Hi..so this is my first time posting a message here. I've browsed the website but for some reason I could never post a message. However, I have read you stories and am just amazed with the courage and strength you all have as you face this battle. I admire you all. So this is my story or rather my breif synopsis...My dad…
ostomy bag
My dad has colorectal cancer and had to have a permanent colostomy bag put on. This happened about 4 years ago. He wants to be doing things outside, but any sort of work he does, the bag comes loose. He can't keep it stuck to his skin. Any solutions? He's tried a lot of things and is getting very agitated by it always…
Radiation Treatments
I guys! I am getting ready to begin radiation treatments next Monday in Houston. I'm getting a little anxious now because of the papers I was given on all the possible side effects. Has anyone out there had radiation to the abdomen area? My stubborn spot is about 3 inches above the navel. I was semi-permanently marked…
radiation damage to colon
I had colon surgery in May 2005 ..Chemo and radiation ollowed it.. I finished raiation in Nov. and chemo Jan.7, 2006...Had a C.T. done the doctor said I was blocked ...did a scope and he inlarged my colon ...said it was scare tissue from radiation blocking..I have to go again March 1st....Does anyone else have this problem…
att. Btrcup(Linda)
Hi Linda. I posted a new topic here to make sure that you read this. You posted about the tough time you will be having this month and in particular the beginning of grief counselling for your kids. I thought a bit of advice here might help this process. You probably have already read in past posts that I lost my dad when…
got my pet results
I have just spoken to my Dr. about my PET scan taken on Monday. On the positive side, it seems that some of my liver tumors are showing signs of necrosis after two rounds of Oxaliplatin and Xeloda. On the other hand, he felt that my tumors are lighting up more intensely and because my CEA remains in the 90's, he doesn't…
Pancreas spread
Hi guys, How often have you heard of Colon Cancer spreading to the pancreas? My dad was stage 3 (11 out of 19 lympnodes were positive) it spread to his liver in April of last year and now we are worried about cancer in the pancreas as he has been experiencing a lot of cramps and stomach pain (he had an endoscopy and…
Question for Betsydoglover
I would be interested in hearing more about your experience on Xeloda, Avastin and Oxaliplatin. I am about to go on the same regimen. I have already had 6 months of Folfox (with oxaliplatin)and almost 2 years out from that I still have lingering neuropathy. I would appreciate hearing your thought and those of any others in…
Colon Palooza 3
Dear Semi-Colons, Plans are underway for our Colon Palooza 3 in Austin, Texas! The dates are April 27 (arrival) - April 30 (departure) You certainly don't have to leave on April 30 - some people come to Austin and NEVER leave!!! Go ahead and make your airline reservations and plan to be here. We are making final…
early cancer detection info
Thought you all might want to check these sites out....veeeeryyy interesting! Ross http://www.virtualcancercentre.com/news.asp?artid=7722 http://www.virtualmedicalcentre.com/newsletters/new/Vol2006Iss28.html
Hi Greta & All The CSN Folks As Well As Ross & Jen, We received our package today. WOW Ross we found your presentation very moving & it also showed us a very special side of yourself. Thank You and we are looking forward to meeting you & Jen in Austin ~ Bring On The Tissues ~ ~ . To Greta, Jose, Dana & Catherine, It was a…
Please Say Prayer for My Dad
Hi everyone, well I have been on the couch crying for the last hour and boy do I have a headache. My dad goes in Wednesday for a Cat Scan after being off chemo for 3 months. The Chemo shrunk his tumor real small so they gave him a break. Im just a emotional wreck thinking of Wednesday. I feel so bad for him because I know…
When your world fell apart....
I am a survivor...NED..and very thankfull. But it was not always that way. Do you remember the day you were told you had cancer? Of course you do! What was your reaction? I am assuming the very same reaction Jen and I had. My point? Well....and this is mostly for our newly diagnosed friends here.This site is a godsend to…
My First Juicing Experience!
Hi all - My Champion juicer arrived Saturday. With some fear and trepidation I set off to purchase organic veggies and apples this morning. With even more trepidation I figured out how to use the thing (really worried that I would gag at the taste). Then it was time to start.... I used Emily's recipe, although I threw in a…
got my ct results
hello all. got my ct results on fri. the long and short of it is that my onc called it improved when he thought it would go the other way. some of the tumor have grown and some got smaller, which i guess the ones that grew have learned to outsmart the chemo. i have 2 in the right lung and still several in the left. the one…
Xeloda Questions
I would like to know success stories while being on Xeloda, my dads cat scan showed his tumor in abdomon has grown just a little while being off chemo for 3 months. His options where back on chemo, radiation or Oral Xeloda. He has choosen Oral Xeloda. I prefer radiation but it is his body and his choice. Has anyone been on…
has anyone heard...
Has anyone heard of the cyber knife. (It is a little different than the gamma knife used for brain tumors). It is a fine beam of radiation that can "cut" around a tumor without needing margins. It is supposed to be excellent for tumors on major blood vessels. My mother has a solitary liver met that is growing. Her…
cpt-11 side effects?
Hello everybody. I am taking CPT-11 with a pump for 46 hours. On Monday and off of it Wednesday. I take 5-FU and the avastin thru chemo once every two weeks. The CAT scan reveals very tiny nodules in my lungs so the doctor feels the treatment this time needs to be more aggressive. My hair started coming out by the handfuls…
More info on CPT-11
Hi everyone!!! I have another question regarding CPT-11. I get treatment every 2 weeks. Does this med accumulate over time? When I was on, 5-FU it did. My treatments were 6 weeks on and two weeks off. The first few were not so bad. By number 6 I was extremely fatigued. It took me two weeks to recover. If anybody had info…
Iscador, anyone have any info?
Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well! Has anyone ever heard of Iscador. It has been highly recommended by my alternative medicine doctor to go along with chemo. It has apparently been used in Germany for many years with good results. Thanks in advance for any information! Jamie
Feel much better
Hi everyone. Went to NY for the Sloan Kettering opinion. THe surgeon completely agreed with the MD Anderson plan - so I feel much better. The NY surgeon told me I may not need my entire right lung removed, but we would find out while I am open during the surgery itself. OK! I feel so good about the plan now - it is not a…
thanks and got a juicer
You are all so wonderful. Thank you so much for the thoughtful notes! Makes me smile to see them.. I keep going back to my post and reading. :) I got a Champion juicer at Ebay for $106!! Hurray! I should get it this week. Just wanted to let you all know about the deals on Ebay. Keep in mind, I don't have it in my hands…
Clinical Trial - Panitumumab?
My wife was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. We're interviewing oncologists and one is recommending a clinical trial involving Panitumumab (study drug from Amgen). Human version of Erbitux. We've heard this is being fast tracked, but want to verify. Has anyone heard about the status of Panitumumab? Thanks.
More Chemo
Hello hello, Well here I am two weeks after my liver surgery...doing pretty darn good - off painkillers and pretty much able to do most activities (Amazing to me!!). As of now it appears that what they took out of my liver was not cancer - Woohoo! The original plan was for me to have more chemo after I recoverd from this…
oxaliplatin help
I was diagnosed with colon cancer in October. After a resection I was stage 3 with 7 lymph nodes. I started with IV oxy and oral Xeloda. The oxy is every three weeks. The first session wasn't too bad- however, the following 2 sessions have been horrible. I am in bed for 5-6 days. The symptoms are extreme nausea (I have…
please pray
hello to all.i hope all is going well for everyone.i continue to keep everone in my prayers and i now need your prayers.i have had some lower back pain on my left side near the kidney area.i had some lab tests done and some things have been ruled out such as kidney stones,infection etc.my oncologist has referred me for a…
I'm just having a pity party don't mind me. My liver studies went up quite high about 2 weeks before Christmas. We decided to hold on the oxaliplatin and just do the 5FU, leucovorin and avastin until they came down. Then my platelet count went down. So everything is on hold. It was taking a long time for the liver studies…
Sore mouth and tongue
Hi all, Could anyone give me some help for a sore mouth? My husband is on tretment No 11 of Folfox with Avastin and has developed a sore tongue and mouth, he has been using Mycostatin mouthwashes but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Take care and Thank you. Jackie
introduction and question
Hi, I am a 46 year old female, diagnosised with colon cancer in November 2005. I had colon resection in November. One foot of colon was removed in sigmoid area. Tumor was pT2 and there was metastasis in one of 32 lymph nodes examined (pN1). I started chemo this month- folfox6. Chest X ray and bloodwork is all normal. My…