Wish me luck...and send prayers....

I have my first PET scan tomorrow morning at 9:00. I can't believe how nervous I am...out and out scared to be honest about it. The what if's started attacking Sat morning when I read about Larry Hageman...how stupid of me, I know...but that sent me on a bummer weekend. I'm better now, but still so so nervous.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    PET scan fever

    You relax and get a nice clean scan. I’ll put you in my pocket, for real, and it is a clean shirt.

    Best from the west,

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    CivilMatt said:

    PET scan fever

    You relax and get a nice clean scan. I’ll put you in my pocket, for real, and it is a clean shirt.

    Best from the west,


    Best of Luck
    Hi Phrannie

    Here's to hoping all will turn out well for you.
    I know how hard it is to NOT WORRY, but you got this covered.
    Try and get some rest and you will breeze through the scan tomorrow.

    It's not every day that Matt puts on a clean shirt, LOL (Just kidding, Matt)
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ingrid K said:

    Best of Luck
    Hi Phrannie

    Here's to hoping all will turn out well for you.
    I know how hard it is to NOT WORRY, but you got this covered.
    Try and get some rest and you will breeze through the scan tomorrow.

    It's not every day that Matt puts on a clean shirt, LOL (Just kidding, Matt)

    Thanks you guys....
    LOL Matt, and thank YOU for the clean shirt...ha! I'm working a graveyard shift, so I'm sure once they put me in that dark room to let the radioactive stuff run thru, I'll be taking a nice nap.

    I went to the ENT today, and he said all looks/feels fine....I don't see the Onc about the scan until the 3rd...but, my ENT said he'd give me a call this week (we'll see if he does).
    Still, waiting till next Monday is a long time to sit on pins and needles.

    How have you been, Ingrid...hardly see you on here anymore.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Sounds About Right
    Glad you work overnight now. Assuming you're on tonight, maybe you can busy yourself with work, and not worry as much as if you would just lying in bed. I was almost always totally wiped out when I arrived for scans, because I couldn't sleep the night before. Hoping ENT follows through, and calls you with good news soon.

    Oh - and my tech said I had to stay awake in the "waiting" room, just relax, and read or sit quietly.

    I'm with you on Larry Hagman. I'd forgotten about him, to be honest. Sigh.
  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62
    Good luck on scans
    Phrannie prayers sent your way for clean scan, we all know you are a fighter so keep it going and all will be good.
  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    Vikeman10 said:

    Good luck on scans
    Phrannie prayers sent your way for clean scan, we all know you are a fighter so keep it going and all will be good.

    Thinking of you!!!!!!
    Hey Phrannie, I know that waiting hours are the worst! First to wait for the scan and then wait for the results! But let me tell yo something, I strongly believe that you will have a nice, clear NEDish scan!! I just know it! :)
    So I am very much thinking of you and sending positive vibes!!! Hang in there, everything will be OK! I just can't believe how fast time is flying by... already your first scan.. wow....

    So, wish you good luck!!!
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Best of the best sent !
    You know all my prayers and warmest thoughts go with you on this first scan. I always even though I don't think I will- drift off during the wait. They won't let me read or watch TV and I'm in a darkened quiet room for an hour or so. NED is sooo wished for you ! Katie
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Gotten so that I take one before the yearly PS, as it is supposed to relax things so that the results are more accurate, and do help to chill one out, so to speak. As NPC, and as your Drs put you thru all the treatment they did- no reason to worry, Phrannie. Your C is somewhere out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. You'll be clean of the C, girl.


  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Kent Cass said:

    Gotten so that I take one before the yearly PS, as it is supposed to relax things so that the results are more accurate, and do help to chill one out, so to speak. As NPC, and as your Drs put you thru all the treatment they did- no reason to worry, Phrannie. Your C is somewhere out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. You'll be clean of the C, girl.



    I feel your anxiety but I
    I feel your anxiety but I know it will be ok. Just get though today with that warrior attitude and I know it will all be good. I don't blame you for being anxious...I am coounting the days until we see the surgeon for the first time since his rad/chemo is finished. Seems like life is just gonna be a series of waiting for the next dr visit, scan, ct....but, you are gonna do fine. I know it.


    I second what Kent says, believe.
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    I feel your anxiety but I
    I feel your anxiety but I know it will be ok. Just get though today with that warrior attitude and I know it will all be good. I don't blame you for being anxious...I am coounting the days until we see the surgeon for the first time since his rad/chemo is finished. Seems like life is just gonna be a series of waiting for the next dr visit, scan, ct....but, you are gonna do fine. I know it.


    I second what Kent says, believe.

    I understand where you are coming from. I know all will be fine as you fought this beast like crazy and you won! I too was crazy nervous and it was weird, I almost felt as if I were taking a test....like at school and it was up to me to pass it. It was a strange nervousness that I had. I know you're going to be fine tho, just try and relax and don't forget your #2 pencil!
  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    Billie67 said:

    I understand where you are coming from. I know all will be fine as you fought this beast like crazy and you won! I too was crazy nervous and it was weird, I almost felt as if I were taking a test....like at school and it was up to me to pass it. It was a strange nervousness that I had. I know you're going to be fine tho, just try and relax and don't forget your #2 pencil!

    praying for a NED
    Ok I keep saying I want to hear good news and I am believing soon you will give it to me. Phrannie since the first time I read one of your posts I was touched by you. Your wonderful spirit and kick butt attitude are inspiring. I am praying you have a pleasant scan and enjoy a NED. You have come a long way baby.
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Remember my 1st post and how you said you were glad I asked the question because you wondered as well. That was the 1st time we met so to speak and we have been together thru this whole cancer ordeal. P you have been so strong and such an inspiration to all of us from day one. You went thru many steps forward and then backwards but you always posted positive thoughts for all of us to hold on to, you held my and many other hands on this site over the last 8 months. You are a Warrior and have proven that over and over. We all appreciate you and know you will be rewarded with NED for all you have gone thru and done for all of us.
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    I am praying for your first scan to be perfect. How soon will you get the results?

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    .... To having the anxiety issues before a scan, and as luck always has it, there will be somone on TV to remind us of all of the bad with this disease. Remember, you are you, and not a staistic, or a repeat of someone else's demise.

    I am thinking of you and your family, with prayers and good mojo from my family to yours.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You guys choked me up....
    I felt every warm hug, and I suppose I don't have to tell you all how important you've been to me in these last 8 months. Mr. Ditto...you and I will always be on the same bus :), I'm just letting you drive for a while since you got ahead of me (how'd that happen?? LOL).

    So...the scan is over...my they can be restful after working a midnight shift...and now the waiting game starts...I see the Onc on Dec. 3rd...If my ENT holds true to his word, I might hear earlier over the phone. I am SO bad at waiting...part of me plays the no news is good news card, the other part leads me down the worst case scenerio over and over (that must be my evil side, huh??)

  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member

    You guys choked me up....
    I felt every warm hug, and I suppose I don't have to tell you all how important you've been to me in these last 8 months. Mr. Ditto...you and I will always be on the same bus :), I'm just letting you drive for a while since you got ahead of me (how'd that happen?? LOL).

    So...the scan is over...my they can be restful after working a midnight shift...and now the waiting game starts...I see the Onc on Dec. 3rd...If my ENT holds true to his word, I might hear earlier over the phone. I am SO bad at waiting...part of me plays the no news is good news card, the other part leads me down the worst case scenerio over and over (that must be my evil side, huh??)


    Thinking and sending lots of good thoughts for you!
  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    Thanks you guys....
    LOL Matt, and thank YOU for the clean shirt...ha! I'm working a graveyard shift, so I'm sure once they put me in that dark room to let the radioactive stuff run thru, I'll be taking a nice nap.

    I went to the ENT today, and he said all looks/feels fine....I don't see the Onc about the scan until the 3rd...but, my ENT said he'd give me a call this week (we'll see if he does).
    Still, waiting till next Monday is a long time to sit on pins and needles.

    How have you been, Ingrid...hardly see you on here anymore.


    hi P
    Hey Phrannie, sorry I haven't been on for a while. Been keeping busy with Mom, nothing critical, she just needs more care these days, so I have been more hands on. Thankfully we moved her closer to us a few months ago so no more travel to take care of things.

    Hope the next few days fly by for you until you hear something... and it will be GOOD NEWS.

    How is Lola doing ?
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    In My Prayers
    I'll keep you in mind. You deserve to find NED. Rick.
  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532

    You guys choked me up....
    I felt every warm hug, and I suppose I don't have to tell you all how important you've been to me in these last 8 months. Mr. Ditto...you and I will always be on the same bus :), I'm just letting you drive for a while since you got ahead of me (how'd that happen?? LOL).

    So...the scan is over...my they can be restful after working a midnight shift...and now the waiting game starts...I see the Onc on Dec. 3rd...If my ENT holds true to his word, I might hear earlier over the phone. I am SO bad at waiting...part of me plays the no news is good news card, the other part leads me down the worst case scenerio over and over (that must be my evil side, huh??)


    Just saw this!
    I'm late for the pre-scan but in time for the waiting game. I'm thinking of you!

    After everything you've been through, you deserve good news. I know the time seems to pass like molasses and it's hard not to think about the results. Stay positive and know that you've done everything right as you went through treatments. :-)
  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    sending warm thoughts....my next scan is Dec 13...I am always nervous the week before. You will get through this and be NED!
