New treatment, old one not getting it!!!
Hi one and all!!! I read your posts almost everyday, but rarly participate because my thinking is, I'm only walking in the shoes I've been given, I can't possible walk in someone else's shoes. My shoes now are feeling a little big for me, so I want some insight from anyone who can tell me their experience with these drugs…
Still NED!!!!
Hi all, Just got back from my 2 year appointment and I am still NED!!!! Onc said CT and blood work looks great. He said I can get my port taken out whenever I am ready. I only have to see him every 6 months instead of 3. I was sitting in the waiting room before my appointment and was talking to a lady who had brought a…
I just wanted to post and tell everyone that my husband is NED. He was diagnosed stage 3b 11-30-07. Surgery 12-6 remove tumor and 15" of his colon. Started Chemo (folfox) 1-30-08...last chemo 7-31-08. Had ct scan last Friday and he is clean!! We will see his doctor on 10-11-08 and he wants to discuss taking out the port.…
Good news
Well after 2 weeks I got my results today and the CT scan is clean and the CEA is under 1.0 so all is well! That is great and I'm very happy. My mom died last week at age 80 due to lung cancer. She was a lifelong smoker but outlasted the odds for a long time. She didn't want any chemo or surgery just to be left alone and…
delayed skin rash after oxaliplatin
Sorry -- another oxaliplatin-related post from me! I broke out in an angry rash on my lower face/neck (which later spread a little to tummy, back, inner arms). This occurred more than 24 hrs afte my 2 hr oxaliplatin infusion. (I've had oxaliplatin many times before, but never this rash). My oncologist says it is rare to…
5 Years since surgery
This week it will have been 5 years since my cancer journey began and today it is five years since the surgery!! As Kay stated we all know, five years is a milestone in the world of cancer, but it has never been a destination for me either. What has happened to me over the past years has been a blessing that words cannot…
Friday Riddle Early
RIDDLE: I run too fast .....What Am I?
20 Yr anal cancer survivor
Just a quick note that I thought was upbeat... I went to a new gynocologist the other day ( mine had left his practice after 17 years , I wasn't too happy)..so I discussed my history with him and asked if he ever had a patient with Anal Cancer. He said he had a current patient who returns to the Cleveland Clinic each year…
*** NEW *** Anyone ever had a port in their arm???
Ok, so since my husband's visit to the surgeon yesterday and x-rays - the surgeon has decided that he should take the port out. He sees nothing wrong with the port from the xray. He thinks that the catheter in there is rubbing on his collar bone and that is causing the discomfort. He suggested putting it in his arm as he…
Got it!
Today I received my lovely healing bag. So beautiful and so meaningful! Kay, I adore it, and I thank you so much. And blue is my favorite color! I'll write you a proper thank you note after my grandson's Halloween needs are met. *grins* I'm up to my elbows in preparations for his class party. With love, Gail
First Colonoscopy for Hubby...Update
Our prayers were answered. Hubby's colonoscopy was okay. Nothing in the polyps. There was an abnormal growth in cecum but that was benign. I started crying I was so relieved. THANK YOU ALL for your Prayers. You all are so great in here. Always were and always will be. In two days will be 2 years that I was diagnosed with…
Colostomy reversal expereince
I am planning on having a colonostomy reversal in a few months and I am wondering if anyone has any expereince with this.
How important is diet in fighting this?
Hi I am Mike. Its great to have found this website. Its really nice to read about others going through the same as I am and what I have ahead. I know it will help me in that journey. I am Stage 4 colon cancer patient. I was orginally Staged 2A earlier this year when colon cancer was found in a routine colonoscopy. I had…
Birth Control
Can anyone tell me does chemo effect birth control???? Don't need that happening on top of everything else...lol lol lol
Good news, my situation motivated my son and nephew to set up screening
I've been relentless in pushing colon screening ever since I was dx 9/9. My son today let me know he has a schedule with his MD for a first concult enroute to getting a colon screening. And my nephew let me know by emaill that he' getting screened as a 50th birthday present to himself. FYI, I came home yesterday and am…
First Colonoscopy for Hubby
Hello all, I used to come in (here) all the time 1 1/2 years ago. I still do come in and read and sometimes comment. For the new people, I was Stage 3, ascending colon cancer, 12"removed,6 months of chemo and as of Dec. '07 I have been NED. Yea!! I finally talked my husband into having a colonoscopy (at the age of 60). He…
YEA !!!! I'm done (for now)
As KathiM always says "NAKED HAPPY DANCE" ! I just finished 5 1/2 weeks of chemo via a 24/7 infusion pump and 28 radiation zappers. I didn't have too many problems except this awful burning and needle feeling when going #2. Having the pump 24 hours a day was a pain at times but kind of got used to it pretty quickly.…
NED without surgery?
Does anybody know of stage 3 or 4 survivors that are NED without surgery? The reason I ask is that I am currently in my #10 chemo (folfox+avastin). My doc will give me one month break after I finish 12 rounds of chemo. Then the surgeon will remove the tumor in my rectum. I will start the maintenance chemo one month after…
Remembering Nanuk (Bud)
One year ago tomorrow we lost our dear friend Bud. I think of him so much and miss him all the time. Below is a wonderful video tribute that our own Lisa Rose put together. It captures Bud and all the things I love/loved about him and hope you all do too. In Remembrance Of Bud Martin…
I went for my mammogram today. My center has the latest technology...digital...so I got the results right then and there.... NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!!!!!!! NED!!!! The breast beast has been vanquished! Thanks for all the support, and I AM getting my 'neck to knee' CT scans done in November for the rectal cancer...(after we…
Problem going poop
Ok, this is a subject I haven't seen much discusion about. Today I have just started week six of 5FU (24/7 infusion pump) and radiation. For the past two weeks I have been having the usual problems I have seen here - diarhea, painful anus when going, etc. Doctor gave me some suppositories but I haven't felt much pain…
Port Pain
It has been 10 days since my husband had his port put in. He is still in an extreme amount of pain. He went to the surgeon today and he sent him for an x-ray, he said something to the effect that he thinks the needle part of the port is rubbing against a rib and/or his collar bone, if that is the case he will have to take…
Hodgkins 20 year Follow Up
Hi Semi-Colons, You know you are getting old when your first oncologist is retiring. He is a great guy and helped to get rid of my Hodgkins 20 years ago. So what does this have to do with colon cancer. Well there was some theory that I might have developed it due to the radiation I received twenty years ago. In speaking…
White Blood count down
Went in for my 4th post op treatment, 5fu,leuc,oxil, and my white blood cell count was down to 1.4 so a shot of Nulasta and will get another Tuesday and another Wednesday then start the chemo regimen again. I hope this doesn't prolong my treatments but if it does it does. They want to really boost my white blood count.…
Radiation/ Chemo Side effects
Dear All, I am posting for my brother in law who was diagnosed with colon cancer stage 3c. He had a surgery done to remove part of the colon and had ostomy bags installed. He started his radiation therapy, which was for 25 sittings. The last sitting of the radiation happend after the first FOLFOX4 treatment spanning 2…
Young bowel cancer survivors? 35 years old
Hi there, Not to exclude anyone older than me! I have just finsihed treatment , 6 months chemo after bowel resection. I have just turned 35! Yay, I am still here and it is a good feeling. Hard to go through this, hard also when there are not many young people for me to talk to. is there anyone else out there that feels the…
Apache4.....are you OK?
Has anyone heard anything about or from Apache4?
Recently diagnosed, surgery on Monday
I'm a new member of the club no one wants to be a member of, so, hello. In Sept., a routine colonoscopy turned out to be not so routine in that cancer was found in one of two polyps. I had no symptoms or pains. I'm a type II diabetic and some anemia was noted during one of my 6 month check ups. Thank God I found this…
I have recently started taking Xeloda and am experiencing muscle spasms in my left upper chest. Chemo doctor is unable to tell me whether or not this is related to Xeloda. Has anyone out there experienced this?
Last Treatment
I had my last treatment of chemo and I'm blessed. My last scan was clear. at first they found a spot and attempted a biopsy of the area, but just before the procedure I was informed that it was unsafe because the area had to much tissue and veins to perform a needle biopsy. The doctor asked my GYN Oncoligist to perform the…