First time in 24 yrs I forgot our anniversary
Hey everyone ! I can't believe it, but my husband pointed out that this Sunday will be our 24th year together. So much stress, I just started apologizing then crying, then laughing. We will be spending the day at home, with a nice dinner and rent a movie. I just want to hold him....and realize today is good. He is my…
What food should I try?
I am four weeks post treatment with a peg tube and trying broths, cream soups, milk products are bothering the sores in my mouth so staying away from them for the time being. Should I try soups like vegetable need and see if I can chew and swallow? Or something else, I'm scared. I swallow fine but what if it gets stuck.
Financial assistance???
I have been out of work since May 23, 2012. I used up all my FMLA and am now struggling to pay my bills and rent. Even close to being evicted because I have no money. I've been reading thru here and have read a couple of things about social security and some sort of allowment they have for people with head and neck cancer.…
I haven't seen this addressed on here just wondering if it's abnormal. Just finished Tx #12 of 35. Occasionally at night I'll wake up with a blood soaked pillow or hack up some blood during the evening. Discussed it with my Rad Dr and she says it's normal. I just haven't seen any one address that on here and was curious to…
Terrible smell toward end of Tx....Is it from the Radiation?
Hi Everyone... So now he says he keeps smelling something terrible...like a sulfur smell...just terrible. Is this just the effects from radiation? Or could it be from the prescription cream they have him putting on his neck. He says no matter where he goes he smells it and it's making him sick to his stomach. He even kind…
rad/chemo possible at local hospital and follow by major cancer cancer?
I am wondering if we choose to go with Dana Farber, can we get daily rad/chemo locally or do we need to travel each day for that? I'll ask the MD's but figured someone here would know. Thanks.
Tongue Cancer Returns - Male / Age 52 - Treatment options?
My dad is currently 52 years old and two years ago he was diagnosed with small N1M10 on his left side of tongue (Stage 1 – squamous cell carcinoma). At that point he was treated with Radiation (33 times - tongue and neck area). Since then he has been in recovery stage, however he has always had discomfort in his tongue. At…
Jaw reconstruction at Moffitt or MD Anderson Orlando
I live in Florida, have stage 4 of mandible and floor of mouth. Wondering about anyones experiences with jaw reconstruction at Moffitt or MD Anderson Orlando. Thanks
Hi All. I am KTeacher's sister. I am reporting to you on her surgery, which occured last Thursday, and her recovery from same. The oncologist removed her eye and much tissue surrounding the eye and orbit area. He followed the optic nerve back as far as he could. Reconstruction surgery went great. The microvascular plastic…
Tomorrow is my last treatment, then on to recovery, recieved a very sad phone call a few minutes ago
Well tomorrow is my last day of treatment, and doing relatively well, but just received a phone call from my oldest sister. She told me she was just diagnosed with stage 3 SCC with a primary tumor on the tonsil, with lymph node involvment on the same side, where as mine was same except stage 4 because of node involvement…
Hi All...Just Catching Up
While I haven't posted much lately , I do look at the site, see old familiar names and new . I've been busy since I went back to work full time. Travel for work takes me to northern AZ weekly, I have a 100 mile buried fiber optic project going on , so that keeps me rather busy. I'm in MD right now, flew in yesterday , will…
Hi All, I haven't posted as much lately, just being busy with life and some light treatment. One of the last posts I made was about how well Acupuncture works. Most of the responses were positive so I gave it a go. Didn't help at all. The problem I have is when my Dr. did my rt neck dissection he disturbed my scapular…
PICC line to be or not to be
Well David had his PICC kind inserted early Tuesday morning and every afternoon since they have had to redress it because he keeps bleeding. I'm not talking about a trickle here a trickle there but soaking through the dressing and his shirt. Today the chemo ONC came in and said if they can't get the bleeding to stop this…
Long 3 week trip
Hi all, have not been around for a while, was locked up in a hospital bed. I had a small piece of my lung removed at Hershey, all was good until I got Atrial Fibrilation, I was kept another 3 days. The left the catheter in with instructions to have my urologist get it out. I left the hospital. When I met with my urologist…
Neck muscle spasms
Hi All, It's been a while since I've posted. I finished radiation and chemo for nasopharyngial cancer in May of last year. It's been good so far with negative CTs and exams. I am truly grateful. Most of taste has returned and saliva is at about 70%. I can lick a stamp and envelop! Of late, however, I've noticed…
Blood work results
OK so most everyone knows David was unable to do chemo today. I got a copy of his blood work from today. There was more wrong than right. Low RBC/Hemoglobin/Hemocrit/Platelet County/Chloride/CO2/GFR High WBC/MCH/MCHC/Metamyelocyte/Myelocyte/Reactive Lymp/Monocyte/Plasma Cell/NRBC/Abs. Plasma Cell/Glucose…
how to start eating again
hello to everyone On 10-24 my dad finished chemo and radiation treatment (33). He had the feeding tube put in on 9-28- and that has been his only source of nutrition throughout his treatments. Now that he is done and trying to swallow he wants to start drinking and eating. I do not know where to start. What are the best…
Possible Side Effect Assistance (Head, Neck and Sinus)
Possible Side Effect Assistance Head, Neck and Sinus It's been 3 years since my radiation and chemo treatments ended and I was pronounced amazingly healed for the moment, as we all have learned to avoid the CURED word! Since then, like many of us have suffered with post treatment side effects. Mine are constant dry mouth,…
need resources for financial help
I am desperate and don't know were else to turn too does anyone know an organization that can help with rent? My husband has not drawn a paycheck since April 2011 and we have been living on one income we are seriously behind in our rent and I have looked everyone for some assistance. we live in a two bedroom apartment for…
more delays
I took David for chemo today and they are postponing again until the 29th. His bloodwork was not good and his PICC is continuing to bleed. They are giving him IV fluids/minerals and shots of B12 and vitamin K. They want IV fluids 7 days a week at home and keep an eye on the PICC. They said they may need to change his…
For those of you that had Erbitux
Just had my third round of Induction today and was advised that concurrent with the RADS I'm going to get Erbitux. They also told me to expect an acne type rash just about everywhere. So, to you folks that have lived through it, what am I going to need to cope with this? I'm working really hard not to buy tomorrow's…
Mandibular Sarcoma
I am re-posting a reply I submitted the other day. I am wondering if anyone else has experience with this diagnosis? It is less than 3% of all head and neck cancers. Here's the post: My husband had mandibular sarcoma that was diagnosed in December 2011. Total shock to us, as he has never smoked or chewed tobacco. Little…
Colonoscopy done, check. Hernia surgery done, check! ;) :)
Hello All ... For those that sent the pm's. Thank you. I thouht I would just post a thread for an update. Boy oh boy have the last two days given me some good comedic material to write about one day. May I share just a little? Okay, since you all said yes :) My colonoscopy was yesterday. My hernia surgery today. I'm doing…
teeth protection
Hi to everyone. I'm new here and eager for all info you can give as well as the opportunity to share and vent. My 26 year old son (physically disabled) was diagnosed with stage IVb SCC (base of tongue, floor of mouth and bilateral lymph nodes). He's at number 28 of 35 rads and has had 4 cisplatin chemos. The situation has…
HPV Status
Just wanted to say that I never thought how saying that HPV postive status has a better prognosis could affect and be hurtful to some on this site. I realize now that it could be a discouraging comment if you arent' hpv positive. We are all in this together no matter the status and I am sorry to have ever offended anyone.…
How do you keep food down with PEG?
Hi Everyone, Well last week was the PEG insert. He is being fed via gravity bag. Does meds by syringe. Does his flushing of water before and after. First couple days was able to hold down the food (called 2.0) and now he throws up everytime. Also can't hold his meds down with syringe. Do we know why this could be? He's…
How long to get back taste and saliva?
Greetings all. It's been a while for me on the board. Sure glad to see almost everyone is doing so well. I have a question about the amount of time it takes to get back at least some taste and some saliva after treatmente ends. I am at 3 weeks and 2 days after radiation and 3 weeks after chemo. I had 33 rad treatments and…
Question about taste changes
My significant other/spousal equivalent (:-)) is in week 3 of 7 of radiation and has 1 of 3 chemo cycles under his belt for tonsil cancer, stage 4A. He has dry mouth but is tolerating it well with biotene and some xylitol mints and a spray, caphosol. He also has a very sore throat which he is using the caphosol for, just…
New diagnoses with not enough info
Hi, My husband had a cervical lymph node that showed squamous cells via FNA. I still can't catch my breath and feel like the earth just disappeared under my feet. He has swollen left tonsil on the side of the lymph node and a cough.....but that is all. His bloodwork is perfect. I am petrified to find out what the primary…
Collection of fluids
Hi everyone I need your help, I taken my hubby to hospital as his right cheeck was swallen n apparently he has an infection apparently a collection of fluid(puss). Surgery is risky n he is under care of doctors has any one had this happen to them and if so please help me.