Ear wax cement or just poor phone service?
I ran into a friend yesterday who had rads to head and neck. She ended up with ears plugged with wax, that had to be removed by the doctor. Anyone else with this issue.. I have been having a hard time hearing with my right ear when I am on the phone, I had been blaming ATT, but it may be ear wax... PS... In general I like…
The Plan for me.....
I saw the Oncologist today...my appointment was at 9:30, and he was with me unitl almost 1:00...longest Dr. appointment I've ever had in my life....and the most thorough exam I've ever had in my life. I like him, too!!! The plan will be as follows...35 rads.....3 doeses of Cisplatin, three weeks apart...then another 3…
Haven't been on the board for awhile since filling in for a pastor has become more involved than planned. Anyway I wanted to bring upt he subject of depression. Jim has not recovered energy since his treatment ended in August 2011.Yeshe had a shunt put in his brain January which set him back a bit but three months later…
Checking In
Hi All: Hope everyone had a Hoppy Easter! I got back from Hilton Head last week as a brief little vacation. While there visited Parris Island as my oldest brother (the only I have left) was a Marine and I really wanted to go and visit it. It was very impressive and I got him some great souvenirs. I have some sad news. I…
Paranoia strikes at night...
Tonight I think I found another node swelling in my neck. I know where the two are that the Dr. knows about, one is obvious to see, the other easily felt...but now a third? I see the radiologist today, but now am worrying that my PET scan is already outdated. Do I show it to him? I don't want to get two nodes nuked when it…
Lympnode left side of neck behind ear removed, stage III metastatic malignant malenoma
Hi all, i'm new here and mid february had a small pea sized lump in my neck, was concerned as I had five small skin cancers and a small malenoma removed from my back before. Went to the doc and was told it was probably an infection in my lympnode was given antibiotics and went home. Next week it was twice the size (1cm),…
I have been using the biotene gel toothpaste since my diagnosis last Aug, along with that I use a sonicare elec toothbrush and a waterpic...sometimes I don't think the toothpaste is really cleaning my mouth, guess in my skewed brain if it ain't foamy in my mouth ,please JG no comments about a foamy mouth :p ), it ain't…
Stage IV Nasopharyngeal Cancer, newly diagnosed
My fiance was just diagnosed this week with stage IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma. It's metastatic and spread to lungs, lymph nodes, and his bone marrow. We had the most horrendous experience with the doctor who just told us and tried to rush us out of the office to take the next patient apparently. Apparently this cancer is…
Husband's Plan - Clinical Trial
We've spent the last two days meeting with doctors, research people, nurses, etc. My husband finds himself in the unfortunate position of recurrence and has positive margins after his 3/5 surgery. He is slated for cisplatin chemo weekly, concurrently with 6 weeks of IMRT radiation. (They are dosing him weekly instead of…
Questions for those who experienced Peripheral Neuropathy
My husband completed treatments (32 rads/3 cisplatin) on August 22nd. Approximately 1 month later he started getting the numbness in his hands and feet, but nothing extreme. All of his doctors said that it was most likely a delayed side effect of the chemo but didn't offer any solutions. It has gotten progressively worse.…
New to CSN...hello! Tongue biopsy question
I had a tongue biopsy today and it hurt like heck, so I started searching the 'net for info on how long the pain will last. I came across this site, and was reading all the posts and felt since I haven't been diagnosed yet then I wasn't really a qualified member. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I AM a cancer survivor,…
anyone else have allergic reactions to erbitux?
I have stage 4 advanced tonsil cancer and had my first chemotreatment ("front loaded"--400mg per square meter body mass) of erbitux (or cetuximab) on Friday. I had pretty serious chills, my blood pressure went way up, and because my temperature spiked (101.9) I went to ER (lots of laughs for 5 1/2 hours). My oncologist…
Happy Easter!
In the spirit of the holiday, believe in renewal and healing. I have been blessed in so many ways, as I have go through this journey of adjusting to the new me. I wish all here on CSN, strength, wisdom, and courage to continue the fight, and NOT give in to the beast. I have become a better, stronger, compassionate,…
Update on my Husband Bob
Hello to all... wanted to give an update on my husband. Some of you may recall that he is in his third battle with the beast since mid 2009. He had rads and chemo in 2009, surgery with wrist flap in 2010, and on March 5, had another surgery with pectoral flap used. They were unable to get clean margins; therefore, chemo…
Ready for the Fight?
I apologize in advance for this question, because so many of you have been fighting this Beast and as I read your comments Im inspired that the human spirit can show up to fight things that I would think are just impossible. My question is, is the journey worth it. Im sure Im just anxious after reading all the trauma…
Just done treatment today......
I had SCC on the left side of my neck in 2006....Dignosed with SCCT4 last Jan.-got 3 rounds of Cisplatin over 9 weeks(last Chemo 10 days ago)and 35 Radiations which ended today.....I am feeding exclusively off the PEG and have lost my voice, essentially my ability to swallow and of course my sense of taste! SO, considering…
NED at 3!
I just got back from my lead oncologist's office, who gave me and my wife the great news that my CT scan showed NED! That puts me somewhere around 3 years in remission, and my next scan won't be for another whole year. That good news gets dampened a bit by the reality that I have a debridement of my left mandible in less…
Happy Easter with treatment finished
Hi I have not written in a while. I finished by radiation 2 weeks ago. The first week after radiation was bad. This week has been better. I seem to be getting more mouth sores. When do the mouth sores go away? I am off pain pills and my throat is hurting. How long does the throat hurt after radiation? I am grateful to have…
Excuse my rambling today, I know something I did not invite has entered my body, I know it has no good intentions, I know I will have to ask it to leave. I know it will not go quietly, I know it will not apologize for being where it is not wanted. I know it will demand I fight the battle of my life if I dare think it will…
Magic mouthwash
Magic mouthwash is mentioned alot. WHAT IS THAT and do all patients get it or do you have to ask for it. Also does anyone know why they would treat with radiation only when so much is said about simultaniously administering chemo and RT. My son never mentioned being offered chemo at all. Thanks for any ideas. sally
Scary midweek
Wednesday evening, had finished dinner and went to the computer to do some stuff I am working on, all of a sudden it felt like my heart was jumping out of my heart, in 2008 had an emergency quadruple bypass and a minor stroke. Have been doing so well with the cancer and told my doc I feel better now than at any time since…
Happy Easter.
From myself and my Family we would like to wish everyone A Happy Easter. Take time out this weekend to thank the Man upstairs For getting us through this, and giving us light at the end of the tunnel. And pigging out on a few Easter eggs won't hurt either. (If I coud taste them) God Bless, Tonsi Dad. Dad.
brachytherapy boost
Hello fellow survivors, yesterday I went for my third opinion and they had a surprise for me. They proposed to do radiation to mouth and neck but, instead of adding chemo to enhance the effects of radiation, they suggested a boost of radiation to the tongue through High Dose Radiation (HDR) brachytherapy (an extra ~20 Gy)…
Decision made....oh what a relief
it is. Today was decision day, since my decision was going to be on how I felt about the radonc here. I am staying home for treatment! I took both my sisters with me, in case my decision making process might be bogged down by emotion...but all three of us walked out of the conference feeling confident in this guy...so…
PET Scan ?
A friend of mine just got some bad news? Her turkey neck had a cyst in it. When she went for a PET they advsied her that it was a 4. I assume that is bad but I do not know for sure. Any help or info would be apreciated. Thanks Dave
So today was my doc appt after rads with my rad onc. It was also a day I missed work due to a very painful swollen throat and ear and subsequent stomach ache from too much ibuprofen trying to bring the swelling down. Two weeks ago she prescribed the hydrocodone and I carried around the script for a while then finally took…
NPC - PET Scan
Hi Just want to share with my PET scan result. It's turned out NED. This is the first time scan after treatment. My treatment finished at 15th Dec 2011. Needlessly to say ... Thanks you very much for all your support, sharing and caring. But will have to deal with New Normal side effects. cheers, Neo
Finally I can talk again
To all my friends out there, I thought I would post a health update for you. My recent surgery last week was a success, I can now talk again & I can't tell you what a relief that is after not being able to communicate with out my trusted Pad & Pen since my TOTAL LARAGECTOMY on Jan 5th. I went in for surgery for what my…
After feeling a bit low yesterday, I did my first 5k run on the treadmill since diagnosis a week ago today and I feel like I can take the world on again now! What do people with H&N do for exercise? Seems that these days research suggests it is really good to keep exercising, even (if possible) some light exercise through…
So today was my doc appt after rads with my rad onc. It was also a day I missed work due to a very painful swollen throat and ear and subsequent stomach ache from too much ibuprofen trying to bring the swelling down. Two weeks ago she prescribed the hydrocodone and I carried around the script for a while then finally took…