I had my port removed today. It feels kind of good to have that last little object removed from the treatment side. Makes me feel kind of "normal" again. Was glad I got to do it before the end of the year, already had max out of pocket met.


  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    Mine was Oct 1st and I too tried to get everything I could done at that time. The way this year has started I might make my max within 60 days. Congrats on the port removal. I remember how great that felt.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    The last vestage of treatment....
    YES YES YES!!! You lucky girl. The port, in of itself doesn't bother me, but I hate having to go in every month to have it flushed...I honestly feel like I'm going to puke just stepping into the parking lot. Yesterday a lady was getting amifosine, and just watching her face turn red, and knowing what she was feeling...had me scoping out the bathroom just in case I lost breakfast.

    So...you managed to get this whole thing over before the end of the year...GOOD FOR YOU!!! You don't have to start all over on deductions and out of pocket just to get a little piece of plastic removed. You get to start 2013 free and clear of all medical issues!! Mmmmmmmmm....makes me wonder if m Onc will approve me to get mine out by the end of the year when I see him on Monday...that would be nice.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    PORT away

    Little by little we each built up our cancer fighting arsenal and little by little we dismantle it. I am glad you had the PORT remove and now feel more “normal”. Keep getting more normal everyday.


  • MichelleLee71
    MichelleLee71 Member Posts: 13
    I didn't have a port but I
    I didn't have a port but I did have a feeding tube for 5 months. Just got it removed 2 weeks ago. So I know what you mean when you say you feel "normal" again.

    Congrats on the removal.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    DePorted At Last...
    I remember well....

    My onco likes to leave them in for two years, so it was an adventure for sure, LOL.

    A bit of irony...

    If any of you are following the news, and the ummmm "Twin Socialites" of Tampa Bay...

    Jill Kelly's husband Scott was the surgeon that actually put my port in, and eventually two years later removed it.

    The Twins
