Just had to vent to those who truly understand. Thank you.
What the?!?!
Someone is posting spam stuff on here again. How do prevent this? Billie
Tim asked how to embed hyperlinks. Well there is no simple solution; but there is a complex solution. One can embed a hyperlink in a message by using the html anchor tag. Sounds easy. Here is the trick. WARNING: All parts of the hyperlink must be balanced. For example all open quotes much have a matching closed quotes. An…
Does anyone remember the posts about Don Rhymer.....
He was an HNC patient, but also a writer for TV shows, movies etc. I think Deb Lewis posted a few quotes from his blog on here. Very funny guy. I ended upsuscribing to his blog, I enjoyed his writing so much...He passed away day before yesterday...the blog was just updated last night. He had an article published in the…
Dad's Scan results
Good News I was wrong. The CT scan did show another 10% percent increase in the tumor, but the Dr. said the was still good. He will go back at the end of Jan for a repeat scan. He does not think we should start chemo to soon, since he is not really having many issues. He thinks the pain is coming from the rads. Thank you…
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Well, Just over two weeks since neck disection and I can move more than my eyeballs. Thats good huh. Still very stiff but I an strecthing and flexing in prep for rad tx's. They said 4 to 6 weeks to heal and we can get going. They removed a bunch of lymph nodes, fat and muscle. All came back NEG. Thank you God! So the…
Bond, James Bond !!!
Hi to all my cyber family, I came back from my cruise nearly two weeks ago and when I logged on the the board I couldn't believe all the new people who are here, whats going on in this world ? it never stops. I've been reading the posts everyday but it really saddens me to see that some are having a real hard time, yet it…
Chemo brain is real and identified
Ok someone needs to make this a link..Hint hint John http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/11/27/evidence-chemo-brain-verified-by-researchers/?cmpid=GoogleNewsEditorsPicks&google_editors_picks=true
A Month After My Mom's Sudden Passing
Hello everyone. I haven't been back on here since I posted about my mom's sudden death on October 27. I'm having a really hard time coping with it. My first Thanksgiving without her, her birthday is this Saturday, it just all feels like too much. The short lived victory that the mass that was in her neck, was found to be…
Speaking of tasting things...
My husband has his left tonsil removed along with a bit of the wall behind it, and a left neck dissection a month ago today (3 of 29 nodes effected with 2 having growth outside the nodes). Tonight he wanted wings from a local restaurant, then said they didn't taste right. I ate them too, and they were the same as every…
Nellie and NED NED NED!!!
I be Nellie and my best friend is NED!! The Onc's office just called and there is no evidence of reoccurance or disease....I am so relieved (I had actually started to manufacture small pains and aches in my neck and head with the stress of waiting and wondering)....I have an evil side that likes to torture myself, it…
Well I guess I bitched enough about the last PEG I got (they went from a 24french to a 20 french and that was not good for blended food)last month I believe that someone nust have heard me. At 2:00 this am I got up to relieve my bladder and my peg just fell out. I went back to sleep and actually enjoyed the sensation of…
Metastasis To Lung
Repeat CT: Stuff in lungs grew. Oncologist suggests a biopsy. I'll go along with that suggestion (with much "normal" trepidation.) Lung metastasis has such a poor prognosis. I have so much to do and so little time to do it. I'll fill you in as time goes by. The only thing remaining is to leave my caregiver (wife) in the…
p.e.p scan not always right
Just a short story of what great thing that can happen to you when you have faith.I did not have much faith a few weeks ago when the E.N.T said "Your P.E.P scan showed a hot spot" What do you say, when the doc. say's "You need a M.R.I this week and I have a surgon from Loma Linda who is going to take your case" Ya know I…
Mask Fitting Today
Well, I must say that for me, the build up was way worse than reality. I'm a bit claustrophobic so I was expecting a really bad event with a Freddy Kruger style hockey mask that was so restrictive I was going to need something a lot stronger than Adavan to keep me on the table. What really happened was they put this damp…
what a day
Today David had the new PICC line installed and it bled since 9:30 this morning. They gave him two platelet transfusions and it just isn't clotting well. Then the gave him a antibodies infusion (his body isn't producing enough). He had a reaction of fever and severe rigors. We finally got past that though. He is set to…
Hi everyone. I have yet another question. I had a right neck dissection back in May and was just wondering if pain in the neck and shoulder area was common. More of my shoulder than my neck. Is there anything I can do to relieve the pain besides pills or do I just need to suck it up and hope it goes away? P.S. I love this…
surgery soon
What a day ! 3 hr. wait for thorasic guy...several people left due to schedual being pushed back so far. We of coarse stayed as it is 165 mile ride to get to them. I have a 3 cm. spot in my right lung lower lobe. They will be doing VATS to remove it, won't know of coarse if it is mets or another primary til after path is…
Lower cost nutritional supplements
It has frustrated me no end to be taken advantage of by the retail sales industry as I shop for liquid dietary supplements. The mark-up is huge, and since I am still partly dependent on liquid supplements nine months post radiation, and will continue to be so in the forseeable future, I have continued to shop for lower…
chemo rads to start
The plan is to start Cisplatin (sp?) 12/18 and do a dry run of radiation....then we start on our 35 rads daily routine. After so much waiting and diagnosing, it feel like it is moving so fast and there is not enough time to gather or prepare what we need. But the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. So here we go. I am…
I had my port removed today. It feels kind of good to have that last little object removed from the treatment side. Makes me feel kind of "normal" again. Was glad I got to do it before the end of the year, already had max out of pocket met.
Post Treatment Issue
My 85 year old father is 3 months 33 radiation and 7 chemo therapy treatments for epiglottis cancer. Although he says he 'feels good' and is eating (some) and drinking without problems, he does say he has a lump in his throat. Says he tries clearing it, and doesn't inhibit his swallowing, but still feels like it is there.…
Why cant we just be normal
I am seeing all the people I started this journey with ringing the bell and I am extremely happy you have made it this far, but I also find myself upset that nothing along this journey has been normal for us. It is like we got on the wrong bus. From the very beginning you stood by me as I lamented about all our delays and…
Wish me luck...and send prayers....
I have my first PET scan tomorrow morning at 9:00. I can't believe how nervous I am...out and out scared to be honest about it. The what if's started attacking Sat morning when I read about Larry Hageman...how stupid of me, I know...but that sent me on a bummer weekend. I'm better now, but still so so nervous. p
Group Cyber Hug
I have not posted much lately but have been keeping up with each of you as some continue their journey and others just start it. I am behind on responding to the many posts and I apologize. I need to pay forward the wonderful support we got here during hubby's tonsil cancer treatment. Some of you have good news, others new…
Advice for neck burn
My husband completed 30 radiation treatments to right neck on this past Wednesday. Was doing pretty good but last two days his neck has become blistered, dark red and extremely painful. I knew this was going to happen but just feel so awful for him. I know some of you veterans on the site have experience with this. We are…
Tx is complete today....time to heal..
Hi Folks, Well...today is his last day of treatment! We are on the road to recovery after today. We were told the tongue, mouth, and neck will take about 3-4 weeks to heal. They will slowly start to wein him off his meds. Still keeping the feeding tube in for about 3 months. They are confident that he will be able to start…
Cancer Has Returned
It has been quite some time since I have posted or been on this website. I have received much good advice and shared with others suffering head and neck cancer issues in the past on here. I was diagnosed in December of 2006 with pharyngeal cancer. I had a neck dissection and thirty five radiation treatments and chemo once…
Thorasic specialist today
Hello everyone, Well I think I'm all ready for this appointment today. Took my own advice that I continually pass along on writing everything down. (reinforced by a good person on board here also) I put it into words for my new doctor so they understand where I'm coming from and where I intend to go on my coarse of…
ball is rolling
Things are moving so quickly now. Last night David ran a 101.1 fever and we had a lot of activity in the room. Blood cultures, urine samples, chest xray. Then this morning we woke up to you need another blood transfusion. He is having that now. At 1 he has the bone marrow biopsy and starts the seven chemo drug regimen…