More info on CPT-11

terril Member Posts: 296
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone!!!
I have another question regarding CPT-11. I get treatment every 2 weeks. Does this med accumulate over time? When I was on, 5-FU it did. My treatments were 6 weeks on and two weeks off. The first few were not so bad. By number 6 I was extremely fatigued. It took me two weeks to recover. If anybody had info about the long range effects as you experienced it, please let me know. So far, my one treatment has worked very well. Let's just hope it is kicking the tumors BIG TIME!!! Terri


  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Hi Terri:
    My husband is just about to have #6 treatment of folfiri/avastin and compared to his adjuvant 5FU it most definately does NOT seem to have a cumulative effect- in fact over time his side effects seem easier to deal with,,especially the fatigue compared to of luck with your treatments...feel free to email me here with any questions.
  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    Thanks for the info, Bev. I guess I was expecting the worst with CPT-11. So far this is much easier than 5-FU. Hope your husband is doing well. My prayers and thoughts to you all. Terri