Hyperplastic Change
I am a colon cancer survivor. I have been clean for almost 2 years now. I had a colonoscopy this past Monday. I called to get the biopsy results and my surgeon was in surgury and his nurse was in another office. Another nurse took a message to have my surgeon call me with the results tomorrow morning. However, she did say…
First time Post
Hi Everyone, I have been reading all your posts here for awhile now. Here's my story. I was dx. Jan. 2006 and had the colon resection on the same month. I had Chemo for 6 weeks every week and Radiation for 28 days because the tumor was low, that is what the doctor said, so I needed radiation. I was done with both on April.…
this sounds soooooo good.,,.
For those who like readings stats..there s finally good news... This info came from MD if you want to read the whole story go to : http://www2.mdanderson.org/depts/oncolog/articles/06/4-apr/4-06-1.html Again, what Dr. Abdalla and his colleagues found was noteworthy: patients who underwent surgical resection as a primary…
Support Groups?
Don't know if it's appropriate to correspond with you good people now that I've lost my husband but want to let everyone know that my prayers continue for those afflicted with this terrible disease. I never had my life impacted by cancer until my dear husband. My heart is breaking from the loneliness I feel without him. He…
rollercoaster (the bad kind)
Had a PET scan last Wednesday. Got the results Thursday. I have a small lesion in my right lung. (History: rectal cancer treated 2003, solitary lung met treated 2005). Right now I am on a rollercoaster of consultations and further tests. Biopsy not possible due to the location (unlucky). Next test will be CT scan. The good…
History: I am Stage II with NO/MO and had my tumor removed on 10 July 06. Started Chemo Regime of 5FU, Lev & Oxiplatin on 18 August. I have had 4 treatments with one WBC booster shot of Neulasta on 9 October. On 12 October I had to go to the ER for a high rate of 155. They kept me overnight for observation. Everyting…
I'm doing my OWN Naked Happy Dance...
Went for my 3-monther today. Labs showed BOTH the CEA for the CRC AND the CA-29 for the BC to be holding NED!!!! Yea!!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Cofactor instead of Leucovorin?
Has anyone used cofactor instead of leucovorin when getting 5FU? Cofactor is in trials currently, but not approved yet by FDA, I believe. Cofactor, as I understand it, has the same stuff in it that leucovorin has. It works with the 5FU to kill the cancer. But the cofactor does not have to be metabolized like the leucovorin…
CP4 ~ a poem for stacy
Hi Everyone, At the opening reception of CP4 ~ The Stacy Gleaso Celebration a beautiful poem was written from Jane (stage4mom) that was very moving. Anyway I just wanted to share it with you all and to thank Jane also. I have over 500 pics and a video will follow in a few days when I can get my son Andrew to help me. As…
Cancer Returning to Colon Question
Hello, I recently posted about my dad's pet scan lighting up in his liver and colon. My dad had surgery in May 2002 to remove colon tumor and July 2002 to remove liver met. In 2003, his colon lite up on a pet scan and we had a colonoscopy - clean. In 2004, his colon as well as spots on his liver lite up on a pet scan, we…
blood counts
My chemo ended in June 2006 and my CT-scan was clear and my CEA has remained less than 1, What is bothering me is I can't seem to get my plateletts and white blood cells back to normal. My doc says they are borderline low for stepping in for treatment. I was wondering if anyone had experience with the chemo (xedola)…
please add to options list
I would really appreciate it both to help our situation and others here on this board if we could come up with a list of treatment options, available and in trial..as well as alternatives. Sometimes I wonder if just knowing all the options there are helps psychologically as well as may assist when talking with an Onc...so…
Mark honey, I am so sorry to hear your news but agree with you that you can fight the beast!!!!!!! If what I did 2 years ago didn't work I was going to invest in a trip to HealthQuarters Lodge in Colorado. "It is a 10 day stay for you to get away to and focus on learning and beggining to put into practice certain dietary…
I just got back from the onc and there is no spread of cancer to my bones or my back. I guess I'm just a wimp when it comes to back pain. I now can look forward on this chemo regiment and kick the cancer right out of my stomach! Away I go!
Does Oxycontin Cause depression?
My dad has Stage IV colon cancer. He has been taking Oxycontin for a few months now. Lately he seems to get extremely emotional and cry about everything. That is completely unlike him. Although it helps with the pain, the depression is making things worse for him. Has anyone had the same experience and if so, was the…
CP4 ~ Stacys Days Of Our Lives Video
Hi Everyone, On the opening night of CP4 we did a dedication to Stacy Gleason to celebrate her 5 years cancer free. My son Andrew made it and I hope you all enjoy it. Also Andy & I did a video of our lives just to share some of our past and to have some good laughs. Stacys Days Of Our Lives…
Light at the end of the tunnel...
Hi everyone! I have been reading here everyday, but not posting much....just taking it all in. I am down to my last 5 weeks of chemo, and I'm so happy that it's almost over, but I'm beginning to feel a little nervous. How do I know if this chemo worked for me? I haven't had too many bad side effects at all, well, maybe a…
The Next Colonpalooza
I have been away for a few days so maybe have missed a few posts but from the looks of things..CP#4 was wonderful.. It makes me sad that there has been so much "back and forth" about the palooza's and the comment from Stacy about "forgeting what it felt to be a stage 4" (I could not find that post and hope it was not in…
False Positive Pet Scan - Has this happened to anyone else?
Where to begin... My dad has stage IV colon cancer (dx 05/02). In 2003, his colon lite up on a pet scan, so the oncologist ordered a colonoscopy - clean. In 2004, his colon lite up again on a pet scan along with 2 liver mets. Oncologist ordered another colonoscopy - clean and he had surgery (colon biopsied and reattached -…
Out of surgery - Not great news.
Well---They opened me up and closed me back up. They told my partner that my cancer has spread past the point of surgical removal. I have tumors on my abdomen, in my back and of coarse in the liver and outside the colon wall. Suggestion is to do agressive chemo to knock down the tumors and surgery if it becomes operable…
re; Linda...btrcup
Hi all. Linda asked me to pass the following on to you all. She had us worried for a while. I know Scotty was watching over her. Linda writes; All went well with the surgery. No cancer!! Thank God! Please pass this to everyone for me. I'll be home for a week and don't have everyone's addresses on my home computer. Thank…
Oh boy, let the fun begin
Hi all. I just wanted to share with you that I am driving the porcelan caddy today... in .... oh let's say a couple of hours. Yes, I am starting my prep for tomorrows annual exam. Please please please pray for good results. If all goes well tomorrow I am that much closer to being NED for two whole years (still have to have…
Hi Everyone, I posted for the first time in August when I was still having numerous bowel movements daily. I had rectal cancer diagnosed in 9/04, 6 weeks of chemo-radiation, surgery 1/05, 6 months chemo. I was taking Lomotil daily and I ran out for a few days and started feeling better. I didn't seem to be going as much…
Thanks from Andyman CP4
Just a quick note to say thank you to ACS for their part in CP4 it was very much appreciated and was excellent!!! Before CP4 I thought NS stood for Nova Scotia but actually it stands for NO SLEEP !!! It has been a wild time following this group of ladies around,I have been teased kissed, hugged,and made fun of many times.…
So, What Now?
Hello Semi-colon family, It's Mary from WI again and I know, I know... although I haven't posted in awhile; I do try to read through these posts everyday. And everytime I read through them I am just flabbergasted at how "wonderful" each and every one of you are on here! ; ) Also, I wanted to give you all an "update" on my…
Irinotecan side effects
Mark will be starting this soon. Can you give some ideas of the usual side effects so I can be sure to have all necessary meds on hand in advance to avoid him being sick(er)? I've read about the severe diarhea that can put people in the hospital. Anyone have this? What did you take? Thanks so much. ML
chemo completed!!!!
Operated on 4th Jan stage III 2 lymph nodes involved. Finished my final chemo treatment on Thursday (just before Canadian Thanksgiving week-end). We took the grandkids apple picking on Sunday and gave thanks that I had managed to survive the Chemo. WE had a very "upbeat" day and truly felt blessed. Now that everyone has…
starting chemo monday, feeling down
Hi Everyone, I hope you are doing well. I'm starting chemo again on Monday, Folfox and Avastin. I know that once I get started I will be ok, but right now my anxiety level is really high and I feel like nothing is in my control. It's unfortunate that I don't drink or do recreational drugs, but I'm such a control freak that…
Need Help & Support
Maybe I am being too much of a baby or sissy with this beast. Since the beginning there has always been a bump in the road and it does not look likes its going to stop. 10 July 06 - Colon cancer tumor Stage II NO/MO removed. 18 Aug 06 - Port-A-Cath implanted 17 Aug 06 - Air in lung cavity due to implant of port-a-cath.…
have a question
On monday I have appoitment with my oncologist, and I was wondering if he is going to order any ct scan or pet scan, I had a pet scan before surgery, is going to be 3 months from surgey, I would like to know more or less what is normal, I think I have read about every 3 month for the first year, any response will help…