My new Acronym
I just received the results of my every six week CT of my neck and chest. Instead of being NED, I am now being called NEMD. No evidence of Metastatic Disease. I am set to have my last treatment of my clinical trial on 1-28 of Carboplatin and Erbitux, and the continue on Erbitux every Monday for as long as it works.I guess…
HPV Infographic from Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Nothing new, but it packs a lot of info. Can I Get Cancer from Oral Sex?
Checking in, and with good news!
Greetings all. I've been away for a while, but check in to update almost everyday. I'm now 3 1/2 months out of treatment. 1st scope check came back all clear on Dec 10th. Yesterday I had my 1st PET scan and it also came back all clear. I'm as happy as I can be. Also had that darn feeding tube removed yesterday, after being…
Pain Level 8
Since a week ago Friday (Jan 4), I've been experiencing an ever increasing level of pain. There are actually two pain areas/levels. About half of my back is at a Level 4, and there are at least two pencil-sized spots that average about a Level-8. Touching the Level-8 area always triggers that high level of pain. The…
update on my dad - not good
I wanted to update all of you on my dad. It seems that he has really taken a turn and not in the good direction. Like I posted before this all started on December 29th when he fell two days in a row. He was talking srange stuff and keep thinking there were people in the house. He walking became very bad. When we saw the…
Been away...trying to survive
Hey all...been a while since I posted.....I guess I was busy just trying to survive. I am 11 days out of TX. What a journey to get here......9 days in ICU...shingles...havent had food in my mouth for over 2 months, after 27 days of rads I freaked out and it took me 5or 6 days to get back in the saddle, lost 33 LBS and…
nasal prosthetics
If anyone one out there wears a nasal prothesis can they please tell me how they cope with blistering around the base of the nasal area
TPF - PF - induction chemo studies no more
During my warrior intel outings I dug hard into the whole induction chemo regime some are offered these days. What I found interesting was all the studies dried up around 2010-2011. I did wonder but had no idea at the time. The one key study I was looking for was the one that evaulated TPF sequential CRT vs CRT only. I did…
Update by Beverly's husband and sister: Saturday night, January 12, Bev's right eye ruptured at the lower portion of the incision sight. It had swollen Friday after radiation with infectious fluids and ruptured late Saturday night. Dr. Showalter came to our house Sunday night and took a sample for the lab, put in a wick to…
How do we help?.....
Good Morning, Many here are the caregivers for those of us battling this beast. They are the voice of the individual going through this journey. My thoughts and prayers are with them all and I cannot even begin to imagine what it is like for them to see their loved one go through this ordeal. Moreso, facing the fact that…
Post from Crispee1974 - Jaw Replacement for Mom
I'm reprinting a post from today from Crispee1974, so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle (it started as a reply to an old post): my mother is having jaw replacement surgery New she has had head and neck cancer for 4 years now, they said it started from her tonsils. she had a lump at the base of her neck but left alone…
Nine treatments, eleven days or 232 hours (but who's counting)
I'm trying really hard not to fall into the trap that in that 232 hours (calculated from 6:00 PM today) I will be finished and I'll finally feel better. I know it's not true, if fact I'm sure I'm going to feel a whole lot worse. But, I WILL BE FINISHED WITH THE RADS AND THE CHEMO. No more early morning rush hour trips down…
Hope For Those Struggling With Eating
I haven't posted in a while but I check in nearly every day. I wanted to post this great news-- Hubby ate THREE full meals today -- a Subway flatbread breakfast sandwich, beans, rice and chips at the Mexican restaurant, and two full plates tonight from the Chinese buffet. This is the first time he has eaten 3 meals in one…
Home... Not a hotel, really in our house!
I was just reading the lastest news here, while laying in bed, listening to Dan snore lightly, and realized I forgot to post we are home! it was a long day yesterday. The doctors talked with the insurance company, and the sent the scripts to the pharmacy, where 4 of 8 were rejected! How do these companies reject via…
I don't want to be a widow
I have hesitated to write this, but it is on my mind so often. I follow three caring bridge pages and as of today, David is the only one still alive. First BarefootBob and now Randy. As I read the final journal entries from the spouses I just hope I can have the grace and love for my husband to be able to speak so…
There use to be a kid on here, Nick & some numbers, I've wondered a lot how hes doing...He doctored at The James in Columbus, Ohio, which is where I go....anyone remember Him or know how He is?
something that I don look forward too!
Good Day all.. hope all are fine!.. well i am here to inform that my dad cancer is back and now he going for his 2nd line treatment with single agent of drug Taxotere. the latest scan show all the tumour in his lung / liver has grown both close to 4cm. And there some new spot.. in 2005, he was dignose with head and neck…
Has anybody Heard From
Mike aka Chefdaddy, I know Hondo kept in touch was just wondering. The last I heard his son had taken a turn. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks all Dave
Life after Cancer!
Good Positive story!!! :) http://shine.yahoo.com/secrets-to-your-success-20120120/secrets-success-kristen-trattner-200500932.html
Relay For Life....Smashing Out Cancer! ~ PHOTOS
Our Relay For Life's Biggest Fundraiser
Hello all, Hubby had PET/CT and separate Ct at MDA yesterday. We were supposed to go for bloodwork and onc appt. today, but it has been changed to the 28th. This will follow the lung biopsy scheduled on the 23rd. A "chemo chair" has been reserved for him on the 28th in case the onc wants to start infusions. He has no port…
Treatment plan finalized!
This past Thursday my MO presented by case to the Tumor Board. I asked to attend and was really impressed that around 16 doctors (lost count) were all positioned around the long table and the projector was going through the key PET-CT scan. There was much discussion, questions asked, options reviewed, but at the end the…
In the hospital
Well, he finally told the doctor today, he feels weak and can't keep up. With one rad left for tomorrow. Dans done really well, but he needs some help across the finish line. He's sleeping with the meds, they are working on getting his meds realigned, hydrating him, and getting the pain level down from an eight. Maybe we…
Anyone have info on eating outer layers of citrus fruits for cancer?
I missed you guys
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately or joining conversations. I have been reading people's posts, but I just haven't had it in me to reply. My life is so complicated and I often find myself just surviving the days. David hasn't made a whole lot of progress, which leaves me doing all the chores and paying bills. He…
The official half way mark!
Hello Warriors, Well, today is treatment 17 of 33 and Dad announced he couldn't really taste anything, but we are so happy he gained 1/10 of a pound from last week. Means he's "holding" and that alone is a miracle. Hair on the side of jaw and part of mustache is gone...no biggie. Skin still looks good, but he's slathers on…
How Long Has This Been Goin' On'
Remember that song by Ace? A question I posed in my first thread post, I'm posing to the group. Two part really. How long was it from the time you were first diagnosed until you began treatment? Also, from the time you got the mask and had the simulation done until the treatments started? I had my visits with the radiation…
Update on Dad
Hey everybody! I read you every day but I hardly find time to write something due to pretty busy weeks at work (I work in Finance dept. of City Municipality and it's this part of the year when Finance has the most work to do). My dad is now 4 months post treatment (for those who don't know: BOT cancer with lymph nodes,…
Pet Photos..
We have done a spin of this in the past, changing out avatars to our pets for a week. Once even changing our avatar to our caregiver or spouse...kinda fun, but a little weird, LOL. Anyways, with Rick's golden, Matt's calico (I believe), and I know Phrannie will post up her new boy and maybe her bestest sheppard...Maybe…
Scandi Shakes?
Having a very hard time finding this- is it sold over the counter? Have been to local pharmacies and grocery stores- they don't sell it. Tried a local medical supply store as well. Ordered online and they said 2 month back log. Any recommendations where to buy? Can you buy this stuff over the counter?