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1 Year Scan
Just a quick request for prayer and good thoughts if you are so inclined. I go for my 1 year scan tomorrow (31st). Sure I am a bit anxious but whatever will be will be. Feel pretty good other than taster, lack of saliva and a bit of Lymphedema. Overall no complaints. I will update you after appointment. (Check in at 8:30am…
Swallowing Exercises
I posted this for Susan but it's good info for all. Given to me by my Speech/Language Pathologist at Johns Hopkins. If it's not [art of the Superthread, perhaos it can be added. "T" Swallowing Exercises Falsetto Phonation or “Sirening” Make a siren noise from a low pitch to a high pitch. Use a “ng” sound. Hold the pitch…
Not doing well
Psychologically that is. I don't know what's going on with me. I should be happy that they got all the cancer. I don't feel happy. I feel scared. After two weeks of being home, I smoked a few cigarettes. That makes me feel even worse. I was in the middle of making plans to move to another state when all of this happened.…
PEG tube removal
My husband had his PEG tube removed last Thursday. The oncologist removed it in her office after calling the surgeon who put the tube in for permission. She just pulled it out. Freaky, right? Both the oncologist and the surgeon said that it would take a few weeks for the "hole" (for lack of a better word) to heal. Right…
Finishing up radiation, when will side effects get better
Hey, I'm new. Back story, I have (had) intermediate grade Mucoepidermoid Carcenoma of the submanibular gland. I had a lump in my neck for forever that they couldn't figure out what it was on biopsy. ENT decided to remove the cyst or whatever it was. Had the tumor removed back in October, had to be sent to Mayo to get…
Help please! Brother with tongue cancer
Hello! As with most stories, mine is long- this is part venting (I'm in what I call the 'verbal diarrhea' stage of a crisis) part plea for help about what I need to do to help my brother who has advanced tongue cancer : I am 50 years old and have not seen my mother since 1985 (she was an alcoholic, addict and drug dealer…
Tony Talmich
I don't know if any of you know about a laryngectomee named Tony Talmich. Tony is a friend of mine on Facebook. He is the drummer in a very good band, the Jersey Boys I believe. The fantastic thing about Tony is that he has learned how to continue singing even though he is a laryngectomee. If you go to youtube and punch in…
weather and
Does the changing in weather effect anybodys tongue or mouth who had BOT cancer,back in the fall and now in the spring ,i get this felling on the base of my tongue where i had the cancer,Not really pain but a felling,kind of weird feeling
Surgery is done
Five hours. Came through ok but now I can't swallow well, feels like my tongue is shorter. It's swollen for sure. That's the only thing holding me back from leaving the hospital - my ability to swallow and eat. I've had a little juice and water with a spoon. Please tell me this gets better.
I've been trying to experiment with what I can manage. It's so discouraging sometimes since I considered myself a foodie before this happened. I love to cook and have always avoided the processed and pre-packaged stuff. Now I can manage a few things that I couldn't before. Cottage cheese with diced (very tiny) melon.…
Lymph Nodes
Well, they all tested negative.
Catching a break
Does not seem like my body plans to let me grt a break anytime soon! from pneumonia January, to doctors cancelling surgery date (they couldn't coordinate), one having to be out of town etc, I'm sick again! wondering if it's related to the cancer?? Same pneumonia symptoms,though we caught it early, but I'm on Mucinex,…
Home from hospital
Came home last night. Tongue is still swollen and misshapen. It feels like it's been burned. It tingles sometimes and it is extremely uncomfortable but I would say the pain is high. I find if I've been talking too much or after I try and "eat" anything, there is discomfort. It is every strange. Saliva pools sometimes and I…
Post Op Blues
I have to say, I'm very depressed. Hungry all the time, tongue feels like a gnarled piece of flesh. Feels like I have a plastic ear. Can only get so much down and patience is running very, very thin. The visit to remove the drain wasn't much help. How long to get the results from the lymph nodes? Are they gonna make me…
Side effect of radiotherapy of neck
My dad was diagnosed with T1b Glottic in Mar'15. He under went 33 sessions radiotherapy and was NED till Nov'15, next check up is due in Feb'16. Recently we had gone for his routine heart check up as his bP was high whereas he was having low BP before. His ECG was fine but there was some issue in ECHO so he was recommended…
swallowing after partial larengectomy
Hi I am new here and writing for my husband who is 62 and need help/info regarding relearning to swallow. My husband had surgery November 24 and had epiglotis removed, reconstruction and neck disection. Dr says went well and all looks good. Had trach and feeding tube inserted. Although the surgery went ok there were…
update on ron
hello ron just hit 3 years on his original tonsil cancer. he did well thru all his treatments in 2013, hardly any problems. slight mought dryness , mst foods taste somewhat normal to him. gained his weight and energy back. just went for his annual check up in january, did ct of neck, neck was clear but it shouwed the top…
Hello everyone! We are looking for a break away drug to help with the ongoing pain in my lower right jaw 8 months tx. I have been on morphine and most recently, oxycodone, and while they keep the pain tolerable, in no way do I ever see a pain level less than 5. My ENT and pharmacist want to try gabapentin, a drug that…
HI 3month PET scan today
Hi, Had my 3 month PET today. The results are online and of course I read them. Tomorrow I have appt with RAD ONC, MED ONC and ENT. The good news is my neck did not glow. Not the original Pyriform sinus tumor or the other two cervical lymph nodes. Nothing. I am shocked and very hopeful. There is however a new enlarged…
So many new names...
I was off the board for a bit while we were out of town and I just can't believe how many new names are on the board. Loveandbelieve, SQLNOLE, Aking, and Jim Willis - welcome to the CSN H&N family. While it makes me sad to see our rolls ever expanding, I'm glad you found our group. I wonder if head and neck cancer is…
Finally heard those words today and saw them written on the doctor's report also. Husband and I went to see the ENT surgeon today for a follow up. He said my husband looked great. Next scan is on May 2nd with a followup visit on May 9th. I asked the doctor "now what?" He said that we try to go back to our old lives as best…
SCC - met with Robotic Surgeon today - with a plot twist
This is what we learned today: My goodness it's complicated. The doctor started off by saying that he recommends radiation and chemotherapy. However this doesn't work very well given the fact that I do not have a permanent job and I don't have long-term disability. So we're meeting with the Radiation Oncologist next week…
Today was my last day of radiation
Got through the chemo and 35 radiation treatments, now on to the healing. It was a little bumpy but thanks to the good folks on here and friends/family made much easier. By reading on here and other places I was able to avoid some of the pitfalls. I had no mouth sores, very little neck burn, I can swallow and feel fairly…
New to this Board
Hello. My Name is Bruce. I am 61 years old and presently live in central Indiana. Last week I was informed that I have at least stage three throat cancer. I am still waiting on the results of a biopsy and PET scan. I, of course, am a bit nervous as I do not know what to expect in the future with treatment. Spiritually I…
Hospice survivor
I am new to this board but not new to the bad and unexpected things that seem to find thier way into our lives. Back in 2010 I was placed in hospice with Cirrhosis of the liver and with all doctors giving me no chance, and now it's 2016 and I safely say that doctors dont know everything. Now I am facing a new foe called…
Erbitux Stage 4
Hello - I usaully post to forum for anal cancer, which is disease I'm coping with. Recently I was put on Erbitux and another chemo drug by my oncologist. Research has shown Erbitux effective in other HPV cancers, not just Head and Neck Cancer. I've done two treatments. I broke out in horrible rash after first treatment.…
5 months out
It's hard to believe it's been 5 months since my hubby stopped treatment. Not much to report from last month, but he did have another swallowing study at my insistence. It just seemed to me like he is coughing and clearing his throat while eating more than he used to, and then said his chest was congested - so off to the…
Here we go then...
Today was my tenth day on the rad rack after a dose of chemo on day one and so far no nasties except taste all but gone. Unti now I have avoided forums as felt I would take each stage on this journey as they come but fear has gotten the better of me so hope I can find a few on line soul mates to share this ordeal.....Luv M
My mother passed away
My mother passed away on January 5th, 2016. I was with her while she passed. My sister had gotten to spend time with her two days prior and dad had gotten to say goodbye the night before. She was truly a fighter and was determined to beat the cancer even up to two days prior to her passing. She was told at Thanksgiving she…