Checking in
Finished Folfox 6 treatment number 4 over the weekend. Yippee! One third of the way through! I was barely able to be infused because my neutrophils were down again, right on the border, but we went ahead and got a flu shot, too. Because I had gone to my nephew's wedding the weekend before (great time, by the way, even the…
Stage 1 Local Rec. update and thanks
Thanks so much to Patrusha, SpongeBob, Babs211, Kanort and Vinny3 for the support when we found out about Mom's recurrence. You guys helped so much. It has been a wild month, but all the news is good. Mom had a PET scan to look for spread and luckily it just showed one small nodule in the pelvic area; however, it could not…
The husband of a friend of mine had some unexpected results from his PET scan - mass between spleen and kidney, something in the stomach and something in the throat near the voice box. The doctor apparently is not too concerned with the spleen/kidney situation. But he is sending him for a scope to check out the stomach and…
My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer
Hi everyone, I am new to this so bare with me. In May 06, my mom(63 yrs old) was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. She had surgery and started folfox. She completed 4 chemo treatments and was having very difficult time. No reaction to the chemo but ws very depressed. He oncologist stopped the treatments and ordered a…
Believe it or not...I have my life back!!!!
Ok, you all have listened to my whinning and complaining about all the changes in my bathroom habits (you know, I NEVER passed gas except in the bathroom before....). With MUCH trepidation, I tried that new yogurt that has 'digestive aid' properties. I gotta share....it REALLY works for me! And, considering I am lactose…
Hello all you wonderful people
I hope your all doing and feeling good As for duey he did much better with his Chemo this time around, He worked right through it. They lowered his dose since he is starting radiation on Monday. They say he can not do full dose of Chemo with Rad. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know how things are going in…
Thank You
I just wanted to thank everyone for your awesome replies . Kerry thanks for the phone call. I just love our talks . Sue I would just love a Texas get together . My birthday is in Jan . can't think of a better way to celebrate with you Kerry , Kay and the other Texas gals and anyone else that would like to come . Sponge Bob…
Protein and water
Hi Everyone, I was surfing the web today and I just wanted to post this. It confirms what we have been saying about keeping up your nutrition while on chemo. Get plenty of protein. Protein rebuilds and repairs damaged (and normally aging) body tissue. The estimated protein needs are 0.5-0.6 grams of protein per pound of…
Interesting Grape Seed Study
Here is the link for an article I read this morning about colorectal cancer and grape seed. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_5076909,00.html
Twisted sister of Valerie C
Hi everyone, I am the older and more beautiful sister of Valerie C. My name is Vanita O. There is another sister, Vanessa W.who will be joining us shortly. Valerie has told us about all you wonderful people, and it feels like home already. Reading your messages gives me so much HOPE for my mother. Thank you
Leaving town for a few days...Mom's doing another treatment.
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate your support, and yes, I finally figured out how to navigate this network..Still working on getting pictures on my personal web page. I also realized that SpongeBob is one cool dude and has great sense of humor. Anyhow, I told my older sister about this…
Stage 4 Success Story to share
hey you awesome semi-colons! I was talking to my old neighbor tonight and he told me of his friend's wife who was dx'ed with Stage 4 cancer (the female kind he said). They didn't do any surgery cuz she was too far advanced. Her cancer marker was in the 1000's! She was started on something but fell and broker her hip so…
Right side abdomen pain
Hey all, I noticed that nudgie is having right side abdomen pain under the rib cage. Me too. It gets really bad during the few days after chemo and I plan to bring it up to my oncs tomorrow when I go for chemo number 4. I had two "spots" on my liver that an MRI said were cysts, but I always questioned that. I want a…
Hey, everybody - A good friend from the Colondar isn't doing well, see the e-mail from a friend of hers below. Michele was the June 2006 model (http://www.colonclub.com/Michelle_Cervone.html) and, as you can see is in need to some divine intervention. Can you send a prayer her way or, if you are not inclined to pray, send…
Debralla, are you out there
I know you are and we are missing hearing from you sweetie. I look forward to hearing from you. Hugs and kisses, Lisa P.
Party, CP-5, Oct 2007
I know many of you have already seen this and responded, but I want to keep it on the "front burner" not the back one. Thanks!! Hmmmm....WHAT IS CP-5? Is it a new chemo? A strategic move in the game "Battleship"? A vegetable drink? No, it's none of those.... It's a full-blown celebration of life! The technical term is…
Had Scare...NED (I think)
In August I had my 1yr, 8mo follow-up with the oncologist and everything was fine. Then in September I experienced a variety of symptoms and went back to the oncologist. He checked me out and ordered a CT/PET. While the symptoms had already resolved it was a very nervous time waiting for the tests to be scheduled and…
Have I missed something? Haven't noticed anything from you in a while. Hope all is well. Mary
A Special Thanks to Baby Lisa and Andy
I am finally getting back to "normal" (for me anyway) after my first trip to Canada. You 2 were awesome as the host and hostess of CP4. I could never thank you enough for all you did for me and the others. The itinary was fun filled. lively, educational and a blast. It has been a long time since I laughed so much and that…
New & need advise
Hi everyone, my spouse was dx'd with colon ca in Aug, had surgery and now stage 3c with 16 0f 20 positive lymph nodes. His CEA was 4.8 before surgery and went to 4.7 after so Pet scan was done. They note a one 1cm node on the oppisite side lighting up aggressively". Primary oncologist thinks it is Ca and needs surgery..…
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys: Goodness I've been so busy that I forgot it's Friday! Sorry the giggles are little late this week! Ya'll have a great weekend! Cheers, Ying - - - Words Women Use "FINE" This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. "FIVE MINUTES" If she is getting dressed, this is half…
Hyperplastic Change (update)
Great news!!!! The biopsies came back clean!!!! I am on top of the world to say the very least! I was told that this term meant there was some enlarging and hardening around the incision area. But, the biopsies showed NO CANCER! My sincerest thanks to all of you who offered your kind support, well wishes and positive…
SpongeBob: Nice to have you back!
I was beginning to worry a little where my Dad had gotten off to....nice to see you posting again.... How IS the sig other????? Hugs, Your loving daughter
Hmmmm....WHAT IS CP-5? Is it a new chemo? A strategic move in the game "Battleship"? A vegetable drink? No, it's none of those.... It's a full-blown celebration of life! The technical term is COLON PALOOZA 5. It's a gathering of friendship and support created by the members of this discussion board. It's a way to meet in…
Colonoscopy Update
Hello! I posted a couple of days ago about my dad (stage IV - 4 1/2 years into the fight, recent pet scan showing activity in liver and colon and elevated cea) Well, he has a super clean colon - not even a polyp. Now, we just need to kill the cancer in his liver. I am so glad that we are at Johns Hopkins. I feel confident…
Stage Four - 2 Year NED
Just wanted to share some good news and give others hope. I just got my latest CT scan results and am still clean!! Two years since my last chemo, 2 1/2 years since stage 4 diagnosis (3 mets to liver, 8 of 25 nodes positive). Even though I don't post much, I do read often (lurker). Mike
Support Goup - Disappointment
I attended a group last night with much disappointment. Perhaps what I'm looking for does not exist. I want an educated therapist that will talk with us, helping us to understand our feelings and how to continue our lives after our great loss. I'm not looking for a group that is in as much pain as I and only sit around and…
First off, I would like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to everyone who responded to my questions. This site really helps me out and provides the support I need. UPDATE: Had my appointment with my Onc Doc yesterday (17 Oct) and discussed all the problems I was having, including heart rate and what we could change about…
To TaraHK
Post it wouldnt work so; Tara, so sorry to hear that this has happened. You are prepared for the worst, I think, when you say "knowing my history" . I hope this is not the case and that is a benign little yokey,. If not,then the battle must begin again for you. Sending you strong waves of good feelings. XXXX Margo
Colonoscopy came back looking great! I am so excited. I believe I have the green light to wait 2 years (maybe 3) before my next scope. Now, I wait for the CT in Nov and blood work to make sure all else is good. Thanks for the good vibes sent my way. Tricia - 2 and counting year survivor!!!