FOOD BUCKET LIST (the lighter side)
When I was 1st dx with H&NC and learning what the future would hold for taste buds and eating that I was going to have a Food Bucket List as long as I could until treatment started. I know some on this website have not started treatment so eating is likely / others who are in treatment so looking forward to their favorite…
Where in the World Are You ~
Thought I'd bump this as there have been many new members the last few months that have not been added or might like to go on the map; Where in the World Are You Best, John
Back Home and New Puppy is Home
Hi all: Got back from NC Sunday afternoon. Was a a good trip but rather chilly for a few days; now back in GA and we're having temps close to and low 90s! This is just May 2 I fear the worst heat is yet to come! Picked up Chargee Monday nite and he is now home with Sammy and me and doing well. Sammy is adjusting but will…
Salagen ( Pilocarpine) 5 mg TABS
Anyone tried ,used, these. As they are not available in tab form in Australia I have ordered them from overseas.I have tried the eye drop solution (rinsed in mouth) it worked but I seated like a pig for the 8 hrs it was effective for. What frequency do you take tab.,does it take any time period before it starts working…
2 year scan results
Howdy Kids! Just a quickie to say I had an all-clear/NED report last week on my 2 year post tx scan. For some reason no scanxiety at all on this one. Have a few side issues like being a smart arse and can’t keep the fish outta the boat (oh wait a minute those probably aren’t due to chemo or rads). Seriously, doing great,…
Throat cancer HPV+
I'm just getting started with everything. First I'll tell you my story... I got really sick around the first week of March 2012. I noticed a large lump show up out of no where on the left side of my neck. Went to the ER they said I had pharangytis, upper respitory infection, & sinus infection. Put me on a Zpack, didn't…
I have an appointment on April 30th at KU Medical Center, I had a CT Scan a few weeks ago and now they want me to have a CT Scan of the Chest and a Pet Scan on Friday the 27th. Is this normal are they just trying to see if the cancer has traveled so they know what they need to do/ or is this something unusual/why both in…
Need some more prayers
This time it is for my mom. She had her blood work done the other day. It has been 9 months since she was in the hospitol with a blood clot in leg and lung. While she was in there she needed a blood transfusion because she was really anemic. Well, yesterday the doctor called to tell her her blood is low again. She has an…
Feeling a little down
The last couple days, I've found myself feeling blue..tried to talk myself out of the funks, exercised, just not working. Wednesday May 2, 2012 will be 6 months since I had my epiglottis removed by robot, at the James in Columbus, Ohio. I'm getting along well, but somehow saw myself back to my old self by now....now I see…
Anyone tried or has heard of electrically regeneration nerve cells to saliva ducts
http://www.saliwell.com/download/GenNarino_User_Manual_ENG.pdf this looks real interesting my tens used on depleted batteries with no pads has worked on a one off experiment
12th day of fever
We went to the hospital Friday night to see if we can find the source of the fever. Of course, they did blood work and chest xray and found no source of the fever. They tried to get in touch with his GP and no answer. They sent us home and told us to follow up with GP on Monday. So, that is what we will be doing. This…
XyliMelts for dry mouth
This time release oral lubricant works great while sleeping. I tried it last two nights and no need to get up at night to drink water. It stimulates saliva. Anybody tried this product for long term use? Is it safe? It claims it is made with all natural ingredients.
Swelling under the chin
I have been carrying quite a gobble since radiation to treat my throat cancer damaged the lymphatic system in my neck area. My drs. tell me it will go away but if has been 14.5 months and it is still there. At times it is smaller and soft. Other times it is larger and hard. It bugs me when I look down and acts like a…
Tonsil Cancer
I just found this board and I am so grateful! Mu husband was diagnosed with tonsil cancer late fall of 2011. He finished his treatment of 35 rounds of radiation and 2 chemo treatments. It was tough but he made it through - ct scan was clear in February and first PET scan was clear in early April. Last week he developed a…
Lung mets? Soooo afraid
Hello everyone...this time last year my husband was in treatment for Stage 2 tonsil cancer (HPV+). He really has been doing well, keeping up with appts., etc. Went to regular doc for a couple of nagging symptoms last Monday (no big deal, we thought), and BOOM, we've gone from a chest x-ray and CT scan last week to the…
My first RFL
So tomorrow night is my very first Relay For Life. I just want you all to know that I will be carrying all of you with me. I didn't reach my fundraising goal but I know every dollar counts and frankly, I'm walking because I am blessed to be able to do so :) . Let you all know how it goes!
Nausea what to do?
Okay I'm rads only 2 away from the end and about 3 weeks ago started this vomiting thing I think from epiglottis damage - maybe the flap did not close properly preventing me from getting proper nutrition and hydration. So I've started hydrotherapy at the cancer center with pepcid in the IV. At home I'm taking protonics…
Headrush when standing up fast
After my surgery (removed tumor from tongue (and reconstruction) + a few lymph nodes on the right side of my troat/neck), I had some random headrushes when standing up fast during the first 10 or so days. It was gone for a while, but now after radiation and chemo is done, it's started again, but now it's every time I stand…
Human Papilloma Virus
I have read that performing oral sex on females increases the risk of getting HPV induced cancer. Alcohol is also a risk factor. Guess smoking is also although that is something I never did. Is there any significance to having had a P-16 or HPV+ cancer other than the fact that these cancers seem to respond well to…
I kinda disappeared here for the last couple of days...
Just want y'all to know that I'm doing well, just hyper sleepy....those anti-nausea meds knock me for a loop :) . Tomorrow I'll have 1 chemo down, 4 amifostines, and 4 rads in the bucket....yeah...and counting down. Now I'll go curl up under my blanket. Can hardly wait till this weekend to see how I really feel...no…
weening myself off the tube...
Im only about three weeks post treatment for rads and a little longer for chemo. This is my second go round with SCC. This time base of tongue tumor, right side neck, Stage 4 BIG, 9 week Chemo Cisplatin and 35 rads. In 2006, Stage 1 left side neck w/radiation only.and at that time I did not use a tube. I remember the lost…
Sharing some good news!
I have a couple pieces of good news, and I thought I'd share in case it can help brighten up some folks who are just starting treatment. I'm through the first week of treatment and into the second. When they checked my blood before my second chemo treatment, the platelets, white blood cell count and kidney function all…
Need guidance with laryngectomy decision
Saw my head and neck ENT surgeon yesterday. Let me lay a little foundation for this topic. I was treated back in 2004 for BOT SCC. I had 5 sessions of chemo and 38 radiation treatments. I've been clear of cancer ever since. The consequences of radiation however, have given me a fit. I started having to have dilations for…
phone ap for mouth cancer
Apparently "they" are working on a phone ap for the detection of mouth cancer. I saw this on the local DFW news a few minutes age. Something about taking a photo and sending it to your dentist?? In development. So, cell phones can help detect mouth cancer while giving you brain cancer? Just kidding about the brain C.
Im scheduled for a Fine Needle Aspiration tommorrow, I searched the Super Thread but not able to get what I was looking for. Although it looks to be a simple process based on Cancer Websites, just thought I would reach out to the people in the know. Did everyone get a Biopsy? I assume for the Staging it is necessary. Once…
mucositis snot whatever it is..
I know this doesnt sound to pretty but as i am 1 week finished with the radiation, I know that i will have mucus. However why is it coming so much out of my nose? I Forever have a snotty nose that makes me cough..I am so backwards with all this.. I didnt loose weight I gained it. I didnt loose my sour or sweet taste I ate…
I read the recent posing about the new toothpaste and it made me wonder what, if anything makes Biotene or any other dry mouth products woth the cost so I got my tube of biotene and read the active ingredients arer (drum roll) Flouride. I don't see any other additivies on the tube that makes it special. I do know their…
Found a new toothpaste
While looking for PreviDent5000, I came across 3M Clinpro5000. It's more than double the size, touts better fluoride uptake, better remineralization (has Tr-Calcium Phosphate), and lower abrasion over the Colgate brand. On the shelf, they were the same price $13.99, but rang in on sale for $3.50 (ShoppersDrugMart, Canada).…
New to the forum
Hello fellow survivors! I was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer in Oct. 2010. Finshed treatment in Dec. 2010. It has been 14 months since the end of (mis)treatment. Five CT scans later no cancer has re-occured. Numerous side effects persist, most likely till my death. Still waiting to recover my detection of sweet.…