a few more hours
David will officially be done with round one of chemo at around 11:30 tonight. He still has a chemo shot he has to get on the 7th and 11th, but the constant tethering will be over, at least for a couple weeks. They told us he may be able to go home this weekend if we can get his stomach to accept food and fluids. We will…
One other question about scar tissue
So I can't really find any info on this and know that this group is the best to ask. I have read some threads where others have talked about fibrosis in the neck. Is that because of scar tissue? I think the point I'm getting is is it even valid for me to believe that this spot in my neck is scar tissue. It's small, hard…
so tired of the hospital
I am really getting tired of the hospital. It will be two weeks on Friday. David got up and took a shower today and that was encouraging. His is tolerating small amounts of tube feeds. I will be glad to get home, but do worry about taking care of him alone. His WBC is .6 absolute neutrophils are .56. His platelets are at…
SCC Tonsils
Hi all, I am from India. I came to know that I have a tonsil cancer grade II, after my biopsy test. Can anyone suggest me how should I proceed. Till now: 1 - I had pain in my throat and could see a patch, so consulted an ENT specialist. Doc suggested for Biopsy. 2 - Biopsy done, report says - a) Microscopic finding:…
What do I expect with a PET scan?
Hey friends! I had an appt with my oncologist today and they did a CT scan of my lungs which was clear. During the physical exam he palates a small spot under my jaw that is probably just scar tissue, but some of you may remember me posting that my husband and I are trying to conceive our second child. So, in light of…
Just getting started
My boyfriend Jeff was diagnosisted with SCC at the base of the tongue a couple weeks ago. He stats rads next tues and chemo fri. 35 rads and 7 chemo. He already had his mask made. The hardest part of the mask is the stick that holds his tongue down. Can anyone relate? I have been reading many of you guys/gals posts since…
Pain in Kidney area....after tx
Wondering if anyone experienced any lower back pain after treatment? Appears to be near the kidney area. Also a little fluid retention around the lower leg near the ankle. I was reading some of the literature we got prior to treatment and it does appear that the chemo can cause these things. The chemo was Carboplatin &…
Update From Soccerfreaks
Hello All. I am a friend of Soccerfreaks and have some great news about him for anyone that knows or remembers him. He recently had some scans done. He had his results appointment with his oncologist and is cancer free!! He has a nagging cough, but it is not due to cancer. It may possibly be aspiration related or scar…
The Beast Strikes Again
Hello Everyone, I am Wolfen. I have been a member of CSN since 2009. In 2008, my daughter, Johnnybegood, was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer, mets to liver and both lungs. Through numerous rads, chemos, surgeries and countless side effect alleviating meds, she fights bravely on. I have spoken to a few very kind HN…
Prayer Request
Hi all: Got an urgent prayer request. My best friend's husband had a CT scan yesterday of his lungs and now is having a needle biopsy on Thursday. There are three spots on one lung. Of course nothing is totally sure, but he is 75; has been a drinker and smoker for a long time. I have known my best friend since we were 2…
Newly Diagnosed but Stage 4 - Scared to do Anything!
Hi, Maybe I've googled too many discussion boards, because I am so scared of doing Anything now. It seems like I'll be so much worse for "quality of life" compared to just going forward as is, with pain medication if/when symptoms worsen. Just want to enjoy my time left with 2 grown children, 2 grandsons, play my guitar,…
Uplifting website
Just wanted to share this. On my H&N surgeons website I saw a post for this this survivor who sings songs to patients all over the country and world for that matter while they are going thru chemo. I went on his site and read about him and listened to him sing to some of the patients, very touching. His web site is:…
Info needed from fellow NPC veterans
Hi all! Its been awhile since I have posted though I do come back and check on the board every now and then. I just hit my one year anniversary from treatment last week. I can't believe where I am right now compared to where I was last year at this time. Life is just about back to normal (my new normal that is) however its…
WBC boost anyone?
We arrived today for our last chemo treatment, but Steve's counts were too low so they sent us back home. His WBC is 1.4 and Lymphocytes, 300 and Neutrophils, 700. Took him 2.5 weeks to get the nausea under control and then his throat was burning so he's using the feeding tube but not as often as he should/could. Til now,…
Biopsy Tomorrow
My lung (needle) biopsy is tomorrow. Compared to what I've been thru, compared to what my wife and caregiver has been thru, compared to what David is going thru, the biopsy should be a piece of cake. Nevertheless, my anxiety level is high and going up. Both my wife and I will have a tough time sleeping tonight. We will get…
“Picture Your Life After Cancer”
New Meaning and Drive in Life After Cancer NY Times has a paywall, not sure everybody will be able to read the story. but there is a book out too. and in the blog story, there's a link for adding your photo to the collage. "A new book, 'Picture Your Life After Cancer,' (American Cancer Society) focuses on the living that…
throat cancer
hi there friends, my name is sylvan and i will be communicating my record of my cancer with photos from the first day i saw it august 13th till this week december 2, 2012. I am on going into my fourth week of radiation and chemo. I will be showing pics from the different changes my tumor has gone thru. I am being treated…
Good news bad news
Ok so last night went better with the exception of his hiccups and constant staff being in the room. This morning we found out the cancer js responding to treatment. His absolute plasma cell count was .22 down from 2.58. The goal was 1.29 by the 10th day following the start of chemo so we have already made the treatment…
~Where in the World Are You~ Bumped Up
Thought I'd bump this as there have been many new members the last few months that have not been added or might like to go on the map; Where in the World Are You Best, John
I was searching for a post from awhile back and came across the one in the link below; Reflections It was one of the first where Dawn and myself first interacted...LOL. A lot of people in the many posts that I read are no longer here for one reason or another. A few I know have passed, and that is both sad, and actually a…
Dropping in to say hi!
I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. We had it in our new house we were building while I was in treatment. I cooked the entire meal except a few sides. It went really well. I've got about 70% of my taste back. Saliva is better but hard to say how much is back. I guess about 50%? I have decided I definitely am…
Chemo brain
Sitting here watching news and NBC evening news is having a segment tonight regarding chemo brain...interested to see what it's about.
Packing list help please
I could really use some advice. My husband starts radiation and chemo next week, the following week, we were fortunate to be referred to a Hope Lodge during his treatment. We will be at the lodge for 6 or 7 weeks, and I'd like to go as prepared as possible. Part of the agreement to stay is that I am always with him. So I'd…
Still alive
I don't know if everyone realizes how close David was to dying on Thursday. He doesn't even remember the day. It was so scary and I was looking bid death square in the face. I know the last couple of days I have been so thankful when he awakes in the morning. I know God is giving me one more day with him. An update on his…
Post NED letdown
It's been a very emotional few days for Nelson. The news that the MRI was clear is an amazing blessing. We are so happy the treatment worked! But he has been cycling between joy that the cancer is dead and sadness because he still feels soooo bad. He cries frequently and is just a bundle of confused emotions. I also go…
Cancer Back
It has been almost six years since I was diagnosed and treated for throat cancer. I thought I was cancer free until I had my esophagus stretched about two weeks ago and my doctor saw some tissue that did not look right and had a biopsy done. It is now confirmed my cancer has returned. I had just been checked three months…
(Sick) PUN
My job in otolaryngology is cut throat. (I told you it was sick.)
Yesterday was a good day
David had a much better day yesterday. No vomiting, fever or much blood loss. He talked to several people and ministered to anyone who crossed his path. He said yesterday was the first day he woke up and thanked God for giving him one more day. He realized the scope of his diagnosis and so does his church now. The whole…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer was removed from my mouth and neck lymph nodes. All lymph nodes on the right side were removed, and 2 nodes had cancer. The largest size cancer was .9 centimeters. Cancer was not protruding from my node. Five years ago, the same kind of cancer was removed from the mouth area, and no radiation…
Going off site for awhile
Hello guys and gals, I'm going to not be posting for awhile...need to go into battle mode. I want you all to know I'll be thinking of you all, and keeping you all in my prayers. I just need to focus and prepare for the 18th. I want to enjoy my moments....my family and life without for a few days thinking or talking about…