Loving people I've never met...
To my amazing Warriors and fellow Caregivers, I have read so many posts and can't explain how full my heart feels just knowing you are all "out there" but close-by. Truly, I have never met a more grounded, determined, compassionate group of people in my life and I am so glad I can call you mine. My hopes? Wishes? Prayers?…
Transoral Laser Micro Surgery
Has anyone ever had this and what was your results? After almost six years my cancer has returned in the pharynx area of my throat. They are telling me that I am a candidate for this type operation. I will be visiting a large cancer treatment hospital in my state on January 23rd to consult with the surgeon on this.
Recently I have posted about the possiblity of a deck dissection, but backed off that until it becomes a reality, and I appreciated the many responses I got. I will be having a biopsy under anestesia next week, for BOT review. Im told I will be put under out why they run the tubes and send in the equipment to slice…
Just checking in to say "Hello"
Hello Everyone, I just wanted to let you know Connie is still NED after almost 2 years. I hope everyone that helped us is doing good health wise and otherwise. Everything I was told on this site came true, my wife is doing better all the time, feeding tube removed and eating just about everything she wants to eat. She…
Positive margins
Has anybody had a positive survival outcome after having positive bone margins after mandibulectomy for stage 4 ssc? If so, can you tell me what treatment protocal was used? for example, rads/erbitux, rads/chemo? Thanks, P.
5 months AFTER surg
yes 5 months after surgery and radation, my site, the jaw is still sore, is this normal,tired of pain pills?
'I've looked at life from both sides now...' - Joni Mitchell
Feeling sad. My mom, who lives in Kingman, AZ, was rushed to the emergency room last Wednesday with extreme breathing difficulties. She is 80, and a lifelong smoker. The doctors discovered by X-Ray and CT scan that she has a mass in one lung that has spread and is wrapped around her trachea, and that her lung is collapsed.…
Still around C hasn't got me yet
Wanted to post & let everyone know that I am still alive and kicking. I actually have been getting along very well with hospice care being extremely helpful, and I would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat. My pain medicine was changed to methadone with oxycodone used for breakthrough pain, I am also on an antibiotic as…
"On The Road Again"
Just not sure of the direction we'll be taking. Hubby has been to Wound Clinic and now has a special $50 shoe to wear to relieve pressure on a foot ulcer. Next stop was the Nephrologist. His kidneys are slowly improving, but due to damage done in Emg. room while the idiots tried to insert a catheter, he must now see a…
At wits end... What wit?
Today, er yesterday was a new low for me as a caregiver. After not being able to take meds recently, and being up all night wretching for two nights straight, after losing 3 lbs over night, we walked into the doctors office, where some being who took over my husbands body snapped at me and said 'you better not get me…
Can someone recommend a toothpaste
Anything with any mint or other flavoring is burning the crap out of my mouth. Trips to the drug or grocery store has yielded nothing that will work. Suggestions please!! Thanks, Joe Cortney Dallas, TX
Our health insurance denied covering the muguard because they said it was not medically necessary. If I wa a mean spirited person I would like that clinical pharmadist who made that decission find out one day what is like having your mouth and throat nuked. I sure than it would be "medically necessary" At least the cancer…
Very stressed
I have found myself very stressed today. I have had many days where I actually believe David will miraculously come through. Today hasn't been one of those days. We finally heard back from Wells Fargo. They want to see if he can find work in six months so they are doing some sort payment plan. If he doesn't find a job in…
What Can We Expect?
Dear Survivors: I hope that I will be saying that about my fiance in time, but right now we are facing T3N2 of the larynx. The "tumor board" has recommended to try chemo and see if the tumor responds. Can anyone tell me what that really means? And if you've been through something similar? Thanks Colleen
BarefootBob Robert RIP
Its with a sad heart that I just read on Caring Bridge that we lost Robert this morning. Our prayers go out to his family at this sad time in their life. He was blessed to have them and visa versa. Losing one of our own hurts and for the CSN family we want you all to know you are in our prayers and may God continue to…
Lympho Vascular Invasion after complete removal of tonsil with ample negative margins
My wife age 64 was diagnosed with stage 2 SCC of the left tonsil and has had a radical neck dissection (biopsy of 33 lympth nodes all negative) and robotic surgery which removed the tonsil and surrounding tissue with ample negative margins. Surgeon indicated that she might be able to avoid Rads due to the success of the…
Can someone post a link to David's page? I can't find it
colds or flu?
Have any of you had the flu since completing treatment? Did you get the flu shot vaccine?
Honest....I'm not ignoring
all the new posts. I'm just having a hard time getting on here, and having the site work for more than the time it takes to answer one post...then goes into it's 90 minute spin....CSN, for all it's old problems did used to work better....it'd go offline for a day every now and then...but that was it. This has been going on…
Continued Throat soreness
Hello all I have been around this site since my diagnosis in Oct 2011. Not much of a writer, but found so much info on this site sorry I have not chimed in before. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 BOT with minor involvement of 1 node on the same side. Was scheduled for 3 rounds of Chemo, but hearing loss after the second was…
Clarification received from the surgeon
Hello, I'm 35 years old man with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. I just finish my treatment,35 radiation and 5 chemo+5 FU. I just receive my MRI report and it is very confusing,looks like there is some cancer cell left or other part of my left side of my nose. Now i have no idea what will be next since i finish the regular…
Mom comes home tomorrow!
I'm definitely excited and a little nervous. I know she's so excited to finally be home, even if it'll be at my house instead of her home... she's just happy to be getting out of the hospital. Despite both of her 'scares' due to an idiot nurse, she passed today's 'pop quizzes' (swallowing, etc) as her doctor called them…
Still having a hard time getting on CSN
Hi All. I'm desperate here :) I'm really having a hard time getting on CSN. Has been this way since my last post regarding this even with the upgrade. To get on I usually google American Cancer Society Message Board and then click on Discussion boards. However, I seem to have better luck using CIVILMAT's way of getting on…
January 21st - Tooth extraction
My husband went to see an oral surgeon and they will be extracting #10 and whats left of number 11th (tooth broke off and was infected). At this time, there has been no metion of HBO treatments. I will update his progress. I know a few people have been asking about tooth extractions. Well. my husband will be your guinea…
Just some additional venting.....again
Tomorrow is my husbands last chemo (20mg cisplatin/30mgs pacitaxol x 6 weeks) - so we are very happy at least one half of the treatment is coming to a close. Then there are only 5 more rads, done next Tuesday. His issues are with nausea. He's throwing up several times a day... In the morning lots of mucous and it's bloody…
more than half way
20 rads down 15 to go. Insurance denuied the Muguard but the hospital gave some bottles, thank goodness. Jeff does,'t mind taking it anymore since he can't taste it:_ But hard not to drink for an hour. So he drinks his bottle water that tastes like salt water. Everything tastes salty. And just takes the Muguard more often.…
One down 32 to go
First rad tx done, 32 to go. The folks and Cancer Ctr are all so nice. I,m gonna ask for strength for all of us. Luke
Miracle, Mom is NED!!!!
Hello Friends, although I don't post that often I read everyday and I follow everyone's journey, this is the place of piece and enouragament for me. For those of you who know my mom's story she had 2 head and neck cancer recurrances since her diagnosis in 2010. After the last surgery in March of 2012 she had scans done and…
more than half way
20 rads down 15 to go. Insurance denuied the Muguard but the hospital gave some bottles, thank goodness. Jeff does,'t mind taking it anymore since he can't taste it:_ But hard not to drink for an hour. So he drinks his bottle water that tastes like salt water. Everything tastes salty. And just takes the Muguard more often.…
weird transitions
Hello guys and gals, It's been a few weeks since my hospital stay and I'm physically getting stronger. Some days I sound like a tea kettle going off on the stove top.....lung squeeling at me. I don't use the O2 as much....but still am hanging on to it to get through home based PT. I have my first recheck w/my primary this…