Forum glitch?
Hey everyone! I have been so busy with work, that I jumped online this morning to catch up on my CSN family. I've noticed that in almost all of the threads, the comment areas on certain people are blank. Not sure if there is some kind of glitch or is it just my old computer? There will be a thread with several replies, but…
7 years out
Around this time in 2009 I started chemo and radiation for stage 3 laryngeal cancer. 7 weeks of IMRT rads and 3 high dose cisplatin infusions. Although I suffered some bad side affects managed to get the whole thing done as scheduled. Tha chemo caused some kidny damage which has not changed over the years and there are no…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the Head and Neck Info
I've seen many postings asking for info about SCC. I've been researching the subject for about 3 years now (since my original diagnosis). I have created a personal web page linked to the American Cancer Society home page that contains a lot of helpful web links on this subject at:…
Your input is greatly appreciated
Recent diagnosis and surgery---your input and help appreciated. It is now 2/22/16 and 14 days post robotic surgery. After approx eight months of mentioning a hard lump in my upper neck, I was finally advised by my Dr to have a CScan.I had no pain and was in good health for a man of 63yrs old. I was diagnosed with Squamous…
Mask and claustiphobic
Finally some treatment for my mom's fast growing eye cancer. They will radiate her eye for 20-25 days. She goes for her mask mold on the 28th. The problem is, she is off the chart claustiphobic. The Rad Oncologist gave her Valium but I still think she will freak out. To give you an idea of the excess phobic she has: She…
Returning to work after treatment
i know that every situation is different,as are the types of job you all have/had, but I was wondering how long before you returned to work after your treatments ended. My husband's last treatment was early September and he is going to attempt to return to work tomorrow and I am worried that he's not physically ready for…
Hi everyone, I have just joined recently. I have stage IV SCC (Supragalottic). T2N2M0. I've been hoarse since September and hoping my voice comes back once the tumor begins to shrink. I am preparing for treatment with 35 rads beginning the first week of January. My oncologist wants to implement cisplatin or erbitux in…
Recovery from radiation/chemo
I finished 33 radiation treatments and chemo. five weeks ago. I am still on liquids and my mouth is sore although not as bad as it was. I am wondering about when I would enjoy eating again. You are really a social outcast when you don't eat and everything smells so good. Did you feel great when you could eat again?
Radiation coming soon
Hello. I am new to this site. My name is Jess, I am 27, and a week before I turned 26, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. I underwent my first surgery on May 8th, 2014. I was declared cancer free in September. In December, I began having pain on my tongue again and after the holidays, I went trough…
Getting a Port
So my mom has been told by her doctor and all the nurses at the Yale Hospital that she needs a port. She has roaming veins and they keep sticking her multiple times to even find a vein for her weekly blood tests and again for her chemo treatments. They were concerned because she is having trouble eating and are worried she…
Treatment Plans
Question for people. My mom and I went to her appointment two weeks ago and got things set up for her. They told us she would be going through 30 treatments with 7 chemo treatments which seemed pretty normal. They listed the amount of radiation as 60 gray to her neck and 54 to some other surrounding areas which all seemed…
My husband was diagnosed in November of stage 2 squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth. After scans and 3 doctors weighing in it was decided that radiation only was needed and by the time prep was done radiation started first of the year. I was so proud of my husband, he tolerated radiation much better than most and came…
Newly diagnosed
Just diagnosed Hi everyone! I was diagnosed 8/10/15 and as of today my treatment plan has been fianalized and set in motion. I have stage 4A cancer of the right tonsil with spread to 1 neck node on the right side, but PET scan shows no where else. So....T2N2aM0 I'm set to start 35 weekly treatments of radiation 5 days a…
New to this site...currently treating Stage IV NPC
Hello all. I am happy to have found this site...wish I found it two months ago, but better late than never. My husband (age 55) has been diagnosed with Stage IVb nasopharyngeall cancer. There are positive lymph nodes but they are above the clavicle and were in the field of radiation. No mets. HPV positive. We have…
Pain management - any experience with methadone?
Hi all, We are still in the hospital trying to manage pain, hydration and nutrition. Most of the nausea has decreased and my husband is tolerating a clear Boost (Breeze). The main problem is the acute mucositis brought on by the adjuvant chemo regimen of Cisplatun and 5FU. It has also triggered something called "radiation…
Caring bridge
I wanted to make folks here aware of a site called Caring Bridge that can be accessed at www.caringbridge.org It allows you to set up a page where you can update friends and family through journal entries. It also has a calendar so people can sign up to bring you meals or come and help if that is something you want to…
Greetings... Just a flashback from 2014 to present, LOL... As a few of you may, or may not remember that I had the Whipple back in April of 2014... For a pre-cancerous cyst that had a great likelihood of turning into cancer if not whipped soon. So after having the whipple, not fully recovering, having an abscess that…
The time has come my friends, I have been going downhill for the last month and I have decided no more treatments. They sound like they would be making me sick. We need to find out what type of help thay they can give us. I don't want to be home alone, I have had some falls lately. I will stay on as long as I can and my…
first ned after treatment
Hi all my name is jeff and i had stage 4 bot and lympth node cancer.I went though 39 rad and 6 cemo treatments completed june 20.Just got my results back from the pet scan and blood work,everything is clear.What a battle as i was not able to get a feeding tube put in because my colon was in the way.i realy did not need the…
I'm not sure if the results so far were worth the effort?
treated for squamaus cell carcinoma of right tonsilNew Finished my last radiation treatment on Sept 21st. Been reading older posts about loss of taste, loss of saliva, and terrible sore throat to gain information on how long these side effects will last. I wanted to start a new post to see newer repsonses from new people.…
Lhermitte's sign or syndrome.
Radiation treatment is truly the gift that keeps on giving. But it did give me my life back. I'm grateful. It's choose your poison though, death or radiation side affects. Over the last few weeks, at least once or twice a day, an electrical charge runs down my back and legs. Almost buckles my knees. From what I can tell,…
No appetite and feeling cold 3 years post treatment
I'm three years post treatment from squamo cell cancer of the nasopharynx. My thyroid is being treated. I have never regained an appetite and of course I have very little saliva. As a result, I mostly get my nutrition from liquids. Also, I'm always cold. Freezing! Has anyone else experienced a loss of appetite and feeling…
G-Tube and Port OUCH--lasted three days only i feel stupid now
Hi I was reading old posts. I saw yours Phrannie about the tube. Last night my stomach was just spasming intermittantly but today its better. Kills my abdominals though when I move. Dang, I had stopped taking narcotics on the 21st from my surgery. i started back!! WOW. But its so helpful to read the old posts Thank You.…
Back for more than checking in and saying hello--UPDATED 10/28
I haven't posted in a while because life has been hectic and stressful. I've been checking in without posting though, and thinking of everyone here (especially Phrannie, who rode the bus alongside me). I've been dealing with pneumonia for a couple weeks... and a chest CT today showed it's not just pneumonia. There's a…
Head and neck radiation side effects
Hi my name is Justin and I am 30 years old. I was diagnosed with stage 1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma in August 2015. I completed 35 treatments of radiation therapy and 3 cisplatum chemotherapy treatments. My last day of these treatments was October 22nd. I am looking for relief and information and I hope that somebody can…
Tyranny of Positivity
So husband and I decided to take advantage of some counseling sessions to help with anxiety, negative loop thinking, etc. We are actually doing pretty well, but figured it couldn't hurt, and why not? So yesterday the psychologist said something I found pretty interesting...she said sometimes you have to deal with the…
Jakesaround and Kenny- are you guys making it?
HI, just wondering about you guys (way) ahead of me. I am finishing week one tomorrow. I hope you both are doing ok. Karen
Class of 2012 isn't doing too good....UPDATE!!!!!
ENT called tonight....the lymph node biopsy showed cancer. SH*T is all I can say! He says wherever it is, it is very small since the CT never picked it up in August....since the lymph has grown hardly at all since then, either. His office will be calling me tomorrow to set up a PET scan. Here we go again. I'm still in…
bye, bye insurance....
Here we go again... My husband is self employed. My job (I have TWO) keeps us just under the hours eligible for benefits. We had NO insurance when I found out I had cancer. Now, two years later (lots of bills, assistance and blessings) we have a policy through the "Affordable" healthcare act. Affordable, not so much... It…
Post Treatment Recovery
I finished my treatments one week ago. I'm feeling pretty awful. My lower throat just keeps getting more painful and it makes eating or drinking anything almost unbearable. I don't have a feeding tube, so I'm very afraid that I'm not gettting enough nutrition. Has anyone else had a problem with throat pain? I would like to…