Port in place, however...

phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
instead of them kicking me out of this place at 1:00 in the afternoon as planned, I'm laying in a hospital bed with a punctured lung...not badly punctured, more like a slow leak :) wish they had the same stuff you can put into a tire for slow leaks...hopefully it will seal up by tomorrow morning, and I get home by early afternoon...I still have a lot of stuff to do before Monday.

On the positive side....thought about what my dad said when I put a dent in his brand new Buick Wildcat.."well good....we got THAT out of the way". Thinking this little setback might be in the same genre...:)



  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Well, I know you're not quite as big as me, but a punctured lung from a Port placement is a first, to my knowledge, Phrannie. Left side? Maybe a bit different between a man getting one and a woman, or maybe your size entered into it. Thing is- this likely should not have happened. Same Surgeon gonna put your feeding tube in?

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    What the holy hoot did that doctor do...when I had my port placed they gave me some twilight drug, but we , me and the staff doing the procedure talked thru the whole thing. I will have to say one thing about the port I think it's one of the best things t0 have, granted I wasn't happy when told I would have to get one, but since I have small veins that roll, then seeing people in treatment who had to get IV's and what they went thru to even find a vein..I'll won't complain about having it and after awhile I don't even realize it's there anymore.

  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    osmotar said:

    What the holy hoot did that doctor do...when I had my port placed they gave me some twilight drug, but we , me and the staff doing the procedure talked thru the whole thing. I will have to say one thing about the port I think it's one of the best things t0 have, granted I wasn't happy when told I would have to get one, but since I have small veins that roll, then seeing people in treatment who had to get IV's and what they went thru to even find a vein..I'll won't complain about having it and after awhile I don't even realize it's there anymore.


    Damn Wildcat
    what did you do to that Buick. My first car was a Buick Lesabre, four door, power everything, yucky green with black leather seats, $400 bucks from my paper route. Burned to a crisp on a February night. Carburetter leaked and caught fire which just kept spreading. Ice a foot thick throughout the car after the Chicago fire department got done with it. The lung will heal, so sorry for your misery and pain. Let's let our minds wonder again to our early Buicks and cruising you home soon.
  • stayingpositive
    stayingpositive Member Posts: 89
    wow, hope yer leak stops!
    wow, hope yer leak stops! Now that is makin' me a bit skiddish of gettin my interferon, i'm due to start mine on the 23rd of this month. They port you on the chest? New to this port thing...just an semi-permanant spot for the IV ?
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488

    wow, hope yer leak stops!
    wow, hope yer leak stops! Now that is makin' me a bit skiddish of gettin my interferon, i'm due to start mine on the 23rd of this month. They port you on the chest? New to this port thing...just an semi-permanant spot for the IV ?

    Hey Phrannie,

    I heard this might help....lol.

    I'm only joking love, everything will be ok just a minor setback.
    I didn't do chemo so I cannot comment on what a port is like to have "installed"

    Anyway KEEP CALM and CARRY ON.
    God bless
    Tonsil Dad,

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    A dent in your Dads Buick really, now that hurt.... Love your Dads reply, sounds like you have a strong gene pool. Seriously, you need nothing else to deal with right now, but it will be ok, I prayed for you and all the folks dealing with this junk this morning so hang in there. Just a little bump in the road for our Bus ride. (P.S I presently have a 1993 Buick Roadmaster Station Wagon, I call it my Eye Candy, My wife calls it an Eye Sore)
  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678

    Hey Phrannie,

    I heard this might help....lol.

    I'm only joking love, everything will be ok just a minor setback.
    I didn't do chemo so I cannot comment on what a port is like to have "installed"

    Anyway KEEP CALM and CARRY ON.
    God bless
    Tonsil Dad,


    Mine was installed very high on my left side, I don't think he could hit my lungs from there (the tube went up towards my neck).

    Fix-a-flat - did you see where the folks in Fla were getting cut rate plastic surgery for some quack lady claiming to be a Dr and she was injecting fix-a-flat into their back side. I saw one poor lady who looked as though she had half an inner-tube around her waist - you could set a cup of coffee on the ridge.
  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Should be fine
    The risk of this depends on what vein they ended up cannulating. If it was the external jugular, as mine was, pneumothorax would be almost unheard of. If it was a subclavian vein, then that would be more common. When blind subclavian sticks are done, the pneumothorax rate is about 10%. Even so, they heal fine. Some require a chest tube for awhile, to keep the lung from collapsing, but even so, they end up ok. Everything about our care entails some potential problems. It's gonna be ok.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    No Kent....the Gastero______ (can't say or spell it)
    will be doing my feeding tube...I've known him for many years, and have total faith that the feeding tube will be a snap. The surgeon who did the port told me before hand, that knicking a lung could happen, but was unlikely...the risk of it happening does correlate with the amount of meat on a person's bones. It wasn't even obvious, until they took the xray after placement...and I thought the weird feeling in my chest was the port itself...just one of those "schmit happens".

    RF...my dad had bought a brand new 1968 Buick Wildcat in March...I did the dent in July...he was so proud of that car..., dark blue with a white top...all the bells and whistles for that decade. Every Saturday morning was wash and polish time. I not only dented and scraped the paint on the fender, I also cracked the center post of the garage...LOL. His restraint in the anger department was commendable :). Got to say, you painted a vivid picture of your LaSabre's last moments...

    They just came in and said my xray from 9:00 looks good, so they clamped off the suction and the oxygen...to see how it goes...taking more xrays at 12:30...if they're clear, I'm outta here!! YES!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Levy's Tire Shop...
    LOL, and I just had a tire plugged and patched today.....

    Sorry to hear of your ordeal.

    Mine was placed high on my right side, just an inch or so below my collar bone. They couldn't do the left side because I had my collar bone popped out a few years ago and they had to surgically tie it back down. So I have scar tissue on that side.

    Hang in there and enjot a little TLC before the battle begins.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Skiffin16 said:

    Levy's Tire Shop...
    LOL, and I just had a tire plugged and patched today.....

    Sorry to hear of your ordeal.

    Mine was placed high on my right side, just an inch or so below my collar bone. They couldn't do the left side because I had my collar bone popped out a few years ago and they had to surgically tie it back down. So I have scar tissue on that side.

    Hang in there and enjot a little TLC before the battle begins.


    Great minds think alike, John...LOL
    I decided to kick back, lay around...play on my computer while my meals are being served to me IN BED :)...since I'm here, I'll just pretend I'm in an expensive hotel where all my needs are catered to. It's not like I'm sick or hurting, I just can't unhook from the pump...so what if I'm leashed to the bed...ha!

    My port is on my right side, but 3+ inches below my collar bone...I honestly think she put it low like that so I could wear lower necked clothes if I wanted to...

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member

    Great minds think alike, John...LOL
    I decided to kick back, lay around...play on my computer while my meals are being served to me IN BED :)...since I'm here, I'll just pretend I'm in an expensive hotel where all my needs are catered to. It's not like I'm sick or hurting, I just can't unhook from the pump...so what if I'm leashed to the bed...ha!

    My port is on my right side, but 3+ inches below my collar bone...I honestly think she put it low like that so I could wear lower necked clothes if I wanted to...


    Yes, lady docotors would think of that!
    Its like the soup commercial and the lady is talking to the man who doesn't understand why she is excited about getting into her jeans so she asks for a woman to talk to. :) Men consider it a good thing to show their battle scars.

    Hope you are able to go home tomorrow.

  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    jim and i said:

    Yes, lady docotors would think of that!
    Its like the soup commercial and the lady is talking to the man who doesn't understand why she is excited about getting into her jeans so she asks for a woman to talk to. :) Men consider it a good thing to show their battle scars.

    Hope you are able to go home tomorrow.


    Glad you are getting a
    Glad you are getting a little rest and some delivered meals.
    Hope you are home by now.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Annie
    All I can say is I hate when that happens, but it is great that you are taking it so well.

    Take care and enjoy your hotel stay
  • artheri
    artheri Member Posts: 14
    That's annoying..
    But sounds like you're doing a great job rolling with the punches already. Keep that spirit through treatment, kick the rough patches in the butt with good spirit and humor :)
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hondo said:

    Hi Annie
    All I can say is I hate when that happens, but it is great that you are taking it so well.

    Take care and enjoy your hotel stay

    I didn't make it home today...
    after the "good" xray, they clamped off the pump to see how it went...lung collasped 85%, so we're in for another night of catered meals. I'll probably get out tomorrow if I pass the "clamp the pump" test in the morning.

    The surgeon who did my port stopped in today, to see how it was going, and saw that my Kindle was laying unused on my table and she asked why. The cord is too short to use in here, said I. About 6:30 tonight, she popped in with an extension cord in her hand. Pretty sweet of her to think about that.

  • KRBigFish
    KRBigFish Member Posts: 25

    I didn't make it home today...
    after the "good" xray, they clamped off the pump to see how it went...lung collasped 85%, so we're in for another night of catered meals. I'll probably get out tomorrow if I pass the "clamp the pump" test in the morning.

    The surgeon who did my port stopped in today, to see how it was going, and saw that my Kindle was laying unused on my table and she asked why. The cord is too short to use in here, said I. About 6:30 tonight, she popped in with an extension cord in her hand. Pretty sweet of her to think about that.


    It's the little things that sometimes count, huh?
    Hope you are enjoying your kindle!

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Ssso Sssorry about your little sssetback. Here's hoping all will be well tomorrow.

    (I didn't have a port. I was one of the sniveling, yelping ones in the infusion clinic, with the rolling veins. Got my chemo in six doses, and it took THREE sticks, every single time, to get it right. Yelped like a puppy.)

    Keep your chin up! You're in the right frame of mind now.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    D Lewis said:

    Ssso Sssorry about your little sssetback. Here's hoping all will be well tomorrow.

    (I didn't have a port. I was one of the sniveling, yelping ones in the infusion clinic, with the rolling veins. Got my chemo in six doses, and it took THREE sticks, every single time, to get it right. Yelped like a puppy.)

    Keep your chin up! You're in the right frame of mind now.


    Deb,,,you made me blow water out my nose...LOL
    Got this mental image of you yipping and and yelping, and it cracked me up...did you ever growl or snap at the nurses? :)

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    Deb,,,you made me blow water out my nose...LOL
    Got this mental image of you yipping and and yelping, and it cracked me up...did you ever growl or snap at the nurses? :)


    Phrannie, you have the best
    Phrannie, you have the best attitude ! Keep it up -- it will serve you well on this journey. Hopefully all of the little things that can go wrong are happening now and the rest will be a walk in the park. I do hope you get to go home soon for a last good night's sleep in your own bed.