said that is normal, since radiation is the gift that keeps on giving...said I looked perky and that he will see me again in 6 weeks. Thats good news to start the weekend..every one be safe be well and have a…
Hoping for some help. I have noticed just in the last week food no longer taste the same and my thoart seems to have a bad taste, taste like an infection. Its harder to eat, and I just don't really enjoy eating now. Has anyone else had any of these symptoms before getting to treatment. I know during and after RADS and…
29 years old have been diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma stage 3
Hi everybody my name is Matt i was diagnosed April 2 with Squamous Cell Carcinoma stage 3 it was a shock to us all i'm recently married with my wife of 6 years and we have a 5 month old son i have a owned a landscape company for 10 years now and with the diagnoses I have i had to hire another guy to help out with the…
NED at 16 months out
early morning visit my the chief oncologist, Dr. Teknos and he found my tongue to be perfect. I have gained weight, have no eating issues nor swallowing issues. Not bad for someone who was diagnosed with Stage 4 and told by my ENT this year that he thought I wouldn't make it. Dr. T said I was one of his star patients and…
Posting pictures
I'd like to thank Ingrid K for telling me how to post pictures, so I can kind of express myself and show off a little bit of my semi-kinda-sorta-hobby. To post a picture you will have to go into your Update member area, which you can do easily by hitting the "click me" words at the top of the screen next to create or…
Anniversary of My Cancer
Today is my birthday . . . and the official diagnosis of my cancer. I am very fortunate to have an essay published on the website "The Good Men Project." Many of you will be able to relate. http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/the-anniversary-of-my-cancer
I just have to ask, after reviewing the MASK section of the Super Thread again today am I the only one who just wanted to tell them, Look no MASK for me I PROMISE NOT TO MOVE. Seriously I know what the answer is likely to be, but I had a few XRays in my life, and they would say hold your breath and do not move, which I…
Hello friends!
I'm the wife of ditto1 and wanted to give you all a big THANK YOU for your positive comments and attitudes in this forum. You have been a great source of inspiration to both Doug and I as we begin our journey down this path God has placed us on. We know that He is in control and are holding tight to our faith. He has led…
On the Road Again
Hi all: Thought I'd drop in before I take off for NC in the morning. I promised my mother-in-law I'd try to get in and spend a week with them before I have try to go back to work somewhere! Don't think I want to teach again except for substituting and I really just have to work for about a year till Charlie's SS and my…
Good News!
Went for my consult today and I'm not NEARLY as frightened. He said I wouldn't have most of the side effects that I read about here on these boards, because of where my cancer is and because they can pinpoint it so precisely. I have to have another MRI Friday and if that turns out clear then the treatment plan is for 28…
New to CSN Tongue cancer
Hi all, I am new here. I just had surgery to remove a part of my tongue. The pain I can deal with it's the sounding like Sylvester the cat I can't get over! :-) Anyways I was wondering if there are any others out there that are scared that the Cancer will come back. I had not even thought about that since the surgery…
Locked, Loaded & Ready to Go
After surgery, MRI's, CT's, PET Scans, mask fitting, dozens of blood draws, practice radiation session, and countless doctor visits - my husband's third battle with the beast begins on Monday. He is not able to participate in the clinical trial that we were all excited about, as they were concerned about some of his levels…
Done with mask for now!
Well today was my last treatment of radiation for hopefully ever! On to the next step, the long one, chemo for a year (sigh), talking to the onco tommorrow to set up for the treatment. WEll I'll probably feel like crap in about two hours so i'm signin' off till morning and hope I can get a good night sleep although I doubt…
IV at home anyone?
Since this is something I hadn't heard of before, I thought I'd post it. Eating or drinking has become a nightmare as it has I'm sure with most of you. Even so, I'm drinking water and nutrition drinks as much as possible but for some reason I'll vomit hours later. There is lots of heartburn of which I'm taking Zantac for…
Preparing for treatment
Hello all!!! I am very new to all of this. I was diagnosed last week on April 11, 2012 with Stage III Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue. I had was I thought was a canker sore on my tongue since mid-January and went to my GP and my dentist 6 times combined and was told it was just a canker sore for 2 months. I was still…
Well I got the biopsy report today, confirmed SCC no stage offered. dittoII took the call and after she hung up, a few tears started to fall down her cheeks. I said why you crying and she said she was just hoping it would be something else. I told her its like having your home blown away in a Tornado, you see the damage…
"There's a speed zone ahead but, all right, I don't see a cop in sight"
(Sawyer Brown reference) The siren and the flashing lights behind us usually cause us to instinctively pull off of the road to the right so that the policeman can get to where he is going, but since I was already in the left-turn lane, and since the police car was immediately behind me, I figured out that I was the obvious…
Tummy upset, acid reflux?
Ok, guys for the last four days my stomach has been a little tipsy, and i've had acid reflux building up sometimes in my esophogus, enough to make me cough a little. Is this the onset of the dreaded radiation sickness? I've only got tommorrows rad treatment and then i'm done with my cookin', but am curious as to whats…
Any good recipes for "our kind"?
I am a little over a year out of finishing my treatments. All is well and my weight in life are returning to my new normal. It has been an uphill battle to gain my wieght and my strength back at the gym. however, I've gotten back. I now work out five days a week and have returned my healthy eating habits I had before this…
7th day of fever
My husband is a year out from treatment. He just started back to work on Monday. BAM!!!! He starts running a fever last Wednesday and is still running a fever today. The fever was at night the first 3 nights then it moved to off and on day and night. He says he has a mild headache around the top of his head. Other than…
I was just wondering if there is any members that live near me. I read in a thread that Mrs. Sarge is in the DFW area, and Sooner79 had a photo of a TX Oncology t-shirt. I live in Commerce Tx, about 60 miles NE of Dallas. I had chemo(Dr. Teerdhala) and radiation(Dr. Caruso) at Tx Oncology in Mesquite, and my surgeon(Dr.…
Nerve Damage from Neck Surgery
I had surgery to remove a tumor from my neck about 6 weeks ago now (which at the time was thought to be a branchial cyst). Over the last few weeks my shoulder and arm as well as my leg all on that side seem to have a slight weakness to them, and a bit of an ache. The shoulder area is a little tender. Its nothing major,…
Cancer Etiquette Revisited - my rant for the day!
Months and months ago, I posted a link to a beautifully written and humorous blog entry by Amanda Enayati about cancer etiquette, in this case 'breast cancer etiquette.' Not our kind of cancer, but the etiquette still applies. It's definitely worth sharing with family and friends. It triggered several responses from folks…
Weight loss during External Beam Radiation
I'm kind of confused about weight loss during external beam radiation. My oncologist told me to expect to lose a lot of weight, but my radiation therapist/oncologist told me to try not to lose weight.... What was your experience?? I can't imagine being able to keep my current weight (which is not a healthy weight) up when…