Specks - Crappie - Sac-a-Lait ~ Florida Style

Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
edited November 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Here's a few from Saturday, 10NOV2012...

~ The Before

~ The After

They can mess up a skillet real good.... Thrown on a plate with a big scoop of Cheese Grits, and it's a meal hard to beat.

Caught these in Lake Kissimmee 10NOV2012...

It won't be long until some of you are in the having your taste and saliva again...

Here is a teaser at what some of you are fighting for...



  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    you did it again.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    you did it again.

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  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    feed me
    Hi John,

    You may have heard (on the H&N channel) I’ve been cleared to try all foods. All foods, nothing is safe. Start baiting the hooks for “Hungry Matt”.

    Saliva producing warrior,

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ooooo YUMMY!!!
    I was hoping like crazy the "After" pic was going to be the finished product and not a pile of bones for "after" dinner was eaten....LOL.

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    the more posts i see of your catch and eatables, the more i want a bunch of each.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Come On Down....
    I'll make you a fish sammie anytime....

    Matt, your "Feed Me"..., that phrase always reminds me of the big Venus Fly Trap in the "Little Shop of Horrors"...LOL.

  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Come On Down....
    I'll make you a fish sammie anytime....

    Matt, your "Feed Me"..., that phrase always reminds me of the big Venus Fly Trap in the "Little Shop of Horrors"...LOL.


    Lake Dominick
    here in Chicago we do our fishing at the famous Lake Dominick named after an Eyetallion explorer from the south side. I have never failed to make a catch there and the fish are known to bread themselves. I fish there weekly, no boat or tackle required. Nice catch John.
  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    ratface said:

    Lake Dominick
    here in Chicago we do our fishing at the famous Lake Dominick named after an Eyetallion explorer from the south side. I have never failed to make a catch there and the fish are known to bread themselves. I fish there weekly, no boat or tackle required. Nice catch John.

    do you
    take your mercury on the side?
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    do you
    take your mercury on the side?

    I'm replying to your and Pats post at the same time. I live in the state of lakes....and we do have warnings at most on the consumption amount we should be eating. What a sad state of affairs this is. As a child we fished almost every day, and had platters of fish with fresh corn on the cob. Be aware, but fish away ! Katie
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    There are different reports that are published periodically, for species and areas..

    Most are mainly targeted toward child bearing aged mothers, and young children...., I'm neither.

    Plus another factor to consider is some fish are more prone than others...mainly fish that eat other fish, that eat other fish.....kind of like a Tur-Duc-Ken.

    Plus, I think that any Mercury that I have accumulated over the years was vaporized during the rads sessions.... So I should be good to go for several years.

    Should I check in to and start investigating Mercury Chelation...

    I'd be more prone for concern of water contamination pollution these days.

    It's funny, when we were kids, how many use to play with Mercury in school with your bare hands...?

    Now if you break an old thermometer and Mercury hits the ground, they wanna close the entire plant down and call a hazmat team in.

    Actually, even though I do fish a lot, and eat a lot of fish, I'm pretty sure that for the fish I target and eat, I'm well within my limits;

    Guide to Eating Fish Caught in Florida

    And..., I am in no way thinking that you either are getting on me, I know you just want to make sure that I'm aware..., some people don't realize what you have mentioned.

  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    Not a big fish eater
    but love to fish....looking good John.....
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Not a big fish eater
    but love to fish....looking good John.....

    Man....that looks good.....
    Cheese grits, fried fish ...mmmmm man I just came off of my colonoscopy and hernia surgery...I"m starving ....oh my I'm really starving ...

    In Idaho when my wife (who is from south Georgia and has that Georgia twang) asks people "have you ever tried cheese grits"? ...she truly gets that odd look. ;)

    Keep the pics coming John....I had hoped to put a pic of a buck or elk on here myself ....but did not happen this year... :)

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Man....that looks good.....
    Cheese grits, fried fish ...mmmmm man I just came off of my colonoscopy and hernia surgery...I"m starving ....oh my I'm really starving ...

    In Idaho when my wife (who is from south Georgia and has that Georgia twang) asks people "have you ever tried cheese grits"? ...she truly gets that odd look. ;)

    Keep the pics coming John....I had hoped to put a pic of a buck or elk on here myself ....but did not happen this year... :)


    Cheese Grits...
    I'm from Ohio, but lived here (Florida...yes, I'm a damn Yankee) since the late 70's...

    Always funny when some from up north comes down and we're out for breakfast.

    If asked if they want grits...standard reply is, "what's a grit"...

    Is your season closed already...., I'd think it would just be cranking up?

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Well John, I specks having a crappie day fishing isn't all that bad, since in the end you get a tastily full plate. Nice catch!

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    You are the fisher man!!!!
    Food looks good. I can eat it all now, but couldn't 10 months ago....getting saliva and taste back slowly but surely.
    I plan on coming to Florida next year and lookin you up....Want to go fishin with you and also eatin fish with you.....
    Notice my new pic.....i'm lovin the water. This is Hawaii...
    All the best, Steve
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    hawk711 said:

    You are the fisher man!!!!
    Food looks good. I can eat it all now, but couldn't 10 months ago....getting saliva and taste back slowly but surely.
    I plan on coming to Florida next year and lookin you up....Want to go fishin with you and also eatin fish with you.....
    Notice my new pic.....i'm lovin the water. This is Hawaii...
    All the best, Steve

    Open Invitation...
    You have an open invitation bud....

    You're lookin good bro.

    I love Hawaii...

    I lived there for two years while in the Marines...
