Scandi Shakes?
Having a very hard time finding this- is it sold over the counter? Have been to local pharmacies and grocery stores- they don't sell it. Tried a local medical supply store as well. Ordered online and they said 2 month back log. Any recommendations where to buy? Can you buy this stuff over the counter?
Pay up front?
I was due for radiation and chemo tomorrow 1/15/2013. The chemo people called to say they will require $1700 prepay up front for first week and $290 per week after that for Erbitux (about 7 visits). Up to that point I have had 6 operations and 11 teeth extracted along with many visits to various doctors at $40 per visit…
Amy's Yummy high protein (20 grams per 4 oz) mashed potatoes
8 each potatoes, peel and boil *8 scoops protein powder *2c. heavy cream *1c. whole milk *4 eggs Salt and Pepper to taste * Mix all ingredients together in a sauce pan. Heat in a sauce pan constantly stirring to avoided curdling and lumps. When mixture becomes warm and thin custard like remove from heat. Place potatoes in…
Free Iso Source Vanilla Formula/Sacramento
I have 2 cases of unopened Iso Source vanilla formula free for the taking. This is to be used with the feeding tube. I live in Sacramento. If you are interested and can come pick it up, feel free to private messege me through this board. Thank you! Joan Thompson
Jeff was switched to Erbitux for his last 3 chemo's since he had the ringing in the ears from cisplatin. Before they gave him Erbitux, they infussed him with benadyl. He had it at 9:30 in the morning and slept most of the day. Then from 4 til 5 in the morning he could not pee. Anybody else have this issue? I know morphine…
1 Year NED!
Happy to say that I had CT w/contrast this morning and results showed NED! God is Good :-) During my journey and the dark days of radiation and chemo I lost sight of the goal and everytime I hear NED it reminds me of why I went through it all. To those beginning or in the middle of the journey, don't lose sight of the…
Energy Level
Hello, I'm 9 weeks post radiation and chemo. I'm feeling much better than I was. Able to have to quality time in my days now. I never was a person with a lot of energy before cancer. I seem to get more tired more easily now and think maybe I'm expecting too much from myself. It's easy to try and go back to the amount of…
Out of the Mouth of ENTs
cometh I dont know, maybe he is just a slow healer?? But its NOT CANCER......................... Back to the beginning as I know it, I was in recovery but Diane said the Doc came and and told her she took multiple biobsys in different locations and theres no cancer Thank God, although she reviewed the cancer under glass…
Rang that Bell!
Finally, Dan rang that bell this morning! And brought that mask upstairs in the hospital To his room where in being pushed in the wheel chair down the hall of oncology during rounds, he received a few atta boys and cheers. He is thrilled! Although the IV drugs finally caught up to his need for sleep, and that's all he's…
Bump in the road
This has been a long and slow recovery. I am half way done with radiation and yes, chemo this time. Sunday, very early in the morning, my surgery site (eye area) was beginning to ooze. Got some medical help later in the day--doctor took a culture to send to lab, antibiotic and opened up the area a bit for more drainage.…
Not Good New for Best Friend's Husband
Hi all: Steve (best friend's Beki's husband) had his broncospy yesterday and it is cancer after all and 4 lymph nodes involved are also cancerous. The preliminary diagnosis is adenenocarcinoma. However they feel it is contained in just the one lung and will have brain scan later this week to make sure it has not spread…
An alternative for your feeding tube
While they may work well for most people, the Novartis products that were prescribed for me I found wanting. I have seen on other forums that many have concerns about the nutritional value of these canned feeds. For me they were almost toxic. I felt sick from them. They were my only source of nourishment so I had to find…
About to begin the Journey
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum. Glad to have found you all! I'm 53. I've been diagnosed with Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck with an unknown primary. The current diagnosis/classification is Tx N2b, MO stage IV. The cancer is in the lymph nodes on the left side of my neck and has spread to…
Kicking off 2013 with some changes!
I decided a couple months ago that it was time for a reboot of sorts. I had trouble feeling like myself again after the treatments ended in June. It was a combination of a lot of things: the tiredness, the side effects, reduction in the size of the company I worked for (and a corresponding huge change in my…
Off board for the past few weeks, but doing OK
Just checking in, I am almost 3 months post treatment and doing well. still only able to swallow thin liquids, and have wasted away to nearly nothing with the tube as my only source of nutrition. Even though I am tired most of the time I am contemplating a return to work (part time at first) because I reallly need the…
Happy New Year to all from a lately silent member
OK, well, since DrMary broke the silence with a posting about Vitamins and people ask about us, let me tell you. I have about a half hour before I have to pack up and go play hockey so that should give you an indication of how things are. First, for you new folks, I was HPV+ STC tonsil and lymph node. I am just past two…
Getting CSN system well
Here is what I have done so far to get a hot cattle prod to the right place on the right person to get this site running well and getting the lost messages restored. I found the following contacts within the ACS IT organization. Jay Ferro - CIO Gabriel Lewis - Director Enterprise Data Center Keith Weller - VP…
Gentlemen, are you tired all the time?
I have been suffering from fatigue for years. I've been taking levothyroxine to combat my low thyroid levels and even that hasn't helped. Sometimes it is all I can do to drag myself up out of the chair to get going. I've been using 5 Hour Energy to get me going at times but I really don't want to rely on that. I was…
Off board for the past few weeks, but doing OK
Just checking in, I am almost 3 months post treatment and doing well. still only able to swallow thin liquids, and have wasted away to nearly nothing with the tube as my only source of nutrition. Even though I am tired most of the time I am contemplating a return to work (part time at first) because I reallly need the…
I checked the Superthread (thanks Sweetblood!) but didn't find this particular topic. Doug hasn't had a Boost nutrition drink for months (during treatment he was doing 4 daily and later would have one or two on busy days or after playing hockey). I'm thinking I'd like to make sure he's getting enough of the important…
Neck Cramps
Hello all! I haven't been in the forums in a looong time, but I know it's a great resource to turn to. Here goes. My hubby has severe, debilitating cramps in his neck that come on quickly and seemingly at random. He was diagnosed with neck cancer in May of 2011, had 12 rounds of chemo and 37 rounds of radiation that ended…
ENT Visit
Saw my ENT yesterday , scopef throat, looked inside mouth , felt neck , checked ears..all looks great... So I'm saying to myself , surely he will say I can come back in 6 months, instead of every 6 weeks ...nada 3 month return ... But heck that's better than 6 weeks. Next major appointment is my rad doc in march.
Catching Up
Been a while since I have been on the board. We have had an eventful end to 2012. We had to move out of the home we bought last July to a rental due to unsafe mold. We do not like to sue people so gave the seller an option to return our money, which they did just before Christmas. We are now in the process of buying…
Need some help and advice
Hey guys, I need some help with something. This is kinda of a long story but here goes. Dad has been doing pretty good up until New Years. A couple of days before the fell in the middle of the night. Thanks goodness he was not hurt and did not hit his head, but he did not seem to know what was going on. All that day he…
Head and Throat Oncologist in Ft. Worth, TX?????
Hi everyone, My dad is needing to find an oncologist that specializes in head and throat cancer that is located in the Ft. Worth area. If you know of anyone good could you please let me know. He is needing to begin radiation treatments and has not been referred to an oncologist yet. I just feel like he should have had a…
15 down 18 to go
Well it's official. Can't taste a thing. This morning was the first time I couldn't taste my coffee and my French vanilla creamer . Food, pop, even water tastes funny. So far side effects include; mild soar throat, no taste, fatigue and skin is a little red in area radiating. Did I mention no taste. Yuk Luke P.S. I had…
STG II tonsil cancer-surgery completed, mostly healed.. radiation starts tomorrow..
Lucky to get this cancer out fairly early but need the radiation to complete the treatments.. Looks like 7 weeks @ 5 daily treatments is fairly normal. However, I am only getting my right side treated with radiation. Expecting week 3 to be beginnings of the pain and sore throat but hoping not to need the PEG. and grand…
Dear cancer,
Dear cancer, I hope you get cancer and die! ~Cureitall ~~ just one of those days, needed to vent. Feel free to address the beast if you wish here~~
My Bell
I think I mentioned that as a surprise my husband had this bell and plaque made for me as a finishing radiation gift. When he saw the bell at the oncology office he wanted me to have my very own at home that could be rung on special occasions and milestones. I rang it for the first time after I got the news that my PET/CT…
My Randy...
With the heaviest heart, I share that my husband lost his battle with the beast this evening. With the happiest heart, I share that he is no longer suffering! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support, kindness and prayers relayed to us over the past 22 months. I wish only NED for everyone. With love,…