Hi all! Just wanted to let you know I'm still around. Between recuperating from the brain surgery and an opportunity to get to RI for 4 days this past weekend I just haven't had the energy to respond, though I have tried to keep up with reading. To all those with the good news....Yippee!!!!!!!. To all those with bad news,…
Biopsy results: negative!!!!
I can breath again tonight, my breast biopsy came negative these last few days have been terrible I could experience again that feeling of the first weeks after DX. I am so grateful to all the people that have been praying for me, thank you to all of you that answered my last post when I was really down, I will keep you…
Blog started
I hope my fellow fighters and care givers are doing well tonight. I started a blog this week just to try to my friends here know what is going on. Do drop by and say hello! http://vman-1300.blogspot.com/ Believe, Kevin
Coming home tomorrow!
My husband will be coming home tomorrow! I missed the surgeon by only a few minutes this am but he told my husband that he got the "report" back and it was "excellent"! I assume that means the pathology report, (my hubby didn't ask . lol men!!) but anything "excellent" is music to my ears. I also hope that this post…
Clear margins question
Please forgive my ignorance but I noticed the heading "clear margins" from a previous post. What advantage is there for "clear margins"? What exactly does that mean? I had that on my path report but neglected to ask my doctor what it meant. Thanks.
Cancer lingo
Hi there again! Could someone please explain the cancer abbreviations that are commonly used on here? I noticed someone else was asking what one of the others meant. I figured out some of the easier ones myself, but i can't figure out NED or some of the other commonly used ones. Many thanks, and hugs! Krista
Friday Riddle
Okay here we go and I am pretty sure SpongeBob will not get this one: If you have the numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 27, 55 and 70 what do you have between them?
Question for KathiM
Hi Kathi! I'm posting this question instead of privately emailing you because i think other women may want to know this. I know you have colorectal cancer and breast cancer. I'm so curious to know if your breast cancer is a metastasis, or a primary? Adenocarcinoma enjoys spreading to the liver and lungs, but i've never…
starting chemo
My husband had his surgery on 9/12/07 for a LAR. He has recovered from the surgery really good and has started radiation a week ago and now on 10/26 he will be starting chemo treatement. He will be recieving 5-FU AND OXALIPLATIN for 6 months which he will have 2 treatements a month. He will be sent home with a pump which…
Neuropathy Revisited
OK.......I hate to beat a dead horse! But in many respects, you guys give me more advise than my (supposedly) brilliant oncologist. I had 9 treatments of FOLFOX until April 16, 2006 when it was D/C'd because of increasing neuropathy symptoms. The neuropathy seemed to get ALOT worse after the treatments were D/C'd before it…
easily injured
my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer 10-06 she had her surgery right after diagnosis then her chemo which ended 5-07. Since then she seems to be more accident prone and what normally would be a minor incident really effects her. She has bumped her head and left a huge lump where as anyone else probably would of maybe…
Unbelievable/Blood Work
My dad went today to see his oncologist. My parents moved to a new town last year around this time and have had two different oncologist this past year. He has been on vextibux and campostar since June 2007 (cea went from 128 to 14 in September 2007). It was done once a month around the 5th -10th). The last cea taken in…
Switching Treatment & CEA Level
Since June, my dad (stage IV since May 2002) has been receiving vextibux and campostar. His cea level went from 128 to 14 by September 10. He had a CT Scan which showed shrinkage in the lung mets but no change in the liver mets (stable). The doctor did not want to do a pet scan. He claimed that they were too small to be…
Clear Margins!
Bob is doing very well recovering at home. I talked briefly with the surgeon when he was discharged as the surgeon was "in-between surgeries" and he told me that the pathology report showed CLEAR margins (WOOHOO!) He has an appointment back at surgeons to get the staples out (i think ) next week or to be checked to see…
CP-6 practice - learn the words
In honor of two very talanted people who will remain forever anynamous spongeboband suzannchili Boy: I remember every little thing As if it happened only yesterday Parking by the lake And there was not another car in sight And I never had a girl Looking any better than you did And all the kids at school They were wishing…
ulcerated colitis
My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer Jan. 06. He started with chemo and radiation then resection and because of lymph node involement 4 more months of chemo. He has a pet scan every 3 months. So far everything looks good no sign of any spread but the scan shows activity in the rectal area. He has had 4…
we are not going to give up to this *&^^&^&*^*
you know what that ( %^^&^%%$& ) means right ? I don't want to say the word because Jose ( cnn guy) will kick me out ! But anyways...I am starting an ALL ORGANIG diet tomorrow....yoga and massages..and if I have any money left Accupunture and vitamins ( Scouty..which one are you taking ? ).....I believe that God gave us…
On the 3-Year Plan!
I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer via a screening colonoscopy and had a resection March 06. The follow-up colonoscopy Oct. 06 was clear. At that point I was told I would be on the 1-year colonoscopy plan (as I call it) for a couple of years, then two years, then three years max. Today was my one-year follow-up…
FOLFOX + Erbitux (Cetuximab)
Hi, I've been doing FOLFOX + Erbitux for 2 rounds (16 weeeks) now, and the big tumor on my liver is still there. Not growing though. I've seen others talking about using the same chemos. So my question is how long did it take to start seeing some results? Thanks :)
New diagnosis
I know everyone on here is either a survivor or a caretaker, but there doesn't seem to be any other good discussion boards for people in my current situation. I was diagnosed August 2nd, 2007 with stage III rectal cancer. I just ended my stint of chemoradiation therapy, and was almost done with my radiation booster…
cancer is back/ Please respond
after crying, screaming, feeling sorry for my family.....I am better now.....Is back....3 in the stomach area 3 in the right lung....I am having a small surgery tomorrow cause 2 of them are afecting my kidney...they are going to insert a splint ? or something like that...what's next ? More chemo...My onco said that 1st he…
14 tumors gone!!! Yippee!!!!
I had recurrent colon cancer, with 8 mets to the liver and 6 tumors in my right lung. I had hand and foot syndrome pretty badly and my hair got really thin due to the treatments, ugh! I have done 9 treatments of Folfox-Plus and my last CT can showed my liver and lungs clear!!! Thank you God!! I will be doing CT scans every…
CP5 Fun: SpongeBob & Suzann
CP5 Fun: An Officer and a School Teacher Hi Everyone!! Check out the link below to see our own SpongeBob and Suzann singing karaoke to Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights". Sponger you were a blast and your new wife Katie ( usakat ) is absolutely awesome... Suzann we wish you a speedy recovery and hope your back…
CP6-one question....
Ok, so that I can plan ahead....is there a Coyote Ugly saloon in San Francisco???? Hugs, Kathi
The LAST one!
I just took my last Chemo treatment this morning..Yaaahooo!! I'm excited but then..I don't know? 6 months ago I didn't think this day would get here, then it arrived and I think. Wow, already. Some times were bad, but most times not so bad. I'm not one to think of the bad days and when they changed the Chemo Cocktail, it…
Disappointing scan
Little history: Dx Stage 4 Sept 2006, surgery..chemo, pulmonary embolism...liver resection in Feb 2007... clean scan in June...48 year old father of 2... Hello all, Just got back from Stanford. Mixed news... There are 2 spots on my right lung. They are concerned it is cancer but the spots are too small to biopsy or even…
Good Stats
I realize we typically don't pay attention to statistics, but these are worth reading.... http://wlit.com/cc-common/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=104668&article=2786896
Calm down!!
Hi All, It is hard to stay calm when you have been through what we all have. I had bright red blood in my stool this morning. Really scared me. I am right in the middle of chemo. Did anyone experience this during chemo. Some might say hemorroids but I dont think I have any, the original colonscopy showed none. Anyway, I am…
Colon Palooza 2008
Colon Palooza 6, 2008 is scheduled to take place in San Francisco, California, in October. Details to follow in the months ahead. Happy Monday, Stacy
Cancer Death Rates Dropping Fast
Good Article from National Cancer Institute http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20071015/4712e5c0_3421_1334520071015473808468