Fibula Flap Recovery
My name is Rick and I was successfully treated with radiation for a squamous cell carcinoma that was located on the base of my tongue and tonsil wall in 2009. Since then, osteoradionecrosis has done a number on my jaw bone. I recently had about 4 inches of my lower left jaw resected and am now scheduled to meet with a…
Hanging around
OK since the whole news of the second cancer our team of oncologists are pushing to get started on the MM treatment. It is almost as if the head and neck cancer is a nuisance at this point. Well I have went to the Multiple Myeloma forums and I have not found one I feel comfortable on. Everyone seems to be bitter and one…
Im Thankful for Gods gift of Life that I am here. Im Thankful for Diane my wife and caretaker who I am so blessed to have in my life. Im Thankful for all the Doctors that took good care of me. Im Thankful for the nurses and others that treated me so well, with care and dignity. Im Thankful for my family and so many friends…
Turkey Day - Just Remember They Love You
If some of the folks you're gathering with today seem to be watching you and trying to not let you catch them at it, or talking quietly, and peeking your way - please try to tell yourself that they love you, and are concerned, and don't want to ask you about your cancer or treatment, because they don't want to wreck your…
choroidal melanoma of the eye
Hi, I was diagnosed approximately 1 month ago with a large tumor in my right eye. I went in thinking I needed glasses because of computer strain. I left a message under emotional support, but noone is replying. There isn't a chat section just for eyes. The cancer I have tends to metastisize to the liver, but it is…
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you..love you all
Nausea? Thick saliva?
HI all. Sorry if this is a repeat but I can't find a specific thread/post. We are in week 5 of 7 of radiation with 3 chemo cycles for tonsil cancer, Stage IVA. Steve's 2nd of 3 chemo treatments was Nov. 12th and he has barely had ANYTHING to eat or drink since due to nausea. He's gone in for IV hydration 3 times. He's…
So happy!! Early test shows NED!!
Oh, what a wonderful day. Nelson (9 weeks out from chemo/rad) has been having some troublesome symptoms the last month or so. Constant cough, weakness, etc. He had a MRI of the brain and neck yesterday to rule out any neurological damage that may explain the problems. We got the results today that there is no sign of…
Hi and hope you are all well and ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. I am just about half way through my second battle and I must say I am having a very hard time coping with the whole "treatable but not cureable" diagnosis. My first scan at 6 weeks revealed that the tumors in my lung had not shrunk, but have changed in…
Got some good news today
Having something positive to say is so rare for me that I thought i'd share. As an update I'm SQT1 N2C and finished my third round of Induction Chemo (may you never have to go through it). I went to see my ENT today for him to take a look before we begin Chemo/Rads. After scoping me out and a thorough exam he could find no…
10 weeks post tx - meeting a doctor tomorrow
Hey everybody! My dad is having his first check-up tomorrow afternoon. It will not be PET or CT yet because it will probably be next month. Now he is 10 weeks post chemoradiation. Tomorrow he is having an appointment with ENT and probably his onco doctor, and dietitian. I hope that everything will be ok and ENT will give…
I am still NED FREE ppl.
Hey Guys sorry that I havent been posting here lately its just been busy here with all the stuff I been dealing with but I had my PET scan last thursday and met with the chemo doctor yesterday and he said I am still NED aka cancer free so I been cancer free now for 2 years since nov 2010 and also I just wanted to pass…
pet results in....should I ask prognosis, staging scares me
Hi all, My husband and I actually felt relieved by the PET results as we were hoping there were no other lurking cancers than in his neck (that's enough already). Found out he has scc level 2 lymph node measuring 3.5 x 2.2. The report states that primary is probably same side tonsils as those are enlarged. Also stated no…
Taste buds
I was wondering how come I can taste the first few bites of food and then it's gone. Will my taste ever come back? I know I need to be patient but it's so frustrating some days.
Wow, my body really did not like Miracle Mouthwash
Got some this morning and swished a bit, tasted like crap and numbed my whole mouth. Two hours later, violent vomiting followed by severe diarrhea. Guess that means no more of this stuff for me. Amazing, first time in all three sessions of my Induction I was sick enough to vomit. Eeesh. Joe
Multiple Myeloma
OK so now we have another surprise. David was diagnosed with multiple myeloma today. We go have a bone scan tomorrow and see a hematolgy oncologist next week. I guess I get to be at to cancer sites. Lucky me. OK so yeah I am a little depressed this evening.
Specks - Crappie - Sac-a-Lait ~ Florida Style
Here's a few from Saturday, 10NOV2012... ~ The Before ~ The After They can mess up a skillet real good.... Thrown on a plate with a big scoop of Cheese Grits, and it's a meal hard to beat. Caught these in Lake Kissimmee 10NOV2012... It won't be long until some of you are in the having your taste and saliva again... Here is…
Thanksgiving with NED
Greetings! I don't make it back here as often as I should. As the months turned into years after the end of treatment in late spring in 2010, I kind of got wrapped up in living the "new" normal. All-in-all the new normal has been pretty good. Anyway, I just got the results back from my annual CT Scan of the neck / chest. I…
So recovery off to a rough start need advice from veterans
So about the last 4 days I have started to loose the balance, and back on the nausea train. Around the end of week 5 I lost tolerance for medical formula, and was loosing weight fast, I placed myself on a malt o meal gruel and was able to stabilize, not great but not 2 pounds a day gone either, was only taking an…
NED Thank God as of Nov 14
HI everybody just checking i got the all clear on Wednesday Ned my next scan isn't until Jan 24 ct scan and chest xray so now its on to getting my dental work done and getting back to normal as i can be.Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers
8 weeks out and I think I need to call my doctor!
I finished chemo and radiation for tonsil cancer in August. For the last two weeks I have been experiencing dizzy spells, on standing, confusion during these episodes and I am off balance when I walk sometimes. I keep thinking it will get better but it seemed worse today. Any idea what the problem could be?
what do I do when Cobra runs out?
hello survivors and caregivers, I have survived the cancer but the healthcare system is killing me! I was too sick to work during treatment, and I was discharged from my job after the FMLA ran out. I am on SSD (social security disability) payroll since January of this year. It barely enough to cover my COBRA premium and…
We might be going here again
My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer behind the tongue in July 2010. After finally getting her some medical coverage they were able to start treatment. They tried a combo of erbitux and radiation but due to complications with the erbitux and other chemos she was only able to complete the radiation. After all the…
Anybody else on a PEG permanently?
My diagnosis: no food or drink by mouth - ever - no chance of recovery of swallowing (nerve damage). I've been on Jevity 1.5 for about 6 months and am doing really well. I can do pretty much everything else I want. Questions: Who else is on PEG permanently? What are your attitudes, worries, etc about never eating again? I…
Increased anxiety
It's so odd but now that my husband is nearing treatment my anxiety level is at an all time high. The dr scheduled his first post treatment head/neck ct in January and since then I am more anxious and emotional then ever. I guess it's the realization that nothing, not even all this treatment including surgeries x 2,…
Well...there goes my thyroid!
I just had my first blood work and physical since the end of treatment. Treatment ended about 28 weeks ago. This was all supposed to be routine and to get a baseline after the completion of treatment. I have been tired since finishing rads and erbitux but just assumed it was to be expected and I still believe it is very…
Our caregivers
Our caregivers have it hard, at times I think much harder than we do. Sure, we deal with our disease and all of the ‘wonderful’ impacts from treatments, but I honestly think that they have it worse. They take such good care of us, and they have the additional burden of worrying about our and their futures. My wife was…
Hello everyone...I rarely post but have been a "long time lurker" and follow along with many of you! My husband was dx in 2010 with stage 4 base of tongue scc and was treated with chemo, rads followed by neck dissection. todate all of his follow ups have been positive, however on the last 2 ct they have noted "bands of…
Introduction and chemo/Erbitux question?
Hi Everyone, My mom is 66 yrs old and has been diagnosed for a 3rd time with Head and neck cancer. She was first diagnosed in 1994. Had neck disection, part of tongue removed, and radiation. She did great (was able to talk again eat etc)and was cancer free until July 2012! We are lucky we had 18 yrs with no cancer!! July…
PEG tube issues?? Here is what worked for me
As most of you know I struggled with nutrition most of my treatment. I was able to use the medical food / formula then all the sudden became intolerant, same with milk, lots of nausea. So I started making gruel out f malt o meal, and it actualy helped, I am now moving to baby food, and although I have to push it through…