thomast are you still out there?
I'd like to know the name of the doctor in California that did your wife's liver surgery. Thanks! You can also email me at grimmmusic@yahoo.com
New Here & need advise
My darling husband was dx with stage iv rectal cancer (mets to liver & lungs with node involvement)in April 05. His tumor is inoperatable due to his tumor being attached to pelvic organs. His first line treatment involved 5fu/lev, unfortunately the treatment was unsuccessful and he has just completed his second cycle of…
just a thought
Has anyone ever asked you this after they find out you talk to people hundreds/thousands of miles away on the internet about cancer? " How do you cope with the sadness...how can you possibly feel good knowing so much heartache each day?" Yup...it has been asked of me by friends and family...many of you may have been asked…
surgery coming
Hi everyone. Haven't been here lately - I have been keeping myself busy. My first surgery - left lung met removal is scheduled 2/28/06.. in a week. I actually feel great. My chemo has worn off and I am on fire. I also got on the nutrition band wagon and am totally veggie and organic. With all this I feel really good. So, I…
caregivers please respond
Hi fellow caregivers: Well- it is Saturday night and my husband is tired, cranky and feeling rotten from his 6th round of folfiri/avastin for stage 4 with mets to liver/lungs and is now sleeping... one of the kids (teenager- egad) has friends over and I am trying to shush them but still trying to maintain a "normal"…
a fun site
Good morning all. I found this stuff while walking around Newport, Rhode Island a few months ago. It was so "me", I bought some hats and tees right away. I especially thought of Emily. They have a nice one with a cabin on it. Surf, laugh, smile, steal a moment away from those crappy treatments. I remember sitting on my…
For lg2cyg
I posted this on the thread but was afraid you wouldn't find it. lg2cyg: He has had the surgery, and we were pleasantly surprised in that the surgeon did it laparoscopically. He said he did not have any scar tissue and he is "absolutely amazing." He is 58, and has had a hernia repair, appendicitis, and the colon resection…
Msg for mikew42
Mike, I posted something for you under "Ablation for Liver Cancer" below. Thanks!
For mikew42
Mike, please forward your email address to me at grimmmusic@yahoo.com. Thanks!
surgery on Tuesday
Hi all, I'm having surgery on Tuesday. I am a stage 3 survivor. I'm two years out from my bowel re-section. I am getting my gall bladder taken out and my liver biopsied. I am anxious to have it done since I have been so very sick for the last few weeks. Also, I am very excited that it is thought that it is my gall bladder…
CEA of 1100 could this be right?
I was diagnosed with colon III cancer in January of 1998. Out of all the lymph nodes checked only 2 or 3 were negative all others were positive. The tumor was removed surgically, I than went on to receive radiation then chemotherapy. In June of 2000 I went in for a colonoscopy and they found a small positive tumor. Again…
Stomach cramps
Has anyone had severe stomach cramps from Chemotherapy? My husband was on CPT 11 for three treatments and then got switched back to Oxiplaton, Levococorin, and 5FU. He has had stomach cramps for 2 months now. The doctor seems to think it's an ulcer. He has been on meds for this, but it isn't working. They will go in with a…
Colon Palooza
Alright Class, the lesson is about to begin... Several have recently posted and responded to various messages referring to the upcoming COLON PALOOZA events that are planned for this year. With that stated, I figured a little clarification was in order... As you all have learned, we are a closely-knit group of folks with…
new to site
Hello, I was told that i have stage 4 colon cancer . My husband is in the navy and was deployed to Afghanstan so i was very stressed at the time and so when i began having problems i just chalked it up to stress . He had been there for 7 months and was due to come home in a month . i was so tired all of the time but just…
NED for 12 years.
Hello everyone, well I go for a colonoscopy on Tuesday 21st, and a CAT Scan on March 1st. I am hoping my rising CEA and CA 125 are due to something other than a return of my cancer, as they well could be, as we all know by now they are not always a sign of returning cancer problems. I would just like a few prayers coming…
Folfox6 question
Hi all! Once again I want to thank you for your support! You guys are amazing! I am a 46 year old female with stage 3a cancer. I just had my 4th treatment of Folfox 6 yesterday, and so far the side effects have been manageable. My blood work the previous day to chemo showed that my WBC really went down and in particular my…
Ablation for liver cancer
I've been reading about treatment of liver cancer with ablation. Has anyone experienced this? I'm trying to find encouraging words for my friend facing chemo and liver surgery. I'm not finding anything postive at the moment. HELP!
BCIR (appliance-free) Ileostomy chat
This chat on Thursday Feb. 23 looks interesting. I've cut and pasted the info. I'd appreciate feedback from others concerning this and maybe ideas for questions. Thanks. Kindred Appliance-Free Ileostomy A Breakthrough for You? Thursday, February 23 at 6 PM Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8) You go to either of these websites…
Husband 60 years, diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of small intestines, metastised to liver, and peritoneum, in stage IV. No chemo started yet due to recent surgery to remove large sections of bowel. No one will give us a prognosis for this aggressive cancer. What is survival rate after chemo? Any clinical trials in Florida?
Follow-Up Guidelines
Hi, I am almost done with treatment. I've been trying to find guidelines for follow-up testing. Could anyone help by pointing me to websites about this or by telling me what your follow-up testing schedule was? My oncologist mentioned that I would get a colonoscopy at about 6 months after re-section, then every 3 years.…
what to expect
hello this is my first post. my grandfather has stage IV colon cancer. He was diagnosed jan 2004. He also has a spot on his kidney, most of his liver is consumed. We recently found out that he had a tumor in his neck which was compressing his spinal cord. Also lymph node positive, and small lesion on one of his joints. He…
Dead liver tumor tissue Question
I have a friend and also my father who were recently dianosed with stage IVcolon cancer and liver mets. Question is : when the CEA numbers go down drastically it suggests some of the tumors in liver could be dead tissue even though CAT scan shows not much change (or at least thats my understanding...I heard PET scan is the…
xeloda and rectal bleeding
Hi everyone, does anyone know if a side effect of Xeloda is rectal bleeding? My dad has been taking it for about 2 weeks and started having rectal bleeding. He has had rectal bleeding in the past but he is concerned its from the Xeloda. Thanks if anyone has any information on it.
sad day today
First I apologise for not answering any posts as I am away from home and borrowed a puta and have limited access time. I had some news today that a dear friend, Janette, who for the past 6 years has fought a cancer that has spread throughout her body, is now under full care with failing health. I went to visit her tonight…
ileostomy bag nightmares
My friend just had rectal surgery (went well but for the cancerous spot on liver). He has a temporary ileostomy that is causing him such grief. This bag will not stay secured to his skin. He is now resorting to taping it to his body with various tapes. Is there a brand that someone can recommend that stays on for more than…
erbitux rash
Hi everyone again. My husband has been on erbitux with irinotecan for 3 1/2 months. He had one break in his treatment the first month because his rash(which we expected as the side effect) was so severe he was running a fever from it. With antibiotics and ointments it became stabilized. This past week it is so severe…
More in the news...
"Thought that many of you would be interested in this. Hope you are having a great day, Suzanne" LabCorp(R) Now Offering UGT1A1 Pharmacogenetic Test for Dosing Colorectal Cancer Therapy Monday February 13, 8:19 am ET Rights to Test for UGT1A1 Mutations Associated with Serious Adverse Reaction to Irinotecan Hydrochloride…
reply to caregivers please respond
Thank you all so much for your responses 1) to all the caregivers that answered- you made me cry, brought a smile to my face, a nod and a sigh- it is so humbling to read others peoples posts and realize that I am not alone- thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for sharing your feelings- and if any of you…
CA 125 counts
Hey guys, I need a little information. I hope everyone is doing well. My wife (Jerri) has been off treatments since April, 2005 after doing chemo and radiation for Stage IV, mets to ovaries and a few lymph nodes. On the day of her surgery (Oct., 2004), her CEA was less than 1. But her CA 125 was way up there (I don't…
CT results and a question
After 6 rounds of folfiri and avastin we had great news- stable (10% shrinkage)- my question is to others on this regimen- how many treatments did it take for any of you to get either a full or partial response? Thanks for your response.