stiffness from chemo
I have had 8 months of folfiri and I am now very stiff. My joints hurt! It happened after I had 4 months of folfox. Does anyone have the same issue? I've been going for a massage monthly and trying to get back into yoga. I walk 3.5 miles about 6 days a week so I know i'm in ok shape for what I've been through. But the…
Exciting News: Inositol
I think you all are used to me and my babble... of which I'm constantly saying that healing oneself takes a lot of work and energy. That includes the traditional treatments we are on (chemo, radiation, surgery, etc) and/or alternative medicines/treatments (juicing, naturalpath, holistic treatments, etc). There is sooooo…
just wondering does everyone know your stage? particularly stage IIIers?
I keep seeing posts where someone will say they are simply stage III and they say how many nodes positive etc.... I am just curious why not everyone says i am stage IIIa, stage IIIb, or stage IIIc.. for me anyway, it helps so much to answer questions, give advice, or figure out other things by what substage you are in...…
Had a Hi and a Low today
I lost my best friend to brain cancer yesterday morning at 6:15......Today, one of our church ladies that has been fighting cancer received her gift of NED yesterday. To say the least its been a merry go round here......The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.....My best friend is in the Lords lap and pain free now.....My…
To Wissurvivor
Hello: If you do not mind me asking, what treatment are you on right now. My dad is on xeolda, avastin, and oxiplatin and are you post surgery or just maintenance. I am just curious if your ascites subsidded while on treatment and at what state of disease. My dad has mets in liver and lungs and maybe something in his…
I am officially a Semi-Colon
Hi everyone, I had surgery on 12/30/08 to remove 12 inches of my rectum and colon. I was in the hospital for 11 days afterwards as my stomach did not "wake up" fast enough. I now have a temp ileostomy. Dr says all pathology reports came back clear. No evidence of spread. Yea! I am home now and things are going pretty good.…
Xeloda and Avastin as maintenance
Has anyone had Xeloda and Avastin as a maintenance for rectal cancer? I just started taking it but I dont know for how long. So far so good except the constant bathroom issues. 4 Immodium and 1/3 bottle of Keopectate doesn't seem to help much. Not sure what else to do to stop the leakage. Any suggestions? Jill
Oh my, I am really confused now....Could someone please explain to me the difference between a Colostomy and an Ileostomy? Thanks in advance, Marygale
Is anybody out there with initial stage III or IV and 5 years NED now?
I am quite curious if possible to be NED continuously 5 years with initial stage III or IV, specially if the dx was with elevated CEA before the surgery. Thanks and best wishes to everybody, Steven
How much treatment is enough?
The idea for this subject came to me after finding Polarprincess's: "How to know if you are getting enough chemo? All of your different regimens make me wonder". I am just opening a new item as I intend to question, beside chemo/radiation, also about some other important issues in our treatments. I think this is the…
Tootsie.....When do you speak to the crowd....
We want to hear how it comes out. I believe if Im right its the 15th that you speak to a crowd about this ? It may be the 12th...Keep us posted on how it goes, you'll do great...We're all cheering for ya........God Bless ya.........
The Stress of waiting
Hi everyone, My topic is the stress of waiting for CAT results. My husband Jerry(age 41 marathon runner) dx 12/4/08 Stage 3b 2 out of 11 nodes showed microscoptic involvement starting folfox plus erbitux trial next week. Anyway tuesday 1/6 he had a pre chemo (per Trial) Cat of chest and ab (the did a CAT previous to…
Self Advocacy and Hope
Hi all, The last couple of weeks have been a flurry! Lots of doctor appts over the holidays but a renewed spirit of hope. Here's what I've been up to: 8/07: Stage 3 cc, surgery/colostomy/Folfox/colostomy reversal/bad PET 8/08: stage 4 w/mets to the liver In September 2008 I met with a new Medical Oncologist at a major…
just diagnosed - rectal cancer......
Hello, All, I was diagnosed with rectal cancer on Dec. 11, 2008. The flurry of activity that's followed that dreadful day is quite overwhelming as you well know. However, my biggest issue at the moment is how to deal with family members. The option of who to tell and when to tell them was taken away from me the day I was…
ileostomy reversal
I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 07, stage 3, I had a resection and a temporary ileostomy. I underwent 5 and a half weeks of chemo and radiation, then 6 months of chemo. 10 months laters they reversed the ileostomy. I have frequent bathroom issues and pain. lomotil helps some. The radiation left me with vaginal…
We had an app't. with our cancer surgeon today and once again, we have good news.....""I think"". Dr. said since the last time he saw us, he had been thinking about Hop's case and going over it and came up with another option for Hop. January 21 is surgery day and while in surgery, Dr. said he's going to have the Path.…
pain that gets worse
I had my colectomy 6 weeks ago. I was really fortunate, stage 1, no chemo. I've been back to work now for almost 2 weeks, and hurting more than when I came back. Anyone else experience this?
How did you get a dx?
My question is how did many of you discover you had cancer? Was it a routine exam,a certian test or the actually colonoscopy? To date I have had a cat scan that only showed Fibriods,an enlarged spleen-Next test were a complete sono of all my organs and a barrium xray at witch time I noticed part of my colon was very…
For those of you with interest: My mom took the news of having thyroid cancer on top of colon cancer better than I thought. I think I planted enough seeds ahead of time to educated her about this new cancer to ward off any anxiety that may have consumed her. We were talking on the way to to doctor's office and she said…
my mum diagnosied with colen cancer
my mum has cancer i cant believe it she has had chemo and it has shrunk so that makes me feel a bit better bout this but doc says the cancer is very aggressive how long can it stay shrunk.
Linda Franklin
I am Linda's sister Betty and I am sorry to have to inform you all that Linda passed away on Dec. 21. She was in a hospice facility for 3 days before her death. Her family was with her at the end. She went peacefully. I know how much she appreciated this discussion board and the help and encouragement that you have given…
Honor -- How did you do?
I'm checking in to find out if Honor has felt up to posting after her Lung RFA treatment. Having mine canceled and rescheduled has certainly been a bummer and even today, I'm feeling a little on the down side. The good news, it isn't snowing! The roads and sidewalks are clear, although it is kind of chilly out there (about…
To HollyBerry - Taxol, Avastin and Carboplatin
Hello: I noticed that you are on this regiment (Taxol, Avastin and Carboplatin). Is this something new or a clinical trial? I only ask because my dad is running out of drugs and would like to know if I should ask the oncologist about this combo. Thanks!! Jennifer
Question about ports...
Happy New Year everyone! I just finished my 12 rounds of FOLFOX and am counting down the days until my reconnection surgery. I was just wondering how many of you that had ports put in prior to chemo had them removed right after you were finished. Part of my wants it out, but I also know that I'm at a higher risk than most…
I come to this message board occasionally and always find it inspiring. This question may have been posted before but please let me know if anyone knows. My last PET scan in late October showed four new lesions on my liver. I have started my third series of chemo. This time Irinotecan, Avastin and Xeloda. My doctors have…
A real pain in the butt
I'm new here and have a problem I can't resolve. For background, I'm 68 never broke a bone or spent a nite in a hospital, not a pill taker other than vitamins and thought I was in perfect health untill I started rectal bleeding. After 5 wks of chemo and radiation then 5 wks off the Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Fl. did the…
Problems with colonoscopy
Hey everyone, Been awile since I posted. Just a quick question about after the colonoscopy's. Had mine on the 29th-Due to severe pain upper left side of body-After coming home had trouble passing the gas-By 7 pm that night had excrutiating pain on right side of body for a good 2 hours till things started to move. Since Dx…
Any ideas?
Hey, guys. I posted a question on the stomach cancer board, but apparently they're not as active as we are. My sister developed a stomach bruise right after Christmas. Couldn't remember doing anything, but our family bruises easily. She went to the doctor about something else and casually mentioned the bruise. The doctor…
Well, I sit here with a blanket around me, looking out to a snow-covered field, with a canal in front of it that is frozen solid. I just looked....it's 5 below 0!!!!!! Tomorrow will be my 3rd (!) time skating...this time, right out in front of the house on the canal. It is so beautiful...the sky is clear, but the days are…
My dad has been on xeolda sinc the end of September. His only side effect is slight stomach pains late in the day since he takes 4 pills in the morning and 4 in the evening (500 mg each). He does not have the hand/foot syndrome. Is that okay? Does that mean it is not working? I am not sure. I know with erbitrux, he had the…